In New Zealand, A Mysterious "phantom Sniper" Killed A Man - Alternative View

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In New Zealand, A Mysterious "phantom Sniper" Killed A Man - Alternative View
In New Zealand, A Mysterious "phantom Sniper" Killed A Man - Alternative View

The first victim of a mysterious phenomenon called "phantom sniper" appears. Nobody saw who it was - a "phantom sniper". Or what it is. Nobody found what he shoots with.

At the "crime scene" they found only neatly punched "targets" - glass, metal sheets, human bodies. Even if the wounds were not through, the doctors never removed anything material from there. Before the "phantom sniper" inflicted only light wounds. But now a murder can be attributed to him. Tragedy played out in New Zealand.

Leaves no traces

On the morning of October 24, 2013, 22-year-old New Zealand farmer Rutger Telford Hale was driving his Subaru Legacy on a highway near Wanaka. Nearby sat his friend, 26-year-old Miss Oyler.

Suddenly, something hit the windshield, breaking it. Rutger began to roll to one side. Blood gushed from a hole in his head. Oylir grabbed the wheel and stopped the car, miraculously not falling into a ditch. Only then did she notice that the rear window of the car was also broken. The object, in the path of which the driver's head was, seems to have flown right through.

The wound was fatal. When the ambulance arrived, Rutger had already passed away.

The results of the examination amazed the investigators. The object that pierced the car was not a bullet. Nor was it the ice that fell from the plane. Or a meteorite. It was not hot and did not leave any particles in the wound or on the shards of glass. The complete absence of microparticles is unheard of for forensic scientists, but common for a "phantom sniper."

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Naturally, the police were looking for a mysterious weapon of crime. We cleared a site of 450x30 meters from vegetation. They examined him for three days. Not found. And without embarrassment, they named the object that pierced Rutger's head, UFO. New Zealand newspapers wrote about this for a week in a row.

Rutger's car, pierced by an unknown flying object - a UFO, as the New Zealand police called it. A part of the windshield with a hole was cut out and sent for examination


Location: Rutger's car on the side of the road


From single "shots" to quick "fire"

Until now, the most severely affected by the mysterious "shooter" was considered the Swedish military Sven Andersson. On September 12, 1974, something struck him in the thigh just outside the gates of the airbase he served. Doctors noted: the depth of the wound is 5 centimeters, the entrance hole looks like a bullet. There is no outlet. There is no bullet either.

Even if, by an incredible coincidence, the bullet fell out, its microparticles would remain - but they were not found either.

Halmstad detective Karl-Erik Kalebe, who led the "assassination case", continued to keep it open 3 years later. And he admitted that he did not understand what they shot at Sven Andersson. Karl-Erik even tested the version about the dissolving ice bullet. But she turned out to be just a legend. It was not possible to shoot an ice bullet.

In Washington state, in the spring of 1954, more than 1,500 windshields were broken in cars in one week. In Seattle, in just one night, holes appeared in several hundred glasses. The police estimate that hooliganism of this magnitude would require at least 200 malefactors acting in concert.

Local newspaper correspondent Rob Cubbage claimed that he himself saw holes in the glass, one after another. Right in front of the two policemen, a hole appeared in the glass of the truck. And when they approached the patrol car to report the incident on the radio, and its glass was broken. Several people were not very badly injured.

The mayor of Seattle turned to scientists for help, but heard in response that it was "5 percent hooliganism and 95 percent mass hysteria."

A sight from the past

To explain the "phantom sniper", a number of hypotheses have been put forward. One of them attributed holes in objects to ultra-high-energy charged particles that appeared in the atmosphere after nuclear tests. This version did not take into account that the "phantom sniper" was operating in the 19th century, long before the atomic bomb.

The very first case described in old newspapers is dated October 2, 1875. A certain gentleman, walking in the suburbs, received a through wound in his hand. What shocked the companions, who did not hear or see anything suspicious. Although the victim himself assured that he heard some kind of whistle.

In addition, it happened that the "phantom sniper" pierced the metal of the car - a feat that was beyond the strength of a particle.

The accusation could not but fall on the UFO. Such versions, which appeared in the 50s of the last century, are still popular today. But they do not add clarity. Since they do not explain the result of what impact mechanical damage occurs. Rays? But then the glasses must be melted. And there is no such thing. And what kind of rays are these that the body pierces to a certain depth?

Traces from the shots of the "phantom sniper" began to be found a long time ago


Esotericists believe that the "phantom sniper" is a kind of poltergeist - "noisy spirit". Indeed, with his riots, the glass of apartments sometimes suffers. And holes appear in them that resemble bullet holes. But is it worth explaining one unknown to others - no less unknown?

Swedish researchers of anomalous phenomena attributed Andersson's injury to a "time shift." Like, there is a training ground near the base. On the day he was wounded, they did not shoot there. But sometime in the past or in the future, a bullet that went "into milk" flew to the gate and, moving in time until September 12, struck Sven. Then it disappeared along with the powder soot and all the microparticles, returning in due time.

Strange holes in windows - even from the inside - are also found in Russia


The most exotic version says that we are in contact with one or many parallel worlds. The speed of movement in one world is much higher than in ours. The insects living in it, temporarily getting to us, usually avoid walls and solid objects, but do not notice the glass. At their speeds, the consequences of the impact are devastating - this is how sticks dispersed by a hurricane pierce trees and road signs. When the worlds diverge, all matter from their world falls back, and in our reality there are only pure holes.

In the window of Aleksey Ivashkov, a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bryansk, a hole appeared on March 8, 2013. You can't finish shooting from a slingshot to his apartment - it's high.



They shoot in Russia too. But more on glass. At the end of the last century, the Leningrad researcher of anomalous phenomena Murad Mamedov tried to penetrate into the secret of the "phantom sniper". Here's what he said:

"… By the will of fate, it so happened that during the famous Petrozavodsk phenomenon (the visit of a huge luminous UFO in 1977) I ended up in Karelia. Our train was approaching Petrozavodsk. At four o'clock in the morning, just when the fiery" jellyfish "hovered over the city, I woke up. A hole was gaping in the bright crimson sky! The next morning in Petrozavodsk there was only talk about the night "miracle" …

I was once a member of the Bureau of the Commission on Anomalous Phenomena at the Geographical Society. Studying the Petrozavodsk phenomenon, we found out that broken glass was found in the city, located in a certain order or sequence unknown to us. Then I saw for the first time a house where the glass was literally pierced diagonally, and the holes were huge, not small, like bullet holes. Then we had no idea what it was and why it had arisen. When we began to seriously engage in this, it turned out that, in Leningrad, a huge number of such inexplicable holes also appeared.

At first it was decided to put all the holes that would be found in Leningrad on the city plan. As a hydrographer, I, of course, understood that all the plans at that time were deliberately distorted so that some spies or enemies would not use them! Even then, the Americans could observe from their satellites almost the number of stars on the shoulder straps of our military. And we were afraid to make plans normal! So, we put on the plans all the holes we found. I personally walked around the city and looked for these holes. I was often told that it was the boys who beat glass with slingshots or other devices. When my article “The Mystery of Broken Glasses” was published in the Tekhnika - Molodezhi magazine, letters began to arrive even with drawings of crossbows that fired balls from a ball bearing or shot. If you use a regular slingshot,then you can shoot a ball from a ballpoint pen. Of course, some of the holes could have been made by boys. We have encountered such cases.

I met then with an expert of the Leningrad Criminal Investigation Department, Lyubarsky, who was engaged in ballistics. He told me quite clearly that no bullet, even if it was carved with a sharp rod, would leave such a hole on the glass.

We ourselves also did experiments, breaking glass. One of the members of our commission worked at the Institute of Silicates on the Makarov Embankment. He tried to break through the glass himself, and then analyzed his holes and the "real" ones - is there any difference.

The moment came when I could already predict where the holes would be. I knew that all the holes in Leningrad are mainly located on the southeast side of the houses. When I put all this on the map, all the trajectories converged to one point. The impression was that some object was hanging over the Neva in the area of the Alexander Nevsky bridge and from there, as it were, bombarded the city with an expanding fan.

But then in some houses I began to find holes that were made not from the outside, but from the inside. It was a shock. Our "purely ballistic" version began to become obsolete. As I remember now, at the Finlyandsky railway station in the waiting room the windows of the ticket offices were broken, and they were broken from the inside. Now they have been replaced. I turned to the local police and said: "How could this be?" They answer: “Are you laughing? There is a round-the-clock watch, it cannot be that someone here was shooting. Even if the policeman dozed off, then, excuse me, the cashier himself could not doze. " I say: "Pay attention, the holes were made from inside the cash register, not outside." We looked, and indeed - the entrance was from the inside. When we got to the platforms, I showed them the front of the station. The entire top of the huge glass dome was riddled with holes. I even wonderhow these glasses did not crumble at all. All the policemen grabbed their heads and gasped …

There are cases when ball lightning penetrated into an apartment through narrow cracks or punched holes in the glass. But shouldn't there have been too many fireballs for one station? Those glasses, and not only at the Finland Station, have long been gone. For some reason it turned out that they were all changed … Abnormal phenomena always eluded us …"

Time has passed. Nothing changed. The mystery of the "phantom sniper" has never been revealed.


A document that appeared after the Petrozavos phenomenon is circulating on social networks. It contains the results of a study of broken glass. The results are controversial. The scientists themselves argue. And this only testifies to the fact that the "phantom sniper" is not as simple as it seemed to some. Those who are interested will be interested. The document is genuine.
