Cabbage Rolls, Cabbage Rolls, Don't Bite Your Butt! - Alternative View

Cabbage Rolls, Cabbage Rolls, Don't Bite Your Butt! - Alternative View
Cabbage Rolls, Cabbage Rolls, Don't Bite Your Butt! - Alternative View

Video: Cabbage Rolls, Cabbage Rolls, Don't Bite Your Butt! - Alternative View

Video: Cabbage Rolls, Cabbage Rolls, Don't Bite Your Butt! - Alternative View
Video: NAV - Tap ft. Meek Mill (Lyrics) 2024, October

It all started with a photo:


So that I would not be lonely with one photo of the 19th century, they planted a few more, unidentified temporal orientation.


Together with the gift came the idea that these are original, distinctive, but hidden from the eyes of the average man, the graves of the Old Believers.

Promotional video:

Sound idea! When something does not fit into the usual picture of the world - nod at the Old Believers. They will save the day in different situations. First, there are many types and subspecies of them. suitable for different purposes.

Secondly, they are secretive and often live in inaccessible places. If you want to clarify the situation, you will get the hell.


And most importantly, they are practically gone! Historians write that protesting against the forced conversion to Orthodoxy, they massively self-cut from reality when the tsarist troops came to their places of compact residence and asked to cross their fingers correctly.

I will not give you links (too lazy to look), they can be easily found, upon request, but historians claim that the Old Believers locked themselves in their huge barns along with women and children and burned themselves.

Uh-uh…. Well, how-uh… Z-uh-uh. In general, they had a hard time from the middle to the end of the 19th century.

Despite their passion for playing with matches, some managed to survive. Someone baptized into Orthodoxy, someone secretly believed as he wanted, someone went into the woods and became a schema.

After reading about the types of Old Believers, I somewhat doubted that for the sake of ghosting forms of service to the same god, according to the same religion, to uniformity, it was necessary to arrange such a genocide. Tsarism is, of course, a relic and regression, but not Nazism, after all.

There must have been a more compelling reason for such intolerance towards this class. Or a stratum of apostates cannot be called an estate? In short, God bless him. Moreover, any God.

And then I found "cabbage roll"! Realizing what unhealthy associations or even poetic rhymes this name can evoke now, it was shortened to "golbets", although it is cabbage roll, because it was mainly painted with blue paint.


Pay attention to the third photo. See how awkwardly a cross is attached to one of the stuffed cabbage rolls.

I, of course, with difficulty stopped the stream of consciousness (Golubets - do not stare at the priest, Golubets, but f … poo not f ** king, etc.), which rushed into my head like a whirlwind, clearly showing me my real intellectual level …

I was sad, but then stuffed cabbage rolls went in bulk, and I distracted myself from thinking about my unconscious.

Moreover, stuffed cabbage rolls came in a set with other, no less interesting, architectural excesses. And yes, the whole company turned out to be, indeed, attributes of the burials of the Old Believers.


Depending on wealth, or what other taste preferences, the graves of citizens were equipped with cabbage rolls at the head of the coffin, the coffin itself (it could be buried or a sarcophagus on the surface) and in special cases (the presence of money, social achievements, etc.) around the entire composition were built canopy of the "log house" model, with all the attributes of the living space.

More or less like this:


Comfortable enough, I think. When you died you don't need much. So, purely so that the rain does not drip, but the wolves do not lick their lips.

If this topic is interesting, then go to the site to the person.

He really bothers, travels to remote places, makes his way through windbreaks to photograph the sketes of the Old Believers.

As far as I understand, if there is a lonely cabbage roll, then there is ashes and some bones. That is, the body after cremation. In the case of a coffin, one can assume the presence of an entire citizen. The choice of the option remained on the conscience of the relatives.

It also remained a mystery to me how the processes of decomposition of the corpse took place in the wooden coffin. Not in a chemical sense, the process is clear there. It is not clear to me how one can visit the grave of the deceased, with the coffin not buried in the ground, when it transforms into fertilizer and exudes a very specific fragrance at the same time. From 3 months to a year.

Then I could not believe my eyes when I tried to delve into the history of burials, rituals and other afterlife. I was tired of searching and now Yandex. Direct, or whatever it is called, will show me advertisements for funeral services for probably another six months, but I still have not found intelligible, full-fledged works on the history of coffin-laying.

Then the reason was found out:

2013, bl … db, year, but they have not yet developed a single approach! Any ritual agency has long and well worked out, but they have not!

In 2013, it is proposed only to begin (!!!) to organize the scattered scraps. Some kind of obscurantism, honestly. And right there, on a blue eye, they rub in what and how the Egyptians had 5 thousand years ago.

Having failed with historians, I went to archaeologists. Without much hope, but maybe they know something.

Aha! Right now!

But now I know how much factual material archaeologists use when describing a historical picture. I was amazed. If we are not talking about spoons, but about the same coffins, then conclusions are drawn from 10-15 excavated specimens per century. This is in the fattest cases. Usually up to 5. Often 1-2. The most voluminous example contained 70 studied units and belonged to the 18th century.

That is, that time, which is beautifully described in the literature and to study household items, you do not need to dig anything, but you can go to a museum. Or, even better, in the attic, if there is an old cottage.

But they unconditionally accept, as factual material, this insanity:

Just wondering? And if according to the Martian calendar? That's OK too? Or from the October Revolution. It would be like before R. Kh.

One work impressed me with its depth and power of scientific thought. I'll even give it to you in its entirety.


This is not a memo! It's in a scientific, peer-reviewed journal. You can say the whole work. She will then be referred to as an authority.

OK. Let's return to the Old Believers and their stuffed cabbage rolls. I have already asked you to take a closer look at the crosses and icons that sometimes appear on graves. Near or on the posts themselves.

I really hope that you have noticed their inappropriateness in this entourage. Well, it was not originally supposed to put crosses. Even on the dead.

Everything that gives off Christianity is added much later. Combine this with the unjustified force of persecution and you will understand that they believed in anything except the official religion. And it's not the number of fingers during baptism or any other attribute. It's about the very essence of worship. The Old Believers opposed the adoption of Christianity as such, and did not run away from church reform.

A lot of stuffed cabbage. Despite this, albeit crookedly, they still stand. This suggests that the issue was on the agenda at least 100-150 years ago.

Naturally, then they made a branch of the Old Believer Church with the necessary legend. Otherwise it would be difficult to explain what, where and why. And those Old Believers who now consider themselves as such, for the most part, have little to do with those with cabbage rolls.


You are there for now, while you cross yourself, say “chur, chur me” and catch your breath. And I will add the second part, the most interesting and exciting with its tense plot.

PS Right there, in the back rows! Yes Yes! You! The one in the kippah and the lady in the hijab. What are you giggling for? Do you think you have something else? All three of you are half brothers whom Abraham gave birth to. Well, after, Isaac, of course. So, that your birth and advertising company, in the same place - the 19th century!