The Magic Building Of St. Petersburg - Alternative View

The Magic Building Of St. Petersburg - Alternative View
The Magic Building Of St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Building Of St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Building Of St. Petersburg - Alternative View
Video: In Our Time: S11/29 The Building of St Petersburg (April 23 2009) 2024, September

Petersburg, of course, was built by hand. Not naked and in bast shoes, for sure, with some kind of technique, but definitely not with the power of thought of the Atlanteans.

On the other hand, historians say that in 1703, Peter the Great ran to the swamps with his entourage, horses and servants, stuck a stick into the Neva delta, and in a decade it sprouted into the whole city. In principle, the idea is good, but it has not gone far from the Atlantean thinkers.


To drain the swamps of the North-West, laying out the bodies of serfs in an even layer, is an idea, although not humane, but healthy. What else, if there are no trees, no stones, trouble with ore.

It is another matter that historians understand the replenishment of human resources in the country (and in the world in general) in a peculiar way. At the level, not even rabbits, but fruit flies. We will bury a million here, then we will send a million to the war, and a dozen more will be around the clock, without food and tools, with a digging stick, to build a stone city.

Why without food and tools? - will ask a reasonable person who, in his own opinion, believes in the truth of the official history. And he himself will answer: “The ancestors were not stupider than us. And they were able to build and deliver what needs to be done and done as ordered!"

If so, then, apparently, they broke it and buried it, because in the 19th century, for some reason, everything was very sad. And with food delivery to St. Petersburg, and with roads and supplies.


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There is a book, you can see it with your own eyes. The name Lake District, as it were, immediately hints that it is very wet there. Well, about the swamps, we were basically told. They didn't hide it.

So, we are the Autocrat of the Russian almost empire, Peter Alekseevich the Great. Having smoked a lot of years in Holland above the roof, we returned to our homeland and decided to build a similar wet civilization.

At the same time, it is true, we forget that in the Netherlands, it is wet not from a good life, but from the fact that they live below sea level and in order not to end up at its bottom, they restrain the ocean with a system of dams, dams, barricades and prayers. Without the latter, nothing at all, because everything is on snot and on parole.

Honestly, the ocean will not crush heavily with a mass.

What do we see in the area of the future Peter?

Let me remind you that extracts from a book of the early 20th century. To get Peter's realities, I don't even know how much to divide. 100 will obviously not be enough
Let me remind you that extracts from a book of the early 20th century. To get Peter's realities, I don't even know how much to divide. 100 will obviously not be enough

Let me remind you that extracts from a book of the early 20th century. To get Peter's realities, I don't even know how much to divide. 100 will obviously not be enough.

The main life of local villages took place only in the area of water resources. Rivers, lakes, canals. No, the canals are artificial structures, so there were no canals. They appeared much later.

How they swam there, and most importantly where the people who lived in antiquity, no one knows, because the first evidence of shipping in the Lake District comes from the Swedes in … attention !!!.. 1674!

Somehow this does not fit with the ancient Nyenshans and the Swedish meeting in the trenches around the Neva.

It turns out that Peter was not late even for the first act. Stopped in with a call.

I will not tire of repeating. The pictures show the realities of the 1890s
I will not tire of repeating. The pictures show the realities of the 1890s

I will not tire of repeating. The pictures show the realities of the 1890s.

Well, okay, so there is water and minimal shipping. Minimal, because oceras and rivers are not seas. And a little further it will be seen that the minimum here means less than you think.

Now the most important thing! There were no land roads from St. Petersburg to Moscow, AT ALL!

And the river Bali is hardly passable due to the THRESHOLDS, which were encountered at every step.

What does this mean? That trade and supply could only be carried out by small vessels that could be understood and carried across the threshold. Not inflatable boats, of course, but there could be no talk of an industrial or mass scale.

Attempts to get by land (or mixed) route from St. Petersburg to Moscow took … 5 weeks.

Well, if a living person, an ambassador, for example, could not have died out during this time, then the question of transporting food was probably like this: no way or no way, and under no circumstances!


Above and below there are several pictures with views, the very rapids that impeded normal navigation in the Lake District.


In the area of one very important water drop for the movement of goods, such as underflow-overflow, there was a "light" of Count Suvorov. She stood on the territory of his multimillion-dollar estate next to the water. Whether the "father of a native" Russian soldier himself went out in the morning to help in crossing the threshold or it was his peasants who did it - it makes no difference. The main thing is that the graph's budget has always been full and self-sufficient.


Here in such a picture Peter stuck his cane on the Hare Island with a shout "St. Petersburg, your mother!"

What part of his retinue immediately lost consciousness, it is definitely not counted. But we can assume that the one with the brains collapsed.

Of course, when they came to their senses and realized that the king was not joking, they urgently began to look for a way out of the situation, and eventually found. The choice was small, or rather one - to build artificial canals towards the large continental water. In Italy all roads lead to Rome, in Russia all rivers flow into the Volga. They began to dig there.

Strictly speaking, it was a whole network of canals and arteries, which were built incessantly by all Russian tsars and each opened a new path from / to Petersburg, but the first was completed in 1731. Even Peter did not live.

And now I want to ask how the millions of workers who, according to the official history, built St. Petersburg, were brought to the city and what were they fed with?

I understand that judging by the number of people who laid down their heads during construction, which is determined by historians, there was no need to feed them. They worked for a month on fat reserves accumulated over the previous years of their life on the mainland and died with a smile at the workplace. Without forgetting, of course, before this, compactly lay your bones in the foundations of the roads in order to compact the unsteady swampy soil.

To paraphrase Bulgakov's Preobrazhensky - Good! If you're a historian, don't feed! But how there, in the absence of transport routes, they brought so much building material, mainly stone, to rebuild all this.

So, it seems, a little, it seems. When from afar
So, it seems, a little, it seems. When from afar

So, it seems, a little, it seems. When from afar.

But let's take a closer look. This map corresponds approximately, this is the territory.

The light portion is the approximate outline shown on the map
The light portion is the approximate outline shown on the map

The light portion is the approximate outline shown on the map.

Well, or so, who is more fun in the past.


It is important that this is not a three-meter heel and not even the Peter and Paul Fortress. This is already a full-fledged city, more than many at that time.

Historians mumble something about wooden houses, but for some reason neither the rear 12 colleges, nor the Menshikov Palace, nor the Kunstkamera, as in general, the Peter and Paul Fortress itself, were never wooden, but were originally built with stone.

Why should one assume that the rest of the buildings were made of paper or rags, like the three piglets? More precisely, two. Two historians and one Peter.

Forget about all sorts of digging, surfacing, diving, we stick to the traditional history.

How in a city that has no roads and no normal waterway, except through the rapids, you can keep an army of builders and bring building materials in industrial quantities?

And let's not forget that in parallel with the construction of St. Petersburg itself, Kronstadt was being built with its huge docks and port, a bunch of nearby satellite cities and even, known to everyone, Peterhof.

No, are you serious? There was no food to smuggle, as with the rest then?


Some nuances of water routes from and to St. Petersburg. It became a full-fledged port only when Putilov dug a canal along the bottom of the bay to Kronstadt just before the beginning of the 20th century.

A few more illustrations of the surrounding nature, where, as it turned out, swamps are not the worst obstacle
A few more illustrations of the surrounding nature, where, as it turned out, swamps are not the worst obstacle

A few more illustrations of the surrounding nature, where, as it turned out, swamps are not the worst obstacle.

Here you can see how the supposedly * ancient * Pskovs and Novgorods actually looked. The size, of course, is not impressive
Here you can see how the supposedly * ancient * Pskovs and Novgorods actually looked. The size, of course, is not impressive

Here you can see how the supposedly * ancient * Pskovs and Novgorods actually looked. The size, of course, is not impressive.

And all the pictures are from the late 19th century. What was there under Peter, 200 years ago? From the publication of the almanac. Below is a typical model church. Wherever you can meet her
And all the pictures are from the late 19th century. What was there under Peter, 200 years ago? From the publication of the almanac. Below is a typical model church. Wherever you can meet her

And all the pictures are from the late 19th century. What was there under Peter, 200 years ago? From the publication of the almanac. Below is a typical model church. Wherever you can meet her.

In places of risky farming there are no large settlements on an agricultural basis. So, if Peter wanted to collect his million or two workers for a construction site, he would have to conquer Sweden, and they would have been clearly skeptical about this proposal
In places of risky farming there are no large settlements on an agricultural basis. So, if Peter wanted to collect his million or two workers for a construction site, he would have to conquer Sweden, and they would have been clearly skeptical about this proposal

In places of risky farming there are no large settlements on an agricultural basis. So, if Peter wanted to collect his million or two workers for a construction site, he would have to conquer Sweden, and they would have been clearly skeptical about this proposal.


Now you have seen with your own eyes what is written in the state publication of the late 19th century. This is not a tabloid magazine with girls and funny facts copied from the nearest fence.

Russia. A complete geographical description of our fatherland is a reference and travel book for Russian people. Under the editorship of V. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky and under the general leadership of P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky (vice-chairman of the Imperial Geographical Society) and professor V. I. Lamansky (chairman of the department of ethnography of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society).

Both Tianshan and Emperor and Geographical Society. Everyone looked, but the entrances (swims, approaches, approaches, undermines) to St. Petersburg were not found until 1731.

Where did Petya get the people, materials, tools and everything else to grow himself so quickly: St. Petersburg. Kronstadt, Peterhof and a bunch of little things?

I'm not even talking about floods, frosts, swamps, swamps, mud and gullies. Tell us at least how the royal court with the ladies-in-waiting and their dresses got there when Peter drove them north with pissing rags?