Why Are Conspiracy Movies So Popular - Alternative View

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Why Are Conspiracy Movies So Popular - Alternative View
Why Are Conspiracy Movies So Popular - Alternative View

Even with a fleeting glance at film and television screens, it is easy to notice that they are full of films promoting conspiracy theories - legends about mysterious hostile forces that are plotting global intrigues for humanity or are simply behind everything that happens: from stock market crises to the wrong weather forecast in Moscow for the first weeks of September 2014.

Three of the most famous conspiracy series "Twin Peaks", Lost and X-Files are now being repeated on different channels, and such a concentrated presentation of X-Files or "The X-Files" (two episodes every morning and evening) on our TV was not even 1990s, when the male community just went nuts on Gillian Anderson as FBI agent Dana Scully.

Big cinema is a little behind the serial, but distributors help it. In September, the movie Zulu with Orlando Bloom and Forest Whitaker, which we have named "The Conspiracy Theory", will appear on the screens. How by the way gave! I immediately reviewed the film with the original title "Conspiracy Theory" - and found there a phrase that ideally characterizes both conspiracy theories and their fans. Mel Gibson's character says to Julia Roberts' heroine: “They would never let that happen. - Who are they"? "I don't know, that's why they are called that: they."

Owls are not what they seem


The popularity of conspiracy theories in modern Russia is understandable. It has long been noticed that such theories take over the minds in times of trouble. People rush to find external, especially behind-the-scenes enemies. The government encourages this hobby in every possible way, since it distracts people from realizing and analyzing real social problems. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Russia is now on the needle of conspiracy theories.

Through various channels (where, with the help of people who call themselves political publicists, where, through specially made films, which are commented on by a frightening voice that instantly makes them wary), the public is told who and with the money of which secret orders fouled Russia in the 19th century, at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of XX, at the beginning of XXI, what world behind the scenes is hurting now.

But why, for example, the Americans are on the same needle? After all, they are the ones who produce most of the films and TV series about the fact that someone secretly planned and controlled everything that happens on the planet.

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First, let's try to classify conspiracy theories. Opening the Internet, you will find a lot of such classifications. They are all long, confusing, the global interspersed with the private (the most popular of the small conspiracy theories: who really killed John F. Kennedy, did the Americans find an alien in 1947 (yes), did Elvis Presley die (no), did McCartney die (yes, in 1966 and was replaced long ago by a double), did the Americans land on the moon (there are two versions: no, it was a staging, and yes, but they hastily closed the lunar program, because they found a dangerous unknown on our satellite), how Gagarin died (not as they say, and perhaps during an unsuccessful flyby of the same moon), who blew up the twin towers on September 11 (American special services) and who is behind the death of Princess Diana).

The reliance on cinema allows this classification to be extremely simplified. Once, not just anyone, but Borges, authoritatively proved that all world literature, with all its diversity, is reduced to only four subjects. So we would venture to suggest that all the numerous conspiracy theories are divided into only four types.

War of the machines

The first type is an actively gaining momentum conspiracy of artificial intelligence against the human. A film epic about terminators, killer robots from the future, which turns thirty this year (the first two and best films were created by the legendary James Cameron in 1984 and 1991), only at first inattentive glance seems like entertainment.


In fact, Terminators, The Matrix, and I, Robot all develop in their own way the dark philosophical ideas on which Stanley Kubrick's famous film 2001: A Space Odyssey was based, scripted by Arthur Clarke.

The point is that artificial intelligence cannot but acquire the ability to self-development and self-reproduction. And when it does, it will begin to create its own ideology. It is logical to assume that he will consider himself more perfect than the limited human mind. In this case, the war of machines against humans is not such a fantasy.

Freemasons everywhere

The second type of conspiracy, relatively speaking, is Masonic: there is a secret world government, which rules over mankind. Here we have a direct path to the X-Files, where the topic, however, has been somewhat adjusted: this government includes the political elite of the main powers (including, presumably, Russia), which at the same time is in a long-standing conspiracy with aliens, the purpose of which is gradual colonization Earth.


In one of the X-Files series, which I revised the other day, we are talking about the fact that even a speck of smallpox vaccination is a readable stigma that, in the days when there were no microchips, it was easy to identify, enter into the database and find anyone person. It is a pity that some of the second type of conspiracy theories have not yet been filmed.

For example, the concept of the creator of the New Chronology, Academician Fomenko, who argued that world history was falsified in the 19th century by the rulers of Europe and everything was wrong and not then.

At one time this concept was actively shared by Garry Kasparov. But if you made a film about how a certain researcher gets to the bottom of the truth (that governments have completely rewritten for their own benefit the real history of mankind), a thriller would come out no worse than The Da Vinci Code, where the idea is developed that behind the scenes hides the truth about Christ from us … Moreover, it is very positive.

Behind the scenes of the capitalists

The third type: megacorporations rule the world. See Hotel New Rose by Abel Ferrara. Or "Quantum of Solace" - the penultimate Bond film. Or Tom Tykwer's International, in which the world behind the scenes is ruled by a criminal clan of bankers. Or "The Truman Show" and "The Tail Wags the Dog," where it is shown that everyone and everyone is run by media empires.

Again: a lot has yet to be filmed. For example, no one has yet made a picture of a world conspiracy of pharmacists and the World Health Organization, regularly inventing new dangerous viruses and pandemics in order to sell us unnecessary drugs at exorbitant prices (there is a lot of gossip about such a conspiracy on the Internet).

Secret power

The fourth and final type: the behind-the-scenes elite of the world community are forces that we consider mystical. The main thing here now, of course, are vampires with their eternal life, eternal love and eternal contempt for humanity.


The number of films and TV series about vampires made in the last twenty years simply cannot be counted: the series "The Vampire Diaries" and "True Blood", which replaced the fashionable in the 1990s "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Blade" with sequels, " Another World "with sequels," Twilight "with sequels, numerous films by masters:" Dependency "by Abel Ferrara," Between "Francis Ford Coppola," Interview with a Vampire "and" Byzantium "by Neil Jordan," Only Lovers Will Survive "by Jim Jarmusch," Dark Shadows”by Tim Burton,“Thirst”by the cult Korean Chan Uk-Pak.

About the constant interest of the classics of filmmaking from Murnau to Herzog and the same Coppola to the figure of Count Nosferatu-Dracula, it is unnecessary to speak. And if werewolves in literature and cinema are usually gopniks, then vampires are exactly what the secret aristocracy of the world. Again, a good symbol: they all drink our blood up there.

This is perhaps the main reason for the worldwide popular love for conspiracy theories: distrust of the authorities, which develops among the masses not only in moments of national hysteria.

Because conspiracy theories are so popular in the same America. As soon as we are given an official point of view on events, people immediately begin to suspect that it is designed to hide the dirty truth. World politics adds fuel to the fire: it is often classified, lies cynically and frankly - how not to look for secret intentions in it?