Photographing The Past And The Future - Alternative View

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Photographing The Past And The Future - Alternative View
Photographing The Past And The Future - Alternative View

Video: Photographing The Past And The Future - Alternative View

Video: Photographing The Past And The Future - Alternative View
Video: The Past and Future of Photography | Leif Norman | TEDxManitoba 2024, October

The development of photography and filming has significantly enriched the collection of unexplained, at least at this stage in the development of science, phenomena. Blurred outlines of unidentified flying objects, foggy spots of clots of necrobiotic information (simply - ghosts), multi-colored auras of living objects - this is not a complete list of mysterious phenomena photographed or filmed on film.

Among them, a special place is occupied by those frames where there are objects that are clearly related to another time. Some of them have been thoroughly checked for photo or film editing and received an expert verdict: the frames are genuine, without any traces of editing or computer processing. Here are some examples.

Partisan with a mobile phone

At some of the old stations of the Moscow metro, there are art mosaic panels reflecting the main moments of the history of our country. In their manufacture, we used real photographic and newsreel footage of the corresponding era; for example, at the Kievskaya - Koltsevaya station there are panels dedicated to the struggle for Soviet power in Ukraine.

A woman with a mobile phone in Charlie Chaplin's 1928 film "Circus"
A woman with a mobile phone in Charlie Chaplin's 1928 film "Circus"

A woman with a mobile phone in Charlie Chaplin's 1928 film "Circus"

If you look closely at such a panel, you can see a device in the hands of one of the partisans, strikingly similar to a cell phone. Skeptics, however, argue that this is not a telephone, but an intercom of a mobile radio station. But even in this case, it is not clear how this device ended up in the hands of a partisan of the 20s - after all, in those days such means of communication could only dream of.

In the same 1920s, they "saw" a mobile phone, or rather, seriously suspected its presence, on one of the frames of an American documentary newsreel. It captures a woman hurrying to the premiere of Charlie Chaplin's film, who is either talking to herself, smiling and gesturing, or actually communicating with someone on a cell phone. But if she is talking to herself, then it is not clear why she so diligently presses an object with her shoulder to her ear …

Promotional video:

Canadian "alien". A young man clearly out of fashion in the early 1940s
Canadian "alien". A young man clearly out of fashion in the early 1940s

Canadian "alien". A young man clearly out of fashion in the early 1940s

In one of the photographs taken in 1940 in the Canadian province of British Columbia, a young man is clearly visible, whose appearance differs sharply both from the appearance of a compatriot and from the appearance of a tourist from any other country. The main surprise is the print on the T-shirt, which will only become fashionable 60-70 years later. But other details - the shape of dark glasses, a camera in hands, and, finally, a three-day stubble at a time when clean-shaven cheeks were absolutely necessary for a gentleman from a respectable society - eloquently hint that this might be a guest from other, more later times.

However, all these shots were obtained by accident, thanks to a coincidence. In addition, they may have "caught" guests from the future, but not the future itself.

Back in the mid-1990s, Russian engineer Alexander Sadkov came up with a bold idea - to create a device capable of photographing other times. And not just take pictures of the past or the future, but "aim" the device at specific dates. He called this device photochronos.

Outwardly, Sadkov's photochronos resembles an ordinary camera. And the principle of its action is generally the same. The difference lies in the use of a rhinestone lens and some technical improvements that the author prefers not to elaborate on.

Sadkov took the rock crystal for the lens not ordinary, but from the top of the sacred mountain Vottovaara (Karelia). Before the ice age, this place was inhabited by the mythical race of Hyperboreans, who, among other magical skills, are credited with the ability to “see the future”. The Hyperboreans worshiped the sun and preferred to spend all their magical rituals on the days of the equinox and solstice. They considered solar eclipses especially favorable for "time travel".

Alexander Sadkov achieved his first success in the work of the photochronos just during the solar eclipse on August 11, 1999, which he observed in Krasnoyarsk. In two of the several dozen frames he took at that time on the streets of the city, one can clearly see a family of mammoths, leisurely paced among the blurred outlines that replaced the Krasnoyarsk high-rise buildings.

In an interview given several years later to the TVZ film crew, Sadkov admitted that at first he could not believe his eyes. I went to the biologists I knew - they confirmed that the mammoths most likely looked like this. I turned to specialists for an assessment - they confirmed that the photos were genuine, without editing, and the computer program (Sadkov's author's program) was used only to improve the image quality. It was impossible without a program at all - crystal is not as transparent as glass, and the images were rather cloudy.

Despite the reviews received, Sadkov was in no hurry to publicize his invention widely. First, he wanted to "bring the photo chronos to mind" - to eliminate errors and imperfections, and most importantly, to make adjustments for different times. However, rumors of a photochronos reached America, and in 2000 Sadkov was invited to a conference in New York. He got there just in time for the spring equinox and took dozens of photographs. History repeated itself - almost all the photographs were the most ordinary, but in several Manhattan was without the Twin Towers. The Americans offended Sadkov, accusing him of cheap trickery, and he left.

A year and a half after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the Americans had to apologize … But Sadkov made a firm decision - henceforth to look for evidence of the success of his invention only on his native soil.

In 2009, at the request of the TVZ film crew, Sadkov made an attempt to photograph Moscow in 2012. The date was chosen for obvious reasons (the expected "end of the world"), and Sadkov believed that he could already "tune" his device to a specific date.

The experience of the planned shooting of the future was a success. But only partially - in the pictures with spherical domes instead of high-rise buildings and a flying saucer hovering over the street, Moscow is not 2012, but 2212. Temporarily adjusting the photochunking requires further development, Sadkov told disappointed reporters.

Apparently, he continues to tune his device to this day. In any case, no new sensational photographs taken by the photochronicle have appeared. However, there are no intelligible explanations for the old photographs, apart from the standard accusations of the author of computer fraud …

"Memory of the Field" by Henrikh Silanov

Perhaps critics would have reacted more favorably to Alexander Sadkov if he did not aim at the future, but limited himself to snapshots of the past. If, in addition to mammoths, I submitted for the consideration of experts some other objects from the past - Cro-Magnons, for example, in skins and with stone axes or the boyars of Ivan the Terrible.

Meanwhile, there are professional researchers of inexplicable phenomena who are seriously concerned about the problem of "extracting" the memory of the past from the environment and fixing this memory using the same cameras.

Among them - geophysicist Genrikh Silanov from Voronezh, head of the public research expedition "Khoper". He got the first pictures of objects from the past by accident, photographing in the ultraviolet range of UFOs that regularly appear in the sky over the Novokhopersk anomalous zone. In one of the pictures suddenly appeared the top of a tree broken by lightning a few months ago. In another shot, a car appeared as a subtree, which did not exist in reality and which, as it turned out later, left the shooting location several hours before Silanov's group arrived there.

Genrikh Silanov improved his apparatus - in particular, following the example of Sadkov, he replaced the glass lens with a crystal one. And he began to shoot the surroundings of the Novokhopersk anomaly already purposefully, focusing on the zones of increased electrical conductivity.

Currently, there is already a whole collection of objects from the past. Images of soldiers and equipment from World War II are especially common. Which, according to Silanov, is not surprising: in these places there were especially fierce battles, and many soldiers were killed. Silanov believed that the past does not disappear forever, its imprints are somehow preserved in space, and this preservation is facilitated by the level of emotions thrown into space. He called this feature of space “field memory”.

Unlike the photographs taken at the time by Alexander Sadkov, Silanov's photographs can be easily found on the Internet. Consider, read comments. But when drawing up your own opinion, you must always remember that the simplest thing is to label a person as a swindler. It is much more interesting (although more difficult) to think and independently look for other explanations for what he saw.

Source: "Secrets of the XX century" No. 3
