Dogs - Psychics - Alternative View

Dogs - Psychics - Alternative View
Dogs - Psychics - Alternative View

Video: Dogs - Psychics - Alternative View

Video: Dogs - Psychics - Alternative View
Video: Pets See A Pet Psychic 2024, October

In the history of the paranormal, there are many pages "written" by dogs.

According to the legends, the famous military leader Alexander the Great had a visionary dog who accompanied him on all campaigns. Before each big battle, the dog, with its barking, warned the owner whether to start it. If he barked loudly and loudly, then victory is guaranteed. When the dog whined pitifully, the commander postponed the beginning of the battle to another day and invariably won it.

Nowadays, too, there are times when dogs "look" into the future. For the entire 40th Army, which was carrying out a peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan in the late eighties, a mine-detecting dog named Anchar from the 45th engineer regiment became famous. If the dog calmly jumped onto the armored personnel carrier when their squad was sent for engineering reconnaissance of the area, it means that the dushmans will not attack.

When, before going out on a mission, Anchar began to growl and yelp viciously, the sappers ran into an ambush. Over time, he so proved his gift to accurately anticipate a possible collision that the crews of armored personnel carriers in such cases were all the time in high alert and immediately opened fire as soon as the spooks revealed themselves.

And once a visionary dog saved the life of his guide, Sergeant Vitaly. On that day, sappers were looking for mines along the highway in the Pansher Gorge. As usual, Anchar did an excellent job and found two Italian mines in plastic housings that the mine detector did not respond to.

Suddenly he threw himself off the side of the road and pulled the counselor to a huge boulder a few meters from the highway, where there could be no mines. Vitaly could not understand what was the matter, since this had never happened to a dog before.

He commanded Anchar: "Search!" and for the leash tried to return it. But for the first time the dog refused to obey. On the contrary, he pulled the leash with such force that Vitaly was forced to take several steps to the boulder behind which Anchar was hiding. And suddenly, at the place where they had just been, a mortar mine exploded. A lump covered Vitaly from shrapnel, but one still wounded him in the leg.

When the sergeant was already lying on a stretcher waiting for the "turntable" to be sent to the hospital, Anchar was standing nearby. There were tears in the eyes of the dog, as if he wanted to say: “Why don't you understand? After all, I warned you that you need to hide!"

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However, there are times when visionary dogs save the owner's life in a peaceful environment. Here is what the famous, now deceased actor Alexander Porokhovshchikov told about such an episode: “Once in winter we went for a walk with Odulka the shepherd dog. Some part of our route had to go under the very wall of the house. Suddenly the dog stopped, grabbed me by the floor and pulled me to him.

From the surprise, I really retreated. And then a huge icicle fell from the roof next to me. Hit this on the head - it will kill you for sure. So the dog really saved me. And then, as if nothing had happened, went on. How did he foresee the danger and manage to orient himself with such lightning speed? - Porokhovshchikov wondered.

An even more astonishing foresight was demonstrated by a dachshund named Bertha. For several years she helped customs officers look for drugs in cars at one of the Austro-Hungarian border crossing points. Then, due to old age, the dachshund was sent to a well-deserved rest, and she spent days on the porch of the customs post, watching from there the stream of cars.

One morning, Berta suddenly left her observation post, went down to the inspection platform and sat down there, peering at the approaching cars. The customs officials could not help but notice the unusual behavior of the dog, but decided that their former four-fingered colleague just wanted to remember the old days. True, the dachshund did not approach the cars, but only carefully examined them. Hour after hour passed, but Bertha did not leave the inspection platform.

When in the afternoon a white minibus stopped there, the dachshund rushed to it and began to bark loudly. She used to act like this when she sniffed drugs. But what Bertha smelled this time was not clear. The minibus was in transit to Germany from the Greek port of Thessaloniki and was carrying transparent plastic containers with giant Argentine termites.

All documents were in perfect order: a shipment of arthropods had been sent from Peru to some biological institute in Munich. Neither in the Peruvian port of Callao, nor in Thessaloniki, the insects did not raise any suspicions among the customs officers. And on the European borders they did not pay attention to them at all.

However, Bertha, who was allowed to enter the van, continued to bark at the containers of termites. In the past, controllers have been convinced of the dog's unmistakable instinct. Therefore, they decided to subject the arthropods to a "body search": they opened one of the containers and took out several huge ants.

It turned out that their three-centimeter bodies were covered with a thick layer of cocaine paste, which looked like a natural chitinous shell. It's hard to believe, but it turns out that the dog knew in advance that on this day they would try to smuggle the narcotic potion in a very unusual way on a white minibus!

The magazine "Adventures. Secrets. Miracles "January 2013