Meeting In The Woods - Alternative View

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Meeting In The Woods - Alternative View
Meeting In The Woods - Alternative View

Video: Meeting In The Woods - Alternative View

Video: Meeting In The Woods - Alternative View
Video: HOME 2024, July

On November 7, 1980, two Karelian foresters - Ari Sarvi and Mauro Erkko - set off to bypass their lands. Work was familiar to them, the day did not bode well for any surprises. But this time something incredible happened. The KGB was involved in the investigation of the incident, while the state security officers decided to seek help from ufologists

The well-known Soviet ufologist V. Azhazha and astronomer L. Gandalis, who arrived at the scene, in North Karelia, four weeks later, took part in the investigation of the mysterious case. Even before the trip, they had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the report submitted by the doctor of the city of Kesten-gi Olle Kossola to the local branch of the KGB. Dr. Cossola wrote that under his supervision there is a 36-year-old forester Ari Sarvi, who suffers from hallucinations, nightmares and some other psychophysical disorders. Nothing like this has ever been observed in a patient.

According to Ari, it all started after a meeting in the forest with an unknown creature. During this meeting, next to Ari was his friend, forester Mauro Erkko, 38 years old. Then Dr. Cossola quoted the stories of both foresters, so fantastic that it was difficult to believe in them. However, the doctor said that he personally knew these people for many years and was sure that they were not lying. By the way, the second forester, Mauro Erkko, after meeting in the tundra, also began to suffer from psychophysical disorders, although to a lesser extent than his friend.

By the time the Moscow scientists arrived, the foresters had not yet fully recovered from the nervous shock, but they could already testify and even escort specialists to the scene. Of course, in four weeks the snowstorms covered the traces of the incident itself, but from a survey of eyewitnesses and from some indirect data V. Azhazhe and L. Gandalis managed to restore the general picture of the November meeting.

UFO from the laken

The interrogation of foresters was carried out separately, after which their testimony was compared. The following emerged. On November 7 Sarvi and Erkko, as usual, set traps for the wolves. It was about 4 pm, but in those parts, as you know, it gets dark early. The first stars appeared in the darkening sky. And suddenly the friends saw a brightly glowing object, which, as it seemed to them, flew out of the nearby Lake Top. The object was spherical and flew at an altitude of approximately 60 meters. Once over the people, he suddenly stopped, and then began to slowly descend. The object was a pulsating red cloud with a ball inside. The UFO dropped to a height of 4-5 meters and hovered above the ground. Now he could get a better look. There was indeed a sphere inside the red cloud, possibly metallic, with a diameter of about seven meters. Three hemispheres with a diameter of about a meter each protruded under its bottom. A metal tube suddenly protruded from one of the hemispheres and began to lengthen, like the leg of a photographic tripod, until it reached the ground. And after another minute, eyewitnesses saw that some luminous object, the size of a street lamp, had separated from the bottom of the main object. "Lantern" also began to descend, illuminating the snow and space around it.


At that moment, Ari Sarvi felt that someone touched him and then pushed him in the lower back. He turned around and saw that behind him was a very small man, about a meter tall. The man was incredibly thin, with very narrow shoulders, thin arms and legs. He wore a helmet on his head, a frail body wrapped in a dark green overalls, and a black pipe hung around the man's neck - short and thick. The mysterious creature did not make any sounds and, as Sarvi put it, generally looked “like a corpse”.

It seemed to Sarvi that this creature did not have a face, that is, instead of a face, it had a smooth surface. Erkko was one and a half meters away from his friend and viewed the humanoid from a slightly different angle. He considered that the face of the creature was completely white, but the contours of the nostrils were still visible.

In the next instant, the creature pointed a pipe hanging around his neck at Sarvi, and she shot out a blinding white beam. Ari Sar-vi did not feel pain, but the beam was so bright that both foresters were blind for several minutes. Deciding that they had lost their sight forever, the men got scared. But after a few minutes, my vision was restored. By this time, neither the humanoid nor the "flying lantern" was already there, but the object itself, enveloped in a red cloud, was still in place. He disappeared only after a few minutes. Eyewitnesses were so shocked by what had happened that they did not grasp the details of the disappearance of the main object, but four local residents, who were subsequently interviewed by the capital's ufologists, independently stated that at about 16.00 they saw a brightly shining object in the sky, sweeping like a projectile at an incredible speed … This is apparentlyand there was the moment of the disappearance of the UFO.

Return to KestengaPromotional video:

Only after the object flew away did Sarvi feel that the entire right side of his body was paralyzed. He tried to take a step, but fell into the snow and could not get up. Erkko took off his skis, laid branches on them, put his friend on this bed, and ran to the town for help. After some time, he returned from Kestenga with a horse harnessed to a sleigh and took his friend home. On the way, Sarvi fell into unconsciousness, raved and repeated the same phrase: "Don't shoot me … Don't shoot me …". At home, Sarvi's wife and Erkko put the victim to bed. He was unconscious and continued to delirium.

After a while, he woke up, but still felt very bad. The wife ran after Dr. Olle Cossola. The doctor found the patient depressed. He gave the forester sedatives and did the necessary tests. The victim's urine was almost black. Sarvi slept the next day, after which he felt better. Erkko, although to a lesser extent, was also depressed, the doctor provided medical assistance to him. After that, the same report to the KGB appeared.

Credibility assessment

Of course, V. Azhazha and L. Gandalis had to check if this story was a hoax. It was not difficult for them to find out that both foresters were illiterate people. They never read books, did not watch any fantastic films, and even went outside their native Kestenga only once or twice in their lives, and even then to the neighboring district town. Wanting to check their awareness, ufologists began to ask questions: what do they think about life on other planets; is it possible, in their opinion, the arrival to us of living beings from other worlds and the like. However, it was clear from the reaction of the foresters that they did not even understand what they were being asked about. Then Azhazha asked them a question: what do they think of the creature they met. Both friends were bewilderedly silent, and then Erkko said: "Probably it was the devil!".

In a word, these people clearly could not invent such a story. What can we say about the painful manifestations that they did not have before and that Dr. Cossola witnessed after their meeting with the mysterious creature. At the same time, in their midst, both foresters were reputed to be respectable and respected people, no bad deeds were ever observed for them. Therefore, the case was recognized as reliable. Well, to the question - who was the creature that Ari Sarvi and Mauro Erkko met in the forest - as always happens in such cases, there is no answer to this day.