How Does Contact Start - Alternative View

How Does Contact Start - Alternative View
How Does Contact Start - Alternative View

Video: How Does Contact Start - Alternative View

Video: How Does Contact Start - Alternative View
Video: PowerPoint Tutorial: How to get one video to automatically start after another? 2024, September

Today there is no longer a person who has not heard about the abduction of people by aliens. The kidnappers, however, are called differently - aliens, aliens, extraterrestrials.

Ufologists argue where these creatures live - on other planets or on our Earth, but this does not change the essence of the problem. Everyone is equally interested in how and why such contact begins, on what or who depends.

The head of the Volga group for the study of anomalous phenomena and the author of several books about the unknown G. S. Belimov has already collected a whole collection of such cases. Among those abducted there may be a simple villager, a housewife, and a pensioner, a retired military man, but very rarely (almost never) - a prominent scientist, politician, statesman. One gets the impression that just those persons on whom something in this world can depend, the aliens are not interested.

With all the variety of contacts, they have something in common: almost never contact starts at your "order". You cannot program it, "beg", predict, cause deliberately. This, however, happens occasionally, but, rather, as a response to a mentally asked question to the aliens: are you there or is it all fiction? The person is allowed to make sure: no, this is reality. However, such a "one-time" contact may not have any continuation.

The second characteristic feature of the beginning of contacts is the inconceivable variety of manifestations of “transcendental reality”. None of our imagination is enough to come up with such incredible things. Other worlds can manifest their presence in the most bizarre forms - in the form of a luminous ball, or a screen floating in the air like a television screen, or some terrifying green reptile, or even something more intricate. Or maybe in the form of an ordinary person.

The artist Alexander Kremnev's perception of the first contact was completely exotic: "… I see a dumbbell-shaped thing flies into the window, translucent like a cloud. Three meters long, a little more than half a meter in diameter, narrowing in the middle. Passed through the glass of the window, hovered over me. I closed my eyes, but I still see her, as if I had no eyelids … As soon as she flew into the room, a thought flashed through my mind: "This is my health" … From the "cigar" something like a trunk stretched out on one side, fixed on the chest near the heart. And it began … pumping!.. I did not notice when that thing disappeared. In the morning I woke up - I lie in the same position … Since then I have never been sick and do not worry about my health."

However, health was not the only gift that Kremnev received then. Since then, pictures of amazing beauty began to appear on the "screen" of his inner vision, striking not only with the richness and unusual colors, but also with a deep philosophical meaning. It only remained to transfer what he saw to the canvas. Alexander created hundreds of such "suggested" canvases, and exhibitions of these extraordinary works-messages invariably arouse the interest of the audience.

66-year-old Nikolai Fedorovich was once visited by a stately long-haired blonde of 25-30 years old. As it later turned out, it was not for nothing that he immediately liked the gray-eyed Gerda: a stranger, for example, taught how to get rid of the pains that had tormented him for a long time. Because of this very Gerda, the respectable pensioner Pakhomov, the father of a large family and the grandfather of numerous grandchildren, was drawn into a strange game. His contacts with an unknown civilization, whose base, according to Gerda, is located on Sirius, became over time quite interesting, informative, which the researchers were not slow to take advantage of. They left Pakhomov with whole sheets of printed questions, and in the morning they invariably found on these sheets quite meaningful answers, written down by Nikolai Fyodorovich's hand. It is characteristic that he himself did not remember how and when he wrote all these answers. But two things were not in doubt:firstly, the handwriting belonged to him and no one else, and secondly, the level of education of Pakhomov (grade 4 of the school) clearly did not correspond to the depth of knowledge that was found in the answers he recorded.

Promotional video:

With V. V. Volgograd The Krasnovs contacted the aliens under the most prosaic circumstances - in an ordinary forest belt near the village of Erzovka. Tired of a long trip behind the wheel, Valery Vasilyevich settled down there to peacefully rest and have a snack, but suddenly felt that goose bumps were just starting to go down his spine, an inexplicable feeling of anxiety and fear appeared. Once or twice in my heart. Krasnov got worried, but then someone invisible and inaudible, as if mentally conveyed to him the words: "No, this is not a heart, now everything will pass … We will not harm you, we will only ask a few questions and answer yours, if any." However, there was no one around, and Krasnov got ready, was about to leave as soon as possible, but did not have time, the ignition keys suddenly rose into the air and, describing a spiral, disappeared without a trace!

It was then that two silhouettes appeared - male and female! They did not appear, namely, they “appeared”, as it happens on photographic paper when developing a picture. Both were 20-25 years old. A kind of telepathic conversation took place between them and Krasnov.

As can be seen from these examples, the beginning of contacts can be very different, but here it should be said about their third common feature. Contact is not only impossible to "order", but also (in most cases) to prevent.