Distorted, Uncontrolled Manifestation Of Poltergeist - Alternative View

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Distorted, Uncontrolled Manifestation Of Poltergeist - Alternative View
Distorted, Uncontrolled Manifestation Of Poltergeist - Alternative View

Video: Distorted, Uncontrolled Manifestation Of Poltergeist - Alternative View

Video: Distorted, Uncontrolled Manifestation Of Poltergeist - Alternative View
Video: Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth 2024, September

Poltergeist - Unknown Force

Teleportation is the movement of an object from one place to another without any obvious manifestation of the actions of physical forces.

Space transport is necessarily a constant aspect of some unknown X-force. I have on file a description of an incident that happened to a man who was picking branches in the yard after a violent storm. Among the branches plucked from nearby trees were found branches of trees that did not grow in this place, or for hundreds of miles around.

I can't resist not mentioning one of my favorite cases here. 1958, February 7 - with a clear sky, an artillery shell, marked 1942, fell with a crash on the street of Italian Naples. Here it is only possible to theorize, what limb (limb is the threshold of hell; confinement, prison) of Time and Space kept the projectile from falling for many years?

More often than not, these new laws affect our reality objectively (without connection with the personality of the observer), just as gravity constantly and strictly physically breaks a falling egg without any humiliation of the loser cook. Gravity has no emotions or thoughts when it moves a living or nonliving object down, no matter if it is a baseball, crystal, or high jumper with a pole. In the same way, this unknown physical force moves living or inanimate objects from one point of our reality to another.

But, I believe that sometimes this X-force can accidentally undergo direct suggestion on a conscious or unconscious level. It is difficult to connect the human mind with falling blocks of ice or chunks of meat falling from the sky. However, speaking of telekinesis or psychokinesis, we can assume that the human mind was responsible for the transfer of the object, that the power of thought directly affects matter. And what about the phenomenon of poltergeist, which, probably, can be caused by the human factor, there are cases when different inanimate objects materialize, moving from one point of space to another.

Harry Price, a journalist and psychologist from England, has devoted most of his life to researching the poltergeist phenomenon. His book, Poltergeist Over England, is classic in covering various aspects of the phenomenon.

For those who study poltergeist and those who are investigating our plastic reality, here are some excerpts from dozens of letters from Harry Price, offered to the attention of researchers, regarding this kind of psychokinetic manifestations:

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From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: - Several acquaintances of girls of European descent called us one evening and reported extraordinary events in their house - knives and spoons could not lie on the table; potatoes and onions began to jump out of boxes; the wooden-soled shoes cut into the people. We all went to look that evening and made sure there was no joke here. I personally saw and can confirm under oath the following: 1) a round stone about an inch in diameter fell from a completely clean ceiling; 2) a piece of glazed tiles fell from a tiled roof; 3) the knife flew near my face; 4) Several potatoes and onions jumped out of the box and rolled across the floor.

In this case, the medium was a Malay girl, because she was always present at these manifestations. She was recently betrothed, and until her arrival nothing unusual was noted. Both the policeman who investigated this case and I were convinced that this was not the work of human hands. I read a lot about such phenomena, so it was quite curious to get to know the poltergeist personally and make sure that its source is an unknown force, the nature of which is currently unknown."

From a letter from an English major, who in April 1940 was staying on a small farm 5 miles near the French Doye:

“One evening at the end of April, as an officer in the field, I was checking posts on the Franco-Belgian border. Soon after midnight I returned to the farm. It was a clear moonlit night, there was no wind. I undressed, opened the window and shutters (there were shaving accessories on the windowsill), turned off the lamp and lay down on the bed.

A few minutes later, I suddenly heard a sound that was like tapping fingers on the outer wall of a house. But no sound of footsteps was heard, although the road was paved with cobblestones. The sounds were coming closer. I lay watching the window, not knowing what would follow. Then the sounds stopped and a dark figure of a very small but broad-shouldered human being appeared in the window, the silhouette of which was clearly visible against the background of the moonlight. I wanted to capture this creature. But when he jumped out of bed, the silhouette disappeared, and the window and shutters slammed shut, dropping the razor to the floor. I ran to the window, flung it open with force and punched down the window sill with my fist, but only hit the wall. A few seconds later I was already in the yard with the dogs, which cowardly clung to my feet. They were as scared as I was. I was the only eyewitness to what happened, and I would like to know the following:

1) For what reason did I not hear the steps of this man on the pavement?

2) What force could close the shutters?

3) What could scare the dogs?

I was sure I saw a human figure, but I can't figure out who it was."

The same major tells of another case, when a glass suddenly appeared out of nowhere and exploded on the table where the major and other officers were studying the map.

None of them were offended, although everyone was very surprised by this. Then the investigation established the following:

1) Shards of glass scattered not only on the floor, but also under the table;

2) there was one large splinter from the bottom of the glass, which did not look like the ones we used. How could the fragments end up under the table?

3) Where did the glass come from?

A letter from a woman from Stellbridge, Dorset, England, who has been haunted by mysterious phenomena since she woke up at the age of seven and saw a small child nearby.

“1940, early February - I was awakened by a terrible knock on my bedroom door. After I asked: "Who is there?", The knocking stopped, and then resumed with such force that I was scared if the door would fly off its hinges. I opened the door, expecting to see an angry bully. But everything around was calm, and not a soul was visible. I am not nervous, but this phenomenon brought me to illness. I slept downstairs for a while, but then I returned to my bedroom. Once last year, all 5 panes of the window burst at the same time for some unknown reason.

Another time I took the ring off my finger in the kitchen and it fell off. I heard the ring roll outside the door. But when I went to pick it up, I couldn't find it. Many weeks later, rummaging through my dresser, I found a lost ring in the far corner of a drawer. The chest of drawers was locked when the ring was lost. In addition, even if it had been open at the time, the ring would have to jump over the ledge at the bottom of the box and go around the large can that reached the top shelf. Even now, I remember well how the ring rolled on the floor out the door."

A letter from Zorchester, from a woman who lived in an aunt's family, where a poltergeist was rampant.

“At the age of thirteen, I witnessed unusual knocks on the window of our house; for some reason these knocking and falling stones began to be associated with me. The young daughter of the owners of the house, apparently, was pleased with this, since the phenomena took place in the room where she was present and usually when she was alone. Loud knocks were heard by everyone in the house, although the person might not have been in the very room where this was happening.

For many years this did not happen to me later, but in 1913 I began to live in a large house near Stateon (Mayfield, Sussex). There we were bothered all the time by sounds that looked like deep breathing under the door, doors slammed, dogs barked (although there were no dogs in the house), the sound of falling furniture was heard from above, although there was nothing in the attic.

A letter from a radio employee in Bern, Switzerland: “… After the death of one unusual man who had no heirs, the city was left with his house, which they began to rent out. But no one could stay in this house for more than one night, because the doors suddenly opened here, cold gusts of air blew, sounds were heard, etc. For a long time the house remained empty. Finally, someone dared to stay overnight in the house to drive out the evil spirit. In the morning on the street, passers-by saw that a man was scared of something and was crying. The police found that the man had been beaten to blood by someone, and his hair had turned white. He could not even answer questions and was placed in Bern's mental hospital.

However, even after that, the horses whinnied at night with fear and threw themselves on the walls. Therefore, the house was finally closed 30 years ago, and no one goes there.

The police ambushed the house but found nothing. The house was closed for a long time, and then the authorities decided to use the lower floor as a stable."

There were many letters from men and women from all walks of life, including a long message from McKinley Cantor about a poltergeist case at his home in Webster City, Iowa.

There is a temptation to call a poltergeist some kind of power and endow it with intelligence. Traditionally, a poltergeist was considered a rather nasty spirit without a body. No wonder in German it means “noisy spirit”. But it seems to me that a poltergeist most often appears when the usual abilities of self-expression of a person are exhausted and extreme forces are mobilized.

The powerful energy of the period of puberty that occurs at the initial stage of life and the bursts of activity of the spouses can often be mistaken for an impulse impulse for a kind of psychokinetic unloading responsible for the activity of the poltergeist. Many researchers in the field of parapsychology believe that girls are more likely than boys to be at the center of the poltergeist phenomenon and the onset of puberty is associated with the beginning or end of the phenomenon. Despite the fact that all these letters to Harry Price were written around 1947, they are practically not outdated, because the phenomenon has continued to exist in the same form for centuries.

“It is extremely difficult, of course, to experiment on such things as human material,” writes Price, “but the conclusion suggests itself: an extremely large amount of energy is employed during orgasm for both men and women, and this, I think, finds expression in the work of mediums. Simply put, boys do not generate this energy with such force, because a boy finds ways to extinguish his sexual energy more easily, so to speak, "self-regulating", and his sexual energy is depleted; but a normal girl does not have any kind of intercourse or orgasms in any form, does not know how to satisfy herself, and her sexual energy in a latent state turns out to be sufficient for the movement of rather heavy objects - which is impossible for an ordinary person to do.

The futile effort to express oneself more fully, coupled with chemical changes during the sexual transition, manifests itself literally in the form of an explosion of uncontrollable psychokinetic activity.

Maybe it looks amazing that the mind was able to explode and release unusual forces and use their limitless power. The poltergeist appears to offer visual proof of the mind's infinite creativity, but the tragedy is that this phenomenon is a distorted, uncontrolled manifestation of this ability.

Steiger Brad