Gloria - A Hypothetical Twin Of The Earth - Alternative View

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Gloria - A Hypothetical Twin Of The Earth - Alternative View
Gloria - A Hypothetical Twin Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Gloria - A Hypothetical Twin Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Gloria - A Hypothetical Twin Of The Earth - Alternative View
Video: (Subtitling) Lecture by Prof. Martin Rees from the University of Cambridge 2024, July

Our beautiful blue planet may well have a cosmic twin, such a hypothesis was proposed by the famous Russian astrophysicist, Professor Kirill Pavlovich Butusov back in the 90s. According to a number of ufologists, it is on this planet, hidden from us behind the Sun, that UFOs that regularly visit the Earth can be based.


The ancient Egyptians believed that each person has their own energetic, astral, double. It is believed that it is precisely from the time of Ancient Egypt, where the concept of twins was so widespread, that the hypothesis of the existence of a second Earth originates.

Some tombs of Ancient Egypt have some rather mysterious images. In their central part is the Sun, on one side of which is the Earth, and on the other - its twin. Some semblance of a man is depicted next to it, and both planets are connected through the Sun by straight lines.


It is believed that such images indicate that the ancient Egyptians knew about the existence of an intelligent civilization on the Earth's twin.

Perhaps she even had a direct impact on life in Ancient Egypt, passing on knowledge to the local elite.

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However, it is possible that the images simply represent the transition of the pharaoh from the world of the living to the world of the dead, located on the other side of the Sun.

The Pythagoreans also suggested the existence of a twin of the Earth, for example, Giket of Syracuse even called this hypothetical planet Antichthon.

The ancient scientist Philolaus from the city of Croton in his work "On the Natural" outlined the doctrine of the structure of the surrounding universe.

It is noteworthy that in such ancient times, this scientist argued that our planet is just one of the many planets that exist in the surrounding space.

Philolaus of Croton also talked about the structure of the cosmos, in the center of which he placed the Fiery Source, which he called Hestnia. In addition to this central source of light and heat, according to the scientist, there was also the fire of the outer limit - the Sun. Moreover, it played the role of a kind of mirror, only reflecting the light of Hestna.

Between these two fires, Philolaus placed about a dozen planets, which moved in orbits that were predetermined by him. So, among these planets, the scientist placed the Earth's double - Anti-Earth.


Of course, skeptics will be skeptical about the ideas of the ancients, because it was once argued that our Earth is flat and rests on three whales. Yes, not all the ideas of the first scientists on the planet turned out to be correct, but in many respects they were still right. As for the Earth's twin, which has already been called Gloria in our time, astronomical data obtained in the 17th century also speak in favor of its real existence.


Then the director of the Paris Observatory, Giovanni Cassini, observed an unknown celestial body near Venus. It was sickle-shaped, like Venus at that moment, so the astronomer naturally assumed that he was observing the satellite of this planet. However, further observations of this space region did not allow the discovery of a satellite near Venus, it remains to assume that Cassini had a chance to see Gloria.

One might assume that the scientist was wrong, but decades after Cassini's observations, the English astronomer James Short also saw a mysterious celestial object in the same area. Twenty years after Short, the alleged satellite of Venus was observed by the German astronomer Johann Mayer, and five years after him - by Rotkier.

Then this strange celestial body disappeared and no longer caught the eye of astronomers. It is difficult to assume that these famous and conscientious scientists were wrong. Maybe they saw Gloria, which, due to the peculiarities of the trajectory of its movement, is only available for observation from Earth once in a millennium for a limited period of time?

Why, despite the presence of magnificent telescopes and space probes that have visited distant planets, the reality of Gloria has not yet been proven? The fact is that it is located behind the Sun in a zone invisible from Earth. It is worth noting that our star covers a very impressive area of outer space from us, the diameter of which exceeds 600 Earth diameters. As for space vehicles, they are always aimed at specific objects, the task of looking for Gloria has not yet been set for them.


In the 90s, the famous Russian astrophysicist, Professor Kirill Pavlovich Butusov, seriously started talking about the real existence of the Earth's twin. The basis for the hypothesis proposed by him was not only the observations of the astronomers already listed above, but also some features of the motion of the planets in the solar system.


For example, certain oddities have long been noted by scientists in the movement of Venus, contrary to calculations, it is either ahead of its "schedule", then it lags behind it. When Venus begins to rush into its orbit, Mars begins to lag behind, and vice versa.

Such hesitation and acceleration of these two planets can be easily explained by the presence of another body on Earth's orbit - Gloria. The scientist is sure that the Earth's double is hiding the Sun from us.

Another argument in favor of the existence of Gloria can be found in the satellite system of Saturn, which may well be called a kind of visual model of the solar system. In it, every large satellite of Saturn can be correlated with any planet in the solar system. Here in this system of Saturn there are two satellites - Janus and Epithemius, which are practically in the same orbit, and the corresponding earthly one. They may well be imagined as analogous to Earth and Gloria.

“There is a point in Earth's orbit right behind the Sun called the libration point,” says Kirill Butusov. “This is the only place Gloria can be. Since the planet rotates at the same speed as the Earth, it almost always hides behind the Sun. Moreover, it is impossible to see it even from the moon. To fix it, you need to fly 15 times further."

By the way, the probability of accumulation of matter at libration points in the earth's orbit does not in the least contradict the laws of celestial mechanics. One such point is located behind the Sun, and the planet, presumably located in it, is in a rather unstable position. It is so closely interconnected with the Earth, located at the same point that any cataclysms on our planet can have a very negative impact on Gloria. That is why the hypothetical inhabitants of this planet, according to some ufologists, closely monitor everything that happens on Earth.


According to some ideas, it consists of dust and asteroids captured by a gravitational trap. If this is the case, then the planet has a low density, and most likely, it is very heterogeneous, both in density and in composition. It is believed that there may even be holes in it, like in a head of cheese. It is expected that the Anti-Earth could be hotter than our planet. The atmosphere is either absent or very thin.


Life is known to require the presence of water. Is she on Gloria? Most scientists don't expect to find oceans on it. Perhaps even a complete absence of water, in this case there is no life.

With a minimal amount of it, primitive life forms are quite likely - unicellular, fungi and mold. If there is relatively much water, then the development of the simplest plants is already possible.

However, according to other ideas, Gloria is very similar to our Earth and is inhabited by intelligent beings.

It is not surprising if the inhabitants of this planet are ahead of us in their development and have been closely watching us for a long time. Do not delude yourself that they are especially interested in our culture and customs, but they react to nuclear tests very quickly.

It is known that UFOs were present in the areas of almost all nuclear explosions on our planet. The disasters at the nuclear power plants in Chernobyl and Fukushima were also not left unattended.

What could cause such keen interest in nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons? The fact is that the Earth and Gloria are in libration points, and their position is unstable. Nuclear explosions are quite capable of "knocking" the Earth out of its libration point and directing our planet towards Gloria.

Further, both a direct collision and the passage of planets in dangerous proximity to each other are possible. In the latter case, tidal disturbances will be so great that giant waves will literally devastate both planets. So our civilization, with its constant wars, probably makes the inhabitants of Gloria pretty nervous.

Interest in this hypothetical planet is growing every year. It is known that Kirill Butusov's assumptions are in the habit of being brilliantly confirmed; it is possible that this will happen with his hypothesis about Gloria. Perhaps, in the near future, some of the space probes will still receive the task to "look" into the area where the Earth's twin may be hiding, and then we will find out what is actually there.

Vitaly Golubev