Three Strange Accidents With The Cosmonaut Aksenov - Alternative View

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Three Strange Accidents With The Cosmonaut Aksenov - Alternative View
Three Strange Accidents With The Cosmonaut Aksenov - Alternative View

Video: Three Strange Accidents With The Cosmonaut Aksenov - Alternative View

Video: Three Strange Accidents With The Cosmonaut Aksenov - Alternative View
Video: Salyut 7 (film) 2024, September

Paranormal phenomena are sometimes called miracles because they lack a rigorous scientific explanation. Over the course of their lives, out of hundreds of thousands of people, only a few encounter them. However, the pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Viktorovich Aksenov, three times dealt with various paranormal phenomena.


It is believed that time always flows at the same speed, which neither nature nor man can change. However, there are many cases when it seems to stop. At least that's how it seems to a person in such situations.

As an example, we can cite the stories of front-line soldiers about how they survived only because they saw the bullets and shells flying at them and managed to hide. At first glance, this is impossible, since the human eye is not able to perceive objects moving at such a speed. But you can't help but trust the storytellers. After all, there were often witnesses that a soldier suddenly dived to the bottom of a trench, and the next second a bullet or a splinter plowed the parapet just in the place where his head had just been.

However, time stops also occur in peacetime, but, as a rule, also in moments of mortal danger. For example, in cities, passers-by often have time to notice falling icicles and jump to the side. The same thing happens on construction sites when a brick falls from above.


Moreover, everyone who almost became a victim then says that the object did not fly at them, but slowly descended, so that they calmly walked aside without fear.

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Vladimir Aksenov also encountered this mysterious phenomenon, which is difficult to find an explanation. And not in space, but on Earth even before he became an astronaut.

Once he was driving a Muscovite to his dacha. On crossing the railroad, his engine suddenly stopped. At that moment, a rushing electric train appeared from around the turn in 50 meters. In a second or two, she was to crash into the "Muscovite". Even if the driver tried to open the door and get out of the car, he still would not have time.

But Aksenov didn't even try. Instead, he yanked out and then reinserted the ignition key and gently pushed the starter. The engine immediately started, and the car derailed when the speeding electric train was already several meters away.

Moreover, as it seemed to Aksenov, the carriages floated in front of him, as in slow motion. Moreover, he was able to make out the chalk-white face of the driver, who did not even have time to start braking, because the car was too close at the crossing.


Vladimir Viktorovich encountered the second paranormal "miracle" in space in June 1980. Before that, he had already been there as a flight engineer on the Soyuz-22 spacecraft, when, in September 1976, during an eight-day flight, together with the pilot-cosmonaut Colonel V. F. Bykovsky, he tested new equipment for Earth exploration.

And all the same, as the astronauts say, every flight into space is a step into the unknown. Moreover, this time commander Yuri Malyshev and flight engineer Vladimir Aksenov had to test the new Soyuz T-2 spacecraft for the first time. A feature of this ship was that all of its main systems were controlled through an on-board computer, and the control panel was displayed to the crew.

In order to form the necessary orbit for docking with the Salyut-6 orbital complex, the crew had to perform a complex maneuver. First, conduct the rendezvous of the spacecraft with the orbital complex in automatic control mode. And then carry out a direct approach to the station and docking, while manually controlling the Soyuz T-2.

Later Vladimir Viktorovich recalled: “When our spacecraft entered orbit, the Earth appeared in its fantastically beautiful form. Yura first saw all this divine beauty and did not hide his delight. Neither Malyshev nor Aksyonov could have imagined what difficulties they would have to face before they docked with the Salyut-6 station, where cosmonauts Leonid Popov and Valery Ryumin were at that time.

“When approaching the orbital station, commander Yuri Malyshev, who controlled the spacecraft, could not enter the calculated trajectory in order to dock,” Aksenov later said. - The ship has a limited supply of energy for maneuvers. He was left, as they say, nothing at all. If one more correction failed, we would have flown past the station and returned to Earth without completing the task.

I could not help in any way, since the control of the ship is the exclusive prerogative of the commander. As a flight engineer, I could only worry in silence, sitting next to me in an armchair. Suddenly, at some point, a command was heard in my head: "Take control!" Later, analyzing what happened, I was never able to determine exactly whether it was someone's voice or not.

I just took someone else's mental order, which for some reason I could not do. And what is quite surprising, the commander, without objection, gave me control of the ship. Then he said that he hadn’t heard any commands, but only suddenly realized that he had to behave that way, although it was contrary to all the “iron” instructions.

I did not lose consciousness further, but I seemed to be in some kind of trance and obediently followed the commands that arose in my mind. Only thanks to them the docking was successfully completed. We did not say anything about what had happened to the cosmonauts Leonid Popov and Valery Ryumin who were on board Salyut-6, so as not to worry them. But when we returned to Earth, during the analysis of the flight, the commander was "shoved with sand", and I got it, although not to the same extent.


But neither of us said anything about "otherworldly" teams. Otherwise, everything that happened could turn out to be even worse for us. The fact is that when landing near the surface of the Earth, the soft landing engines are triggered.

But it all went wrong with us. The descent vehicle "jumped" by leaps across the steppe five times. Such a "soft" landing for all the previous, and then it turned out that for all subsequent, flights have not yet happened."

The "miracle" that happened to them in space, Vladimir Viktorovich considers a case of mental zombie: the cosmonauts were influenced by an intelligent subject, or inductor, as parapsychologists say. Moreover, he clearly favored them, since it was someone else's “voice” that helped to successfully dock.

During the flight of another crew, the same "voice" described in advance in detail the mortal danger that awaited during the spacewalk. Later, when working outside the station, this was confirmed: the cosmonaut was prepared and saved his life, otherwise he would have flown away from the station.

So, the information went directly into the consciousness of the astronauts. The physical basis of all thought processes in our brain are biocurrents. This means that the flow of information from the outside in the form of mental orders was also electromagnetic in nature. It follows from this that an alien mind, manifesting itself in space, is similar to a human one, and its messages, in principle, can be received with the help of technical means.

There is no point in guessing who the intelligent subject who came into contact with the astronauts is. There is still no necessary data for this. One can only quote the words of one of the cosmonauts, who also heard someone else's “voice”: “The cosmos has proved to us that it is undoubtedly reasonable and much more complicated than our ideas about it. And also the fact that our knowledge does not allow us today to understand the essence of most of the processes occurring in the Universe."


In the early 1990s, pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Viktorovich Aksenov, went with his wife to the country to celebrate the past New Year. And in his Moscow apartment, his son Sergei remained with his friend. After midnight they went out for a short walk, and when they returned, they could not believe their eyes. A huge furry creature was clearly visible on the floor in the moonlight that flooded the bedroom. It did not move and seemed to be sleeping. But the guys did not dare to come up and touch him.

They decided to turn on the light and see who came to them. But the switch in the bedroom was torn off. Then the young people went out into the hallway, took a flashlight and, just in case, armed themselves with ski poles, after which they returned to the room. There was a complete rout. A large wardrobe was knocked over, and various items were scattered throughout the bedroom. And the strange creature turned out to be a huge heap of clothes lying on the floor.

The first thought, according to Sergei, was: “Who did this? There was no point in trying to put things in order in the terrible chaos. And suddenly an irresistible dream fell upon us. We barely made it to the couch and passed out."

About his reaction when Vladimir Viktorovich returned home the next morning, he says:

- I never believed in rabbashek, but I could not believe my son. First, he never cheats. And secondly, the very nature of the defeat speaks of its unusual origin: a thief who climbed into the apartment could not have done anything like that. However, judge for yourself.

Aksenov leads to the place of events. Shows how the bedroom is located, where there is a wardrobe and a closet, a son's room and a bathroom, where the drummer also left traces.

-So, - continues Aksenov. - If you look closely at the destruction, you will see a certain pattern: they are all in the same plane. In the bedroom, it crosses both wardrobes. In the bathroom - a shelf, the bottles with which were on the floor, and for some reason in an upright position. And none of them crashed! In the son's room, the books that were in the closet on the same line were neatly piled to the floor. On the other hand, the tape recorder and the small TV set, which found themselves outside this plane, remained in place and were not damaged.

In general, many of the details of the incident seem striking. For example, the Sony TV fell from the closet in the bedroom and hit the headboard. But for some reason the pipe did not break, although the boards are pretty wrinkled. Further. A bulky wardrobe lay with its doors down, keys stuck in the locks. They would definitely bend if he just collapsed. Yes, and on the floor there would be dents from the impact. By the way, the mirror on the inside of the door was not damaged.

The most incredible thing is that the half of one of the hinges holding the doors was torn like a piece of paper. To do this requires tens of tons of effort.

But all the screws remained in place.

There was an alarm clock on the nightstand. Outwardly, he looked completely intact, only the arrow stopped at half-past six. When the son took the watch for repair, the master was amazed: “Who worked on it like that? All the gears are crumpled inside. And most of all went to the closet. However, here the destruction turned out to be strange. Although the doors and side wall were thrown back and one end of the shelf was pushed through, not a single fragile object was shattered. Moreover, it was under the bent shelf that there were bottles of wine. So, they were neatly shifted to the opposite corner.

I think it was an instantaneous, measured in fractions of a second, an incredibly strong release of some kind of energy. Perhaps a transition point from one world to another arose here, which was accompanied by energy waves. But they did not destroy purposefully, but simply passed in this place. I have no doubt that these impulses are not included in the normal energy spectrum of the Earth, - sums up Aksenov. - By the way, when I invited the astronauts to my place, they agreed that it was clearly not a man who was acting here.

However, what happened in Aksenov's apartment in many ways resembled a typical poltergeist. First, heavy objects overturned without being damaged. For example, an unknown force seemed to carefully put the cabinet on the floor. Secondly, it was not without the teleportation of objects - bottles, books, clothes from the closet.

Finally, the force effects were discrete in time and place. Let's say, despite the enormous power of the energy release, glass and clothing remained intact. And the bottles in the cupboard had to be moved before the shelf was pushed over them. In a word, some mysterious entity was acting here, demonstrating its capabilities.