The Main Medical Scandal Of The XXI Century - Alternative View

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The Main Medical Scandal Of The XXI Century - Alternative View
The Main Medical Scandal Of The XXI Century - Alternative View

Video: The Main Medical Scandal Of The XXI Century - Alternative View

Video: The Main Medical Scandal Of The XXI Century - Alternative View
Video: Getting Better: 200 Years of Medicine 2024, October

In the genius novel by Yaroslav Hasek "The Adventures of the Gallant Soldier Schweik", the character speaks: "Imagine: you are marrying some young lady. White, ugly, absolutely. And one fine day - here! - gives birth to a negro for you. " This is the phrase that a white man must have uttered on July 9, 2000 in one of the clinics in Great Britain, being present at the birth of his wife - after all, two dark-skinned twins were born! …

Fortunately, a harsh showdown on the topic of adultery with accusations in the style - "So this is what you did on vacation in the Caribbean!" did not take place: the clinic was engaged in IVF (artificial insemination). The parents, who were freaked out by the "kinder surprise", turned to the police, accusing the doctors of negligence.

The doctors themselves were not able to clearly explain the reason for the birth of two little indians in a white couple. Either the egg of a certain "Afro-English woman" was fertilized with the "biological material" of one of the spouses and then transplanted into a white woman, or the sperm of a black donor got into the egg of the future mother: the test tubes were simply mixed up.

As a result, the doctors called the incident "an easy mistake of the staff", which, they say, happens "once in a million," and asked to keep the problem a secret. However, on July 9, 2002, the couple sued the clinic.

“We were terrified and did not understand what had happened,” the “happy” father told the Independent newspaper. “They decided to keep the children at home, but the clinic should be dealt with!”

Dr. Sammy Lee from Portland Hospital London spoke out in defense of the doctors, saying: "We work in a stressful environment, the incubator is all in bottles, a lot of couples pass through us, and a very cool schedule - yes, you can probably sometimes confuse a test tube." The victims, of course, were not satisfied with this opinion: according to the court decision, they received impressive compensation.

Transplanted three Africans

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However, even earlier, a stunning story shook the US newspapers. In 1999, a white New Yorker, 37-year-old Donna Fasano went to artificial insemination and after 9 months also gave birth to two children - one white, but the other … black. Poor husband nearly fell victim to a heart attack, losing consciousness right in the clinic.

It turned out that Fasano had mistakenly transplanted one of the eggs fertilized with the sperm of a black man. The egg was destined for another patient, 34-year-old African American Deborah Perry-Rogers from New Jersey.

Concealing negligence, the doctors calmly announced to Deborah - sorry, nothing happened, your uterus rejected the embryos. True, they did not forget to charge the black lady $ 1,500 for the operation.

Only a year later, Perry-Rogers accidentally found out that her child was being raised in a different family, and demanded a DNA test. The forensic investigation showed that the white woman Fasano could become the mother of three (!) Negroes at once, since as many as three embryos from Deborah were transplanted to her.

After the scandal erupted, the court decided to transfer the black baby to his biological mother. Surprisingly, Donna Fasano first (before discovering the truth with the eggs) managed to convince her husband: what happened is the result of a genetic failure, the black newborn is their completely "joint product".

Blonde in a black family

Believe it or not, these things do happen naturally - and even more often than as a result of negligence in an IVF clinic.

In 2010, a completely white girl with blue eyes and soft, natural blonde hair was born into the family of Nigerians Angela and Benjamin Ihekboro, who emigrated to the UK from West Africa. Benjamin rejected the version of his wife's infidelity, saying: "A pure white child in case of betrayal is not born - if my wife had a relationship with a representative of the European race, the child would be a mulatto."

At the same time, he did not confirm the assumption of the presence of English colonizers in the family - the Nigerian Igbo tribe (where Benjamin and Angela are from) had practically no contact with white people. The newborn was named Nmachi, which means "divine beauty" in Igbo.

Scientists are in a stupor: yes, the DNA test confirmed - Benjamin is Nmachi's father, but why is the girl white ?! The researchers blamed a genetic malfunction as the culprit for the incident: one of the signs of this is the birth of a baby with long hair (although usually "babies" are bald).

There is also a more correct assumption that Nmachi is an albino: such people do not have the pigment melanin - a substance on which the color of tissues depends. In this version, the girl was lucky that her parents left Africa. In the same Tanzania, over the past 12 years, 70 albinos have died.

Residents not only in villages, but also in large cities believe that the bones of "white blacks" cure AIDS, cancer and other serious diseases. A real hunt developed for albinos, and many had to flee the country. So, the cases of the birth of white children in a black family - about 1 time in 50,000 people.

The Nazi is the twin of a Jew

Well, and, as they say, "for a snack" after a series of medical errors and genetic failures - a historical example, testifying: the main thing in a person is not his race or skin color, but the subsequent upbringing.

In 1933, two twin boys were born to a Jewish father and a German mother in Trinidad and Tobago. The couple soon divorced. Little Oskar Shtor at the age of six months returned with his mother to Germany and lived in a strict Catholic family.

Adolf Hitler had already come to power, and Oskar's mother, and all of her entourage, joined the Nazi party - the NSDAP. Shtohr himself also became a member of the "Hitler Youth", with pleasure he wore a uniform with a swastika - his mother hid that her son was half Jewish.

Oscar's brother, recorded by his father in his passport as Jack Yufe, grew up in Trinidad and then in Venezuela - at the end of the war, the guy was raised in Jewish traditions by an aunt who survived imprisonment in the SS Dachau concentration camp. After the founding of the State of Israel, Jack moved there permanently and joined the Navy.

The brothers first met in 1954 in Germany: it turned out that they prefer the same food, are fond of the same music, they both liked girls of a certain type. Nevertheless, Oskar remained a staunch Nazi and Hitler fan forever, and Jack observed the rules of Judaism, did not work on Saturday, did not eat pork, and hated the Germans for the Holocaust.

The brothers parted rather coldly and found each other again only after another 25 years. As Jack's wife recalled, "it was an incredible relationship, a mixture of love and hate."

In general, if a black man was suddenly born in your family, just raise him as a white man (and vice versa) - and then everything will be fine. Errors in clinics and genetic failures, doctors and scientists say, are extremely rare. But, as we have already seen, individual fathers and mothers all over the world will surely have to experience many shocking minutes in the future when they see a baby that is not like them in the hospital ward.