The Human Soul In The Hands Of Scientists: Mysterious Research - Alternative View

The Human Soul In The Hands Of Scientists: Mysterious Research - Alternative View
The Human Soul In The Hands Of Scientists: Mysterious Research - Alternative View

Video: The Human Soul In The Hands Of Scientists: Mysterious Research - Alternative View

Video: The Human Soul In The Hands Of Scientists: Mysterious Research - Alternative View
Video: Sci-Fi Short Film “The Black Hole" | DUST 2024, September

What is the human soul? An immortal spiritual principle created by God, this is how the clergy answer this question. Scientists also do not stand aside and try to find their own explanation.

Several years ago, the media spread the news: Doctor of Natural Sciences Eugenius Kugis from the Institute of Semiconductors of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences conducted a unique cycle of research.

Recorded measurements showed that at the time of death a person loses from 3 to 7 g of weight, which was supposedly considered "the weight of the soul leaving the body." Further studies of changes in the spectrum of the biofield showed that the human soul has not only weight, but also shape and color.

Other scientists from the laboratory of Professor Vitaly Khromov (VNIIRP), created during the years of perestroika, carried out experiments on the capture of "mental substance" and its "condensation".

“I could see her with my own eyes,” the AIF correspondent wrote about the experience, “on the screen of a special computer, she looked like a creature that vaguely resembled a newborn baby, with a disproportionately large head, a tiny body, twisted limbs, rather like bits of wings … fan-shaped tail, at the base visible quite clearly, but then, as the distance from the body, more and more blurred and disappearing, literally dissolving in space."

The deceased - one of the laboratory staff - was in a coma for a long time. When it became clear that it would not be possible to return him to a full life, it was decided to transplant the soul of the deceased into the body of another, outwardly very similar, specially selected person.

Such studies were allegedly initiated by scientific developments in this area of the still classified neurophysiologist Oleg Bekhmetyev, who was able to reveal the physical nature of the phenomenon that we call the "soul". It turned out that the human soul is not a product exclusively of the brain, but is the radiation of all living cells of the human body without exception."

Khromov believes that we control the soul mainly through the eyes. The energy “core” of the soul permeates the entire human body from crown to toe. Therefore, the expression "the soul has gone to heels", according to the researcher, has a real connotation. But in fact, the “heels” of the soul are at the level of the forehead, that is, above the eyes, and the crown of the head is at the level of the lips. Therefore, if you try to "feel" into your soul, do not let the inner feelings confuse you.

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The soul can spread in space to an unimaginable size. Some especially gifted people have the opportunity to travel quite realistically among the stars, and rare people - for example, Nostradamus, Alexander Pushkin - made even distant leaps into the future with the help of spiritual energy, that is, they had the ability to find out what awaits humanity through the millennia.

Today it is difficult to say whether Professor Khromov is a real person, or he is a figment of the imagination of journalists chasing sensations. However, the other day a strange message appeared on the Web. Swiss scientists have cautiously stated that they may have been able to localize the part of the brain responsible for out-of-body visions in near-death states. According to scientists, the discovery was made during the study of epilepsy.

Konstantin Dyatlov