Ark Of The Covenant - Nuclear Reactor - Alternative View

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Ark Of The Covenant - Nuclear Reactor - Alternative View
Ark Of The Covenant - Nuclear Reactor - Alternative View

Video: Ark Of The Covenant - Nuclear Reactor - Alternative View

Video: Ark Of The Covenant - Nuclear Reactor - Alternative View
Video: The Ark of the Covenant's True Purpose: Advanced Ancient Technology 2024, October

The wanderings of the ancient Jews in the lifeless desert lasted forty years, and all these years, full of hardships and hardships, people persistently carried with them a large heavy box - the Ark of the Covenant. Obviously, he was of great value to them. What was stored in it?

We know from the Bible that during the meeting of Moses with God on Mount Sinai, the Lord ordered the prophet to make a box of strictly defined dimensions. When the box was made and brought to the top of Sinai, God filled it with something. Moreover, apparently, something very important for people, since they did not part with it, despite the considerable weight, which was also increased by the sheet gold that covered the Ark from all sides.

The Bible does not say anything about the contents of the Ark, and therefore theologians have no consensus on this matter. Some consider the Ark to be a portable throne of God, others - a repository of some important relics. The Bible says: the Jews carried it because God commanded it. And that's it. However, the purpose of such a command is incomprehensible - in long exhausting wanderings, unnecessary burdens were useless.

An ingenious hypothesis was proposed in their book "The Manna Making Machine" by British scientists - biologist George Sesson and engineer Rodney Dale.

They turned to other (besides the Bible) ancient sources. Thus, the recently deciphered Ethiopian code "Kebra Negest" ("Glory of the Masters"), written around 850 BC, also speaks of God's order to make the Ark from imperishable wood and cover it with gold. There is also a description of the contents of the Ark: “… Divinity in it of wonderful color and work, like jasper, silver shine, topaz, noble stone, crystal and light, which delight the eyes and seduce, and the feelings mix. Made according to the Word of God and not by the hand of man: He Himself created it to accommodate His singularity. It also contained a golden Homer, full of manna that fell from the sky …”.

The Zohar, the holy book of the Jews, which was passed from mouth to mouth for hundreds of years as secret commentaries on the Talmud, also describes the Ark. These are several dozen pages of vague expressions, remarkably similar to the descriptions in Kebra Negest.

If we isolate the most basic, then we can conclude that in the Ark there was something called the "Old Man of the Age". But it was not a man or even his mummy. The "elder" consisted of "a large transparent head with several skulls" and the incredible size of the male genitals. Everything else, including the torso, arms and legs, was missing. Inside the head, a certain source of light of different colors and a brain were seen, in which "heavenly dew" was condensed. The "Elder" also had a very extraordinary beard: her hair was very thick, it grew on her face from different places and … grew into her face.

Sesson and Dale believe that the description of the contents of the Ark in the "Kebra Negest" and "Zohar" attempts to tell about the most sophisticated equipment that produced for the Jews wandering in the desert a food product known as manna from heaven. This equipment, which, according to calculations, weighed about 300 kilograms, was carried across the desert in a padded gold box.

Food out of thin air

Scientists claim that the "Age of Old Man" is nothing more than an autonomous energy (most likely a nuclear) installation designed to grow food substance based on chlorella or a similar algae. The principle of operation of the installation is simple: the upper part is a distiller with a cooling surface through which air passes. Water is extracted from the air by condensation and enters a vessel with a biological culture (such as the aforementioned chlorella). An intense light source is directed at it. Here is a generator of food, which only remains to be processed, making it fit for consumption.

The machine produced an omer (three liters) of manna daily for each family. By our modern technological standards, the productivity of the car was quite high: about one and a half cubic meters of manna for 600 families. Of course, the menu was not varied, but people were not threatened with hunger.

Once a week - on Saturdays - the machine was serviced (sacred seventh day!). On this day, manna was not synthesized, but the day before it was given a double portion, for which special additional accumulators were provided in the design, which the authors of the Zohar called "eggs". An interesting conjecture was expressed by the Egyptian ufologist Unuk El-haya. “From the mentioned part of the structure,” he thinks, “it is possible that the now known in some religions rite of circumcision began. It is possible that one day the "manna pipe" for some reason clogged at the exit and the production of manna stopped. And since the only direct contact with God in the entire Jewish tribe was Moses, he had to contact Him through fervent prayer and consult on such a vital issue. Having received instructions from the Almighty,Moses cut off the end of the outlet pipe. And after that everything worked!"

Sinful temptation

The machine was unsafe to handle, so only specially trained people were allowed to work with it - first of all, Moses himself and his brother Aaron. Numerous bedspreads, gold gaskets and covers - all this, scientists believe, served to protect against radiation.

Nevertheless, nuclear accidents did occur. Once killed 70 young people who succumbed to the sinful temptation and looked into the box. The installation killed the sons of Aaron - Padava and Abiud. “And fire went out from the Lord, and burned them up, and they died before the Lord,” the Bible says. Aaron himself also received a lethal dose of radioactive radiation, who died for no apparent reason, despite protective clothing. Obviously, Moses was aware of this danger, so the tent with the Ark of the Covenant was never placed in the center of the camp, as it should, given its sacredness, but always outside the circle of tents.

During the war for the promised land, the Ark fell to the Philistines. But they did not know how to handle a car. All the people who approached the mysterious box were sick and died. At first they felt nauseous, then their hair fell out, and finally, covered with ulcers, they died in agony. Doesn't it look too much like radiation sickness?

In the end, the Philistines decided to get rid of the deadly trophy and returned it to the Jews.

Space hypothesis

An indirect confirmation that the machine with a portable nuclear installation was handed over to Moses by aliens is the biblical description of his meeting with God on Mount Sinai. God appeared with noise, thunder and lightning, which suggests his descent from heaven in a spaceship. The cosmic hypothesis quite logically explains the whole episode with the forty-year wandering of the Jews in the desert. Some extraterrestrial civilization set out to study the effect on the human body of a synthetic product capable of influencing at the genetic level. (As you can see, aliens not only in our time, but also three thousand years ago, loved to experiment on us!) For the purity of the experiment, people had to use only this product and nothing else, and throughout the life of an entire generation. A closed group of Jews living in Egypt was the best suited for the role of "guinea pigs". They were promised power over the world and persuaded to flee from Egypt, and then the contactee Moses, on the instructions of the aliens, led this community for forty years through a small desert, which can be easily crossed in three days.

Lost forever

Scientists conclude that now, after millennia, it is becoming clear that the experiment with changing the gene pool of an entire people was a complete success. The Jewish nation received genes that not only endowed it with an increased ability to engage in sciences, arts, economics and other types of activities where it is necessary to apply intelligence, but most importantly - a special vitality that did not allow this small people to get lost and dissolve among other peoples as a result of falling into his share of adversity and persecution. The need for the Ark was no longer and it was taken, according to the Bible, to a remote village. Only decades later did King David remember him. He was building a new capital, which was to become the religious center of the state, and therefore, a place for storing relics. However, during the solemn transportation of the shrine to Jerusalem, a sad incident occurred:the oxen were scared and jerked.

The sacred box would have fallen to the ground if it had not been supported by a warrior walking nearby. Touching the box killed him on the spot. It turns out that the machine, which had been inactive for many years, was still in working order.

The last time the Bible mentions the Ark is in connection with the prophet Jeremiah. The Prophet, who was warned by the angels about the attack of the Babylonians, “… ordered to carry the tent and the Ark. Having climbed the mountain where Moses received the Tablets with the Ten Commandments, Jeremiah found a cave there. He placed a tent, an Ark and an altar in it, and threw stones at the entrance. Some … then returned to mark the way, but could no longer find it”(Second Book of Maccabees, 2, 4, 7).

So the Ark disappeared forever, and without it, it seems impossible to prove or disprove the hypothesis of Sesson and Dale.