When The Trees Were Big - Alternative View

When The Trees Were Big - Alternative View
When The Trees Were Big - Alternative View

Video: When The Trees Were Big - Alternative View

Video: When The Trees Were Big - Alternative View
Video: MGMT - Kids (Official HD Video) 2024, July

Recently, a very interesting message about an unusual find appeared on the Web. Archaeologists have discovered the fossilized remains of the oldest tree in the world, at least 374 million years old.

We all know that the age of trees can be determined by the annual rings. But this tree has no such rings. That is, these trees did not grow at all like modern oaks and elms. The remains of a tree were found in China, in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.


In height, these trees of the cladoxylopsid species reached 12 meters, outwardly they looked like a huge mushroom with a thin stem - they had long, almost bare trunks, and branches sticking out in different directions at the top. Their trunk was hollow and consisted of vertical tubes (xylem), fastened with xylem ties.

Soft tissue filled the space between the tubes and the ties. New cells grew around the tubes, expanding the stem. Expanding in width, the tree grew upward. In the process of growth, old pipes and ties broke, and new ones grew in their place. Throughout its life, the tree has broken and built itself.


"In the history of the Earth, nowhere and never has such a growth pattern been observed as in these trees," says paleontologist Xu Hong-He from Nanjing. It is strange that scientists did not pay attention to the similarity of these "trees" with herbaceous plants. Indeed, judging by the description, ancient dandelions were found in China.

Xylem is a type of conductive tissue that allows water and nutrients to move from the roots to the stem of the flower. By the way, any agronomist will tell you that dandelions love to grow in moist soils.

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Nowadays dandelions are found in places that are not the most favorable for vegetation - on the seaside sands, in gorges, on isolated islands of the Pacific Ocean, in desert steppes. This means that the climate in that territory in ancient times was completely different - rather humid.


Of course, it is difficult to imagine a dandelion as high as a five-story building, and even more difficult to imagine what trees should be with such a growth of grass. Now let's turn to what is forbidden - that which science does not allow to be recognized.

This sequoia is the largest modern tree on earth. Take a close look at the structure to understand what will be discussed
This sequoia is the largest modern tree on earth. Take a close look at the structure to understand what will be discussed

This sequoia is the largest modern tree on earth. Take a close look at the structure to understand what will be discussed.

This sequoia is the largest modern tree on earth. Take a close look at the structure to understand what will be discussed.


And this is the table mountain "Devil's Tower". Doesn't it look like a sawn tree?


Scientists claim (and it's useless to argue) that the mountain in the photo is of volcanic origin. But take a closer look: where are the lava flows?


And this is the "Road of Giants", the same columns of the correct geometric shape.


And to make it completely clear, look at this ordinary stump.


The same longitudinal fibers, as in the mesas, are not in vain compared to hemp.


A pertinent question arises: where are the trunks? So here they are:


All of this is reminiscent of plant fossils. Who cut these trees down? You can fantasize about the existence in ancient times of giants, similar to people. Or maybe creatures from other planets were engaged in logging.

Now imagine dinosaurs - these creepy lizards scurrying in thickets of dandelions and having a protective coloration from enemies. Gigantic life forms are inherent in prehistoric history. And not only on land. Here is a sample of a clam.


And one more:


Most likely, there was no mass extinction on the planet. Over millions of years, the Earth's orbit, the tilt of the rotation axis, and the length of the day have changed. Nature created species of plants and animals more resistant to these changes - exact copies, but on a much smaller scale.

And then, somehow, a man appeared on Earth - a creature absolutely not adapted to life on the planet: a weak skeleton, weak muscles, skin sensitive to solar radiation and not protected from cold and heat.

Where did the person come from?.. And this is a topic for the next articles.