Poltergeist In Krasnodar - Alternative View

Poltergeist In Krasnodar - Alternative View
Poltergeist In Krasnodar - Alternative View

Video: Poltergeist In Krasnodar - Alternative View

Video: Poltergeist In Krasnodar - Alternative View
Video: НОЧЬ на МОГИЛЕ ВЕДЬМЫ † Самое страшное КЛАДБИЩЕ † Записали ГОЛОС ВЕДЬМЫ † ЭГФ, THE WITCH'S GRAVE 2024, September

A family in Krasnodar was forced to sleep on the balcony to the meowing of cats, and then move out altogether, because a poltergeist wound up in their apartment. The sound of unknown origin terrorizes the residents of the Krasnodar high-rise building.

"The fact that flowers wither, animals run away, people suffer in one of the high-rise buildings of the Musical District of Krasnodar."

The story unfolds on 26 Dunaevsky Street. Residents of the apartment in this building shared their misfortune. The inhabitants of the "enchanted apartment" describe the essence of the problem as follows: even with a short time in the room, a heaviness appears in the head and strongly squeezes the temples. …

"Sound, not sound or squeak" - comments the landlady.

There were daredevils who, sensing the potential of "ghost hunters" in themselves, got hold of some equipment and visited the apartment in search of the source of evil.

The process of measurements with the help of special devices was captured on video. According to the "hunters", high frequencies and magnetic fields were recorded.

The owner's cat, who almost died from what he heard, also fell victim to the sound of mysterious origin. The heroine had to take the cat to her relatives, and she herself had to move for a while to her friends. She can no longer be in her apartment. The girl does not eat, does not sleep well and does not feel well.