Planet Earth Can Be Saved By Changed People - Alternative View

Planet Earth Can Be Saved By Changed People - Alternative View
Planet Earth Can Be Saved By Changed People - Alternative View

Video: Planet Earth Can Be Saved By Changed People - Alternative View

Video: Planet Earth Can Be Saved By Changed People - Alternative View
Video: His Epic Message Will Make You Want to Save the World | Short Film Showcase 2024, September

One of the Internet resources published the theses of the report of the professor of bioethics at New York University Matthew Liao. The bioethicist has come up with a number of engineering solutions that, when applied to the human race, will help the planet cope with global warming.

The scientist believes that “hand-made” people are the key to saving the planet. What is at stake becomes clear from the list of proposals of Dr. Liao. For example, it is proposed to develop and force every person to wear an anti-meat patch that will discourage him from eating meat, just as an anti-nicotine patch will prevent smoking. People will eventually become vegetarians and stop using livestock farming, which produces a lot of greenhouse gases.

At the earliest stages of embryo development, the scientist proposes to select only the smallest people for further life, which, according to Dr. Liao, will lead to the improvement of humanity.

The scientist suggests feeding women with contraceptives, which will lead to a decrease in fertility and a further reduction in the number of earthlings.

The proposal to use the hormones of altruism, which, when systematically used, will make people consolidate in the interests of achieving a common goal, sounds very unusual.

The authors of the article posted on the site call Dr. Liao's proposals scientific horror stories. Indeed, everything - from “hand-made” people to artificial altruism - sounds creepy, the way even the result of this work will be the improvement of our planet.