How To Properly Use The Energy Of Each Day Of The Week? - Alternative View

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How To Properly Use The Energy Of Each Day Of The Week? - Alternative View
How To Properly Use The Energy Of Each Day Of The Week? - Alternative View

Video: How To Properly Use The Energy Of Each Day Of The Week? - Alternative View

Video: How To Properly Use The Energy Of Each Day Of The Week? - Alternative View
Video: Fasting: A Path To Mental And Physical Transcendence | Phil Sanderson | TEDxBeaconStreet 2024, September

The days of the week carry a special energy that you need to know, understand and use to the maximum. The energy of each particular day depends on the planets (astrology owns this information), your own circumstances in life and personal energy, however, any day has its own power, which works like an undercurrent for 24 hours.

Days of the week

In ancient times, the days of the week were named according to the planets. Every day was special and involved the performance of certain actions.

This is interesting when you look back at this meaning of the days of the week, since this information is still relevant today. It is no coincidence that Saturday and Sunday are rest days, while other days are considered part of the work week.

Below is the energetic component of all days of the week and information on how you can use this power to walk boldly through life.


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This is the time of the moon, a day to immerse ourselves in our true vocation, premonitions and feelings. Monday actually sets our mood and well-being for the rest of the week, because the Moon asks us to understand our emotions and what we want to achieve in the coming days.


This day is considered difficult, and many are afraid of it or consider it the worst of the week. This is due to the fact that on Monday our emotions can get jumbled and it makes us feel lethargic, lazy, tired. If you're not a Monday lover, you may be gnawing at some strong emotional component that you struggle to cope with.

Monday can also tune in to a positive wave, pleasant motivation and positive energy. If we constantly feel confident and emotionally healthy, then Moon Day will help us tune in to work and be in a positive mood throughout the week. To meet Monday with dignity, try to sleep the night before and drink as much water as possible.


This is the day of Mars, all energy and any of your actions will be under the influence of this planet. This is a great day to reach your goal. If on Monday there is an establishment of the emotional background, then Tuesday is the time for action.


This is the perfect day for decisive action, steps, making the right decisions, especially when it comes to your career. Energy is bound to promote progress in all areas of activity and is great for getting an idea of your passions.

To better use the energy of Tuesday, figure out what you want and then go out and do it. The energy of Mars gives us the drive and motivation to follow our goals, dreams and desires.


Wednesday is ruled by the planet Mercury. It is she who is responsible for all our connections and communication. This is a great day to understand what you want and where you are going. The perfect time to schedule meetings, online conferences and any important events. It's also a great day to share your experiences and feelings with your loved one.


Mercury rules the mind, intuition, so brainstorming and ideas usually thrive on Wednesday. Use this day to implement all your ideas and come up with creative projects. This is also the perfect time to get a clear picture of any difficult life decisions. This is the third day of the week, and it is the energy of the environment that gives us an idea of whether we are paying due attention to our needs and what kind of energy we are radiating into the universe.

To properly use the energy of the environment, do not miss the chance and take the opportunity to think about whether the energy that you radiate into the Universe matches what you want for yourself.


This day is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of positiveness and action, and that is what makes it the perfect time to explore new things and expand your consciousness. As we finish our work week, the energy of Thursday gives us the chance to be productive and take care of the issues that may have been hanging in the air in the past few days.


Thursday is also the most positive day of the week, as it has an inherent lightness that helps us succeed and be more open to new experiences. Thursday also reminds us to thank the Universe as often as possible for all of the past days and all that we have learned and achieved.

Jupiter's energy also helps us develop spiritually and mentally. This is the perfect time to start a new spiritual practice or a new hobby. This is also a good time to complete financial matters or manage your money.

To use the energy on Thursday 100%, try to be grateful and positive from the moment you wake up, as this will help you be in a good mood throughout the day.


This is the day of Venus, the planet of love and creativity, an ideal day for relaxation and communication. The romantic energy of Venus gives us the so-called social mood and makes us think about those we love. This makes Friday the perfect day for dating and intimate affairs.


The energy of Venus also allows us to be creative and bring new inspiration to any relationship that is just starting to develop. Friday is also a good time to complete all the things you have started. It's a great day to pamper yourself, do some shopping, or get your hair done.

So that the energy of Friday does not pass you by, plan time with your loved ones and work on any creative projects that are in the pipeline. Try not to plan anything too stressful as this is a day of relaxation and fun.


This is the day of Saturn, the day of making responsible decisions and self-organization. Most of us have accumulated housework planned for Saturday, questions of our personal life, and this may be due to the fact that Saturn helps us resolve all our pressing problems.


Saturday is the perfect day to organize yourself for the week ahead. The energy of the day gives us the opportunity to adjust all matters and move forward. Energy is also perfect for getting started cleaning your home and just being active when it comes to things that have to do with your personal life.

To make effective use of Saturday, try to resolve some of the big projects you need as quickly as possible, and take time for yourself to emotionally, mentally and physically tune in for the next week.


This is the day of the Sun, all the best, rest, relaxation. Sunday is an excellent day to forget about all the hardships, troubles, problems. The energy of the day really involves introspection, spiritual growth, and gives us time for full spiritual recovery. Sunday is also the perfect time to focus on matters related to your health and well-being. Social encounters are also likely to be more relevant than ever, with no limit to emotions.


So that all the power of Sunday is reflected in you in the best possible way, devote all the time you can to good rest. Try not to appoint anything too important for this day, as this is an extra waste of time and energy. Each day carries its own unique vibration, and when you can tune in to this energy, you will begin to notice how easy your days are.

It is in your power to make each week full and interesting.

Victoria Ivashura