Curses - Alternative View

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Curses - Alternative View
Curses - Alternative View

Video: Curses - Alternative View

Video: Curses - Alternative View
Video: Curses - Another View (The Golden Filter ReVision) 2024, September

Even a person who is not a timid dozen, far from mystical and religious experiences, experiences mental discomfort and even fear when he hears a curse pronounced against him. Why are we so afraid of these terrible words, calling on our heads misery, illness and death? Is there a terrible force in curses, or is our fear due to deep-rooted superstitions in the subconscious?

Over the richest clan of America - Kennedy - literally from the first day of its emergence a terrible curse gravitates, causing the tragic deaths of representatives of this family. At the beginning of the 19th century, it was just a wealthy farming family. In 1846, Ireland fell victim to an unheard-of drought and, as a result, a severe famine. The Kennedy family had little to do with this: the farm's barns were filled with grain from previous years, which sold at unimaginably high prices. On the roads of Ireland crowds of hungry people roamed, begging for alms or some food.

One day a family of such unfortunate people approached the gates of the Kennedy estate - a husband, wife and child. Parents begged for some bread at least for the child, but the then head of the Kennedy family, equally mean and cruel, ordered the dogs to be let loose on the beggars. And then the mother of the starving child cursed Kennedy and his entire family.

The results of this curse began to show very soon. The very next year, a royal court stripped Kennedy of the right to the farm for tax fraud. His third son, Patrick, emigrated to America in search of happiness, but ten years later he died of cholera with his son John. Patrick's great-grandson, Air Force Lieutenant Joseph Kennedy, died on August 12, 1944, under circumstances that were already associated with the influence of some mystical forces. He was tasked with carrying out a top-secret operation, code-named Aphrodite, to destroy a German V-1 missile launch site near Calais, on the French Channel coast. The heavy bomber was filled with 10 tons of explosives, Kennedy had to bring this "flying bomb" to the desired point on the coast from the English side, and then jump out with a parachute. The plane,controlled by an autopilot and guided by a radio beam, it was supposed to fly over the strait and crash onto the launch pad. For reasons completely incomprehensible, the plane exploded before reaching the Channel, 21 minutes after launch, strewn with debris for miles around. There was nothing left of Kennedy.

Joseph's sister's husband, Kathleen, was killed while landing in Normandy, and Kathleen herself was killed in a plane crash shortly after the war. In 1963, Joseph's younger brother, President Kennedy, was shot dead in Dallas. The same thing happened five years later with Senator Robert Kennedy, and a year later his brother Teddy nearly drowned when his car, in which he was with his mistress (drowned), fell off the bridge into the river. Whether the curse ended there, or whether it will affect the living members of the clan, the future will show.


Sometimes it seems that curses and the rituals associated with them have remained in the distant past, and in our time, you will find mention of them only in some articles about the terrible "revenge" of Tutan Hamon or medieval witches. However, this impression is erroneous, and any of us could be convinced of this a couple of years ago when in the news reports he heard that Ariel Sharon, the Prime Minister of Israel, had been subjected to a fatal curse …

Sharon was cursed by followers of the Orthodox currents in Judaism, who opposed the disengagement from the Palestinians and the evacuation of about 9 thousand Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip and territories on the west bank of the Jordan River. They considered Sharon a traitor to national interests, and therefore turned to the angels of death to punish the prime minister.

Twenty people took part in the ceremony of the ancient Kabbalistic curse "Pulsa Denura" (translated from Aramaic - "blow with fire"). All of them gathered at the Rosh Pina cemetery; this group included only married men with a beard, over 40 years old. Sharon was cursed at the grave of Shlomo Ben-Yosef, who was executed by the British in 1938 for attacking an Arab bus.

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Soon after this ritual, Sharon's health deteriorated sharply and he was forced to leave politics and his post. Doctors are still fighting for his life. Was this a consequence of the curse? Of course, everything can be explained by the old age of the famous politician, but such a coincidence in time is still alarming …

It is curious that such curses are already becoming a kind of "tradition" in Israel. In a similar way, they cursed Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who signed a peace agreement with Arafat.

Whether the curse affected it or not, but soon Rabbi was shot dead by the ultra-right extremist Ital Amir …


The fact that healthy skepticism does not always save one from the curse is evidenced by the story that happened to Robert Heinle Jr., a retired colonel of the American Marine Corps, and his wife. During Heinle's service with the US Naval Mission in Haiti (1958 -1963), his wife collected a great deal of factual material about voodoo magic. Already in the USA the couple decided to write a book so that this material would not be wasted. It was called "Written in Blood", in which the spouses talked about the history of Haiti, voodoo magic and the ruling dynasty of Francois Duvalier. The book being prepared for publication contained very hard-hitting reviews about Duvalier, whom the authors called "Papa Doc".

In 1971, from a Haitian émigré newspaper, the couple accidentally learned that after the death of the dictator, his widow Simona had cursed the book and its authors. Heinle and his wife were rather skeptical about this news and did not take it seriously. However, subsequent events forced them to change their minds.

At first, the manuscript of their book was lost in the editorial office; it was found only four months later in an empty room, into which it was not supposed to get into. When the manuscript disappeared, the authors made a copy of it, but as soon as it got into the bindery, all the equipment immediately went out of order. There were also problems with the "promotion" of the book. As soon as the Washington Post reporter made an appointment with the authors of the book to interview them, he immediately got on the operating table with an acute attack of appendicitis.

But these were all small things compared to much larger and life-threatening troubles. During his speech, the colonel suddenly fell through the stage and severely injured his leg. Then, while walking, he was unexpectedly attacked and bitten by a dog. After a series of accidents, two of which occurred on the 22nd (his "Papa Doc" was considered magical), the denouement came: On May 5, 1979, during a holiday on the island of St. Bartholomew, east of Haiti, Heinle died suddenly of a heart attack. As his widow later suggested, inadvertently they were too close to Haiti, this increased the effect of magical powers.


Scientists and parapsychologists have long been trying to somehow explain the effect of curses on people. Most scientists believe that no curse can harm a person if he is not afraid and does not believe that misfortune or death awaits him. There are quite a few very suspicious people in the world who can die of fear if doctors mistakenly diagnose them with a fatal diagnosis. According to scientists, it is precisely such people who are subject to the harmful effects of curses, and they themselves are to blame for this. They are likened to a dying, underdeveloped savage who believed in the death curse of a sorcerer or shaman.

This explanation is considered by parapsychologists too simple and incomplete. Yes, they agree, in some cases people are ruined by ordinary fear, they expect misfortunes, and since our thoughts form the reality around us, then all sorts of troubles happen to them. However, people who are skeptical, with humor, treat mysticism and generally do not believe in anything, also suffer from curses. How can such cases be explained?

Parapsychologists are sure that at the moment of the curse a strong energetic effect is produced on the victim. The one who curses someone is in a very agitated state, he not only acts with words, but also energetically breaks through the person's field. "Wounds" in the biofield are reflected on the internal organs, and the victim of the curse begins to hurt and even dies.

There is also a "recording theory". If you believe her, a thought is capable of being imprinted on an object or person, and even transmitted from generation to generation. When a thought is evil, then the consequences are bad. "Theory of recording" can explain not only generic curses, but also miracles with various cursed stones, treasures and other objects, when interacting with which people begin to experience all sorts of troubles.

Recently, scientific research has been carried out that confirms that evil words spoken emotionally, with a large energy surge, can negatively affect a person even at the genetic level. Perhaps this can explain that the curse is, as it were, transmitted from the victim to subsequent generations.

Perhaps, on a subconscious level, they were frightened of the curse and caused a chain of negative events, and with each incident they were afraid more and more, accordingly, the "magnitude" of the troubles that happened to them grew. If such an explanation does not fit, then it remains only to assume that the effect of curses can be even more complex and occurs without direct contact with the victim.


It is believed that the power of curses mainly depends on the emotional state and social status of the curse. The curses uttered by a person who is near death have the greatest power, he puts the remnants of his vitality into them, all the negative emotions accumulated by the end of life are poured onto the victim. The curse pronounced by authoritative people - priests, shamans, religious leaders, members of royal families, is also considered very strong.

The most terrible is the parental curse, it can lead not only to illness, alcoholism, disorder in personal life, but also to the birth of defective offspring. If children curse their parents, then the race is doomed to complete extinction. Parapsychologists believe that such "intrafamily" curses work much faster and more destructively due to the fact that the family has a common energy background and a person is most defenseless against the influence of those closest to him, he simply does not have time to put energy protection. Therefore, peace must reign within the family, you must restrain your negative emotions, not throw them out on your loved ones and especially watch your words. It is worth noting that ordinary swearing also has a destructive effect.

The risk of getting the so-called “everyday curse” is especially great, for this sometimes it is enough to accidentally step on someone's foot in the transport or catch the seller in the body kit. It all depends on your energy, if it is weaker than that of the "attacker", you can get everyday damage, which in some cases can manifest itself as a curse. Fortunately, such an impact is rarely fraught with particularly sad consequences, otherwise we would have died out like mammoths long ago …

It is believed that true believers who fully observe the ritual side of their religion and are pure in soul are fully protected from curses. And the most vulnerable are those who lead an immoral lifestyle, are prone to aggression, dictatorship, as well as those who for some reason have severely weakened vital energy.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the curse usually returns to its "author" like a boomerang, so live in peace and do not rush with words that can break not only someone else's life, but also yours.