Chimney Voice - Alternative View

Chimney Voice - Alternative View
Chimney Voice - Alternative View

Video: Chimney Voice - Alternative View

Video: Chimney Voice - Alternative View
Video: Fireplace 10 hours full HD 2024, September

Zaragoza, a city in northeastern Spain, has a rich past. Built before our era by the Romans, it survived the conquest by the Arabs, was the capital of the Kingdom of Aragon, survived the Spanish war, civil war and many other significant events for the country.

And in the thirties, an event took place here, which is still talked about. An event bordering between mysticism and someone's creepy prank - we are talking about a brownie from Zaragoza.

The life of the "brownie" began in September 1934, when the inhabitants of the corner house on the rue Gascon de Gotor first heard a voice from the pipes. In principle, at first, people did not even understand where the strange sounds were coming from, which worried the residents more: eerie laughter and incomprehensible murmurs were heard inside the building itself, but none of the residents admitted to creating this noise.

The source was discovered 2 months later by a young maid, Maria Pascuela. She worked for the Palason family. In principle, even before that memorable day, she constantly heard strange sounds from the kitchen. And on November 15, these sounds became meaningful and clear: a man in a man's voice cried out in pain when the servant slammed the stove door with force. When family and neighbors came running to the frightened exclamations, it turned out that the voice was coming from the chimney.

Someone constantly turned to the servant, knowing some details about her life.

When the first shock was over, the residents called the police. The policeman who arrived first decided to check the chimney, and when he again heard a painful exclamation and a portion of curses in his direction, he decided to find out who “lives” in the chimney and why he needs it. Someone replied that he needed nothing and that he was not a man.

After that, the voice became more active, perhaps because the police were seriously interested in the "illegal tenant".

What the authorities did not do: and again studied the plan of the house, simultaneously dismantling the walls, dug ditches around the building, in search of possible wires to a possible receiver, called scientists and priests. Nothing helped, and the voice was only sarcastic about what was happening.

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Interestingly, this "brownie" not only perfectly "saw" what was happening in the kitchen and in the house, but also perfectly knew the features of this very house, when architects were running around it with a plan. So he announced to the workers that it was pointless to break the chimney in search of a person there, since the chimney was only 20 centimeters wide. And it turned out to be true.

But during the search, nothing was found. Experiments showed that it was neither a hidden radio, nor a recording, nor a person.

The unrest was aggravated by new facts and new rumors. So it is constantly mentioned that when the medium Asuncion Alvarez was invited to the "bad" place, she, having entered a trance, and without saying a word, after a short time fell dead. Often, a photograph of the basement of a house is also attached to the description of the article, in which a blurred spot is visible, similar to a distorted face. But it is not known whether this house, or indeed, whether this photograph is true. But one thing is certain: there were more and more onlookers, and after the announcement of the voice that the investigators had gotten him and he would kill everyone, the excitement and fears increased so much that the security service had to be invited into the house.

As a result, the blame was blamed on the servant, the very Maria, they say, she had mental problems, and during the attacks she was engaged in unconscious ventriloquism.

No one who took part in the research agreed with this verdict. After all, the voice was present even at a time when the girl was not even in the house. He stayed even when Maria left the city under the yoke of public disapproval. But the authorities needed to calm the crowd.

The Palason family moved out after this event. And a new large family, Torre, settled in the apartment, with whom the brownie began to communicate. In this family lived four-year-old Arturo, who really made friends with the brownie. In principle, this someone was kind to all children, but it was with Arturo that he communicated most of all. According to the recollections of the already matured Torre, the brownie loved to guess and guess riddles.

Unlike Palazon, the Torre family was not afraid of this invisible someone, although at times he could frighten with his observation. So one day the head of the family made a voice to tell how many people are in the apartment now. The answer was: 13. The father began to argue, they say, now there are only 12. But the voice insisted, the man counted the people, and it turned out that there are really 13: the father forgot to count his newborn son.

In January 1935, that is, a year later, the voice fell silent forever. And 42 years later this house was also demolished, leaving only a plaque on the new office building about its mystical past.

Although there are no victims in this story, except, it is true, the Palason family and the unfortunate Maria, the brownie from Zaragoza firmly settled in the mystical world history. Constant research, as well as coverage of this event and its documentation, in the absence of any clues about the source of the voice, made the Spanish domino property not only in Spain, but throughout the world. After all, there is nothing better than documented mysticism, which has been confirmed by many witnesses.

Who was it: a ghost, another evil spirits, or a sociopathic person who decided to play a trick on the population like that? This is unknown and is unlikely to become known.