"There Will Be Snow In June" - Alternative View

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"There Will Be Snow In June" - Alternative View
"There Will Be Snow In June" - Alternative View

Video: "There Will Be Snow In June" - Alternative View

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A person wants to know his future and be ready for it. The possibilities of scientific prediction are extremely limited, and this forces a person to look for an alternative path. Therefore, let's try to turn to the prophecies - maybe they can explain what is happening to nature on our planet?


Something incomprehensible is happening in the world. The number of cases of temperature anomalies, the number and power of hurricanes is growing on the planet. In some places there are heavy rains ending in floods, in others drought. Severe winters with snowfalls and blizzards began to move from the territory of Russia towards Europe and the USA. The warm ocean current of the Gulf Stream will weaken. For some reason, the Earth's magnetic poles began to move. The magnetic north pole has left the Canadian island of Ellesmere and is heading towards Siberia. And faster and faster.

There is no convincing explanation for what is happening. Some scientists argue that global warming is taking place, others that the Little Ice Age awaits us, and others that the anomalies are of a weather nature and have nothing to do with climate. For some, the man-made activity of mankind (greenhouse gas emissions) is to blame for everything, others blame everything on the cyclical activity of the sun, and still others - on the destabilization of the Earth's magnetic field. There is no consensus.


Many of the prophecies made by the foretellers of past eras have come true, and there is undeniable evidence of this. In addition to the prophecies that have come true, many false ones are also known. Today, there are more than three dozen predictions about future climate changes. They do not talk about warming or cooling, but about disruptions in the connection of the seasons and a shift in climatic zones. Another six dozen prophecies are devoted to geological processes indirectly related to climate. They argue that the most significant future events will be the result of geological reasons. The engine of history during this period will move from the fields of politics and economics to the field of geology.

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To separate truth from misinformation, we will select from the entire array of prophecies only those predicted facts that meet the criteria:

a) coincidence in time. Diverse events occur almost simultaneously, due to a powerful geological reason - the first criterion of truth;

b) when the same event is spoken of in several prophecies at once, then such information is trustworthy. Repetition is a sign of truth;

c) compatibility. If the predicted facts are correct, then they should not contradict, but complement each other.

Having thus selected the "useful extract", we will build a mosaic picture of our climatic future, where four key points are clearly visible.


Prophecies say that the time, starting from 2017, will be rich in events - there will be a sharp change in the climate on the planet, a widespread return of countries to monarchy will begin, plus a war.

And the connection of the seasons will be broken

Prediction of the future from the Palm Libraries - repositories of various kinds of knowledge written on palm leaves in Sanskrit or Old Tamil language, emanating from the great sages (rishis): “But the time from 2017 will only seem calm. The threat of new dangers is emerging. Not from the war, but from the rapidly changing world climate …"

Anthony Knight: "… there will be more abnormal weather … There will be no seasons, as usual, because then there will be warm days during the winter months and cold days during the warm periods of your year."

Ragno Nero: "You will see snow during the harvest, you will see roses during the snow."

Alois Irlmeier: “… the climate will change. January will be so warm that mosquitoes will dance … Then there will be no more normal winters, such as we know now."

Grigory Rasputin: "And at these times even the seasons will change, and the rose will bloom in December, and in June there will be snow."

Revival of the monarchy

Basil the Blessed: "Russia will live a whole century without a tsar …", that is, formally, the monarchy in Russia should be revived somewhere in 2017, but first it will happen in France. Both events are somehow connected with the war.

Vasily Nemchin: "… The restoration of the monarchy among the Franks and its restoration in Russia is connected with the war."

Prediction from the Palm Libraries: "Starting in 2018, new monarchies and dictatorships will emerge, communities built on a strict hierarchy, in which the traditions of a particular nation will reign."

Malakhat Nazarova: “The current chaos will last until September 2017. And then it will become known whether or not there will be a Third World War …"


There are many prophecies about the future pole shift.

Ruth Montgomery: “We are already seeing signs of this looming disaster on the horizon: more earthquakes, increased volcanic activity, dramatic climate change. As a result of several reasons, the center of gravity of the Earth is changing, and it is going to "roll over" … The poles will shift, and in a few minutes the planet will change beyond recognition …"

Nina Zelinskaya claims that the equatorial zone will shift by 20 degrees as a result of a natural cataclysm - a shift of the planet's poles. And in the next five years “… the Earth's climate will change. America, Europe, China will suffer greatly from this. These countries will go through a series of unprecedented droughts that will lead to a crisis in their economies …"

Gene Dixon: "Natural disasters at the beginning of the 21st century and all the global disasters caused by them will least of all affect Russia, and they will even less affect Russian Siberia."

E. Casey argued that in case of terrible natural disasters, the territory of Russia will suffer less than other countries. The huge continental slab on which our country is located will remain almost untouched. The region from the Urals to Baikal will become a modern analogue of Noah's Ark.

We do not find a sufficiently reliable date for the pole shift in the prophecies, but there is a list of events that will occur the day before that will allow us to navigate in time.


The eruptions of the Vesuvius and Pele volcanoes

E. A. Meyer: "It will be at a time when Vesuvius becomes active, will erupt and cause enormous damage."

E. Casey: "Immediately before this catastrophe, the volcanoes Vesuvius and Pele should resume their activity on the island of Martinique in the Caribbean."

Super powerful earthquakes in the USA

David Wilkerson: “In the not very distant future, the United States will experience the strongest earthquake in history … All television broadcasts will be interrupted; earthquakes … In fact, the whole earth will wobble, and there will be many earthquakes all over the world. Scientists will not be able to explain this phenomenon …"

Dannion Brinkley: “The end of America as a world power will come with two monstrous earthquakes … The costs of rebuilding destroyed cities should be the last straw for a state whose finances are depleted to such an extent that it can no longer support itself. The screen showed hungry Americans queuing up for food.”

Threat from space

Astronomers will find in the sky a space object with unusual characteristics, moving towards the Earth and posing a threat to the planet.

Berthe Dude: “It will be a New Star, which is inevitably approaching the Earth in an unusual course. People will become aware of all the new features of the star when they observe its movement … which is heading towards the Earth, in a strange way … your eyes do not see the star, because it is accompanied by an impenetrable fog that surrounds it …

A terrible natural disaster awaits you … a general restructuring of the Earth's surface, which will lead to countless casualties …"

The seer Raymond Aguilera, in his predictions, repeatedly mentions the appearance of an unusual cross-shaped star in the firmament, which will bring innumerable calamities to all mankind.


After the pole shift and the restructuring of the planet's surface, things will start to bounce back and a new climate reality emerges.

The predictions of the Pole Andrzej, who, in a state of meditation, dictated his visions to a tape recorder: "… the cataclysm lasts a week … The world is gradually calming down … The climate around the globe is becoming much more favorable …"

Ruth Montgomery: “As the Earth's poles shift, there will be a dramatic climate change … after a period of foaming seas and terrifying hurricane winds, the disorderly rampage will cease. Those who used to live in the tropics will find themselves in the north, and vice versa - residents of cold countries will find themselves in the south …"

Nina Zelinskaya: “But when the Earth's climate changes, unlike the States and Europe, our country will find itself in a climate zone favorable for agriculture. We will start to amaze the world with unprecedented harvests, and agriculture will be the industry that will lead Russia out of the protracted crisis: after all, bread will cost more than gold."

Michael Gordon Scallion: "… Siberia will become the granary of Europe, and geographers will have to prepare new textbooks, since there will be practically no unchanged corner on Earth."

How correct are the results obtained? We will find out in three years.

