Phantom Glazier - Alternative View

Phantom Glazier - Alternative View
Phantom Glazier - Alternative View

Video: Phantom Glazier - Alternative View

Video: Phantom Glazier - Alternative View
Video: Top 5 DJI phantom alternatives / Drone Chat 2024, September

On April 12, 1954, the popular American magazine Life published a message with the following content: “In Bellingham (Washington State), someone invisible broke over 1,500 glasses in one week. It was especially bad for cars whose glass shattered on the move. And the objects with which this was done have never been found. Experts have put forward many hypotheses, ranging from cosmic vibrations to sound waves from exhaust pipes. But no version explained all the facts. The fact is that holes appeared not only in the glass, but also in the doors of cars, and even in the upholstery of the seats …"

Only three days have passed since the Bellingham incident. On April 15, 1954, Seattle Police Chief John Lawrence in the Daily Times told readers about some not-yet-discovered * censored * ghans who broke windows in several dozen cars and smashed windows in several shops in one night. When the holes in the glasses tried to reproduce ballistics under laboratory conditions, they could not achieve a similar result …

Two days later, on April 17, 1954, several cities in Ohio were simultaneously subjected to the "glass attack". And soon the "breaking of glass" took the scale of a real national epidemic. Almost every morning, outraged citizens of Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland, Kentucky and New England complained to police stations about broken glass.

And after a short time, residents of a dozen cities in Canada heard the sound of broken glass. At the same time, the Italian press reported a similar phenomenon …

And although the police searched for the perpetrators of the strange incidents almost continuously, day and night, nevertheless, they could not be found. This was all the more strange because stories with broken glass were repeated very often.

However, there was nothing surprising in this, if we take into account eyewitness accounts. For example, a reporter from Cleveland, Robert Cubbage, claimed that before his own eyes, for no apparent reason, the windows of at least a hundred cars that had accumulated in the parking lot of the store "shattered" in turn.

Two sheriff's deputies from King Country, Washington, also swore they saw the shatterproof windshield of a truck shatter for no reason.

When they approached their patrol car, they noticed numerous tiny holes and dents on its windshield.

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And one of the eyewitnesses assured the police that one day, moving along the road in a car, he heard a roar of such force, as if a huge stone had fallen on the body of the car. When this witness turned around to find out the reason for the incomprehensible sound, he saw how the rear window of the car melted right before his eyes, like snow.

These are just a few of the many similar phenomena that happened at the same time in many cities and countries. And because the result of the manifestations of this phenomenon was mainly broken glass, they began to call him the Ghost Glazier.

Moreover, as already noted above, the visible factor causing the destruction of glasses has practically never been recorded.

True, a curious moment associated with the Ghost Glazier was noticed in an incident that happened in September 1977 near the city of Petrozavodsk. It was on that day that a strange object appeared in the sky, outwardly resembling a giant glowing jellyfish. Sailing through the sky, this unusual body periodically illuminated the earth with rays thin, like needles. As a result of this "space bombardment", round holes with smooth melted edges appeared in the window panes of a number of houses …

Subsequently, specialists from the USSR Academy of Sciences tried to study this phenomenon. It is difficult to say what happened as a result of these studies, since they did not receive wide publicity.

What assumptions do scientists put forward to explain this phenomenon? There are several of them. So, according to one of the versions, all responsibility rests with ball lightning.

According to another hypothesis, unknown phenomena in the atmosphere are the main cause of broken glass.

In some versions, the thought that the Phantom Glazier is a product of the work of a raging poltergeist slips through. But who really is the culprit of the broken glass, scientists cannot say yet.

Bernatsky Anatoly