Placated The Unclean - Alternative View

Placated The Unclean - Alternative View
Placated The Unclean - Alternative View

Video: Placated The Unclean - Alternative View

Video: Placated The Unclean - Alternative View
Video: Remnant From The Ashes Unclean One Alternate Kill Method 2024, September

Tatiana Malova, 40, is a very calm and very balanced woman. With her habits, she resolutely does not resemble a hysterical, let alone a mentally ill. Works as an engineer in Rostov-on-Don.

- In the summer of 1987 - always late in the evenings - the bell began to ring above the front door to our apartment. I opened the door, but there was no one behind it! Then strange telephone calls began - also in the evenings. I pick up the phone, and there is silence. Telephone trills interspersed with the rattling of a bell in the hallway for two weeks … Then they stopped, replaced by new oddities. And I, and my husband, and our young son clearly heard how the parquet floor in the apartment cracked under the feet of some invisible person.

For two years in a row, the newcomer wandered around in the evenings in the rooms, visited us two or three times a month. And in April 1989, I finally saw him. Oh, it would be better not to have seen! I woke up in the middle of the night with severe chest pain. I was very surprised and worried, because my chest had never hurt before. She grabbed the sore spot with her hand, turned over on the other side, and her eyes went up to her forehead in amazement.

The moon hung outside the window. Its light illuminated the room well. I see there is a real devil standing next to the foot of my bed, no more than one and a half meters tall. Shaggy, curly, black. Naked! All overgrown with wool from head to toe. There is also wool on the face. The eyes burn with a hellish flame, as if smeared with white phosphorus. I looked closely - and he, it turns out, smiles at me. The lips are drawn with a brutal grin.

- Who are you? - I ask, shaking with fear. Instead of answering, he says in a high, squeaky voice:

- Do you want me to bring my brother here? I myself don't know why, I drop one single word:

- Want.

And the devil melted into thin air.

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In just a few seconds, he re-materialized from the void in front of me. Next to him stood a little imp, half a meter tall. His naked body was also covered with shaggy, curly hair. But on the other hand, the head … I cried not in my own voice when I saw my son's face above the hairy body!

The devil hugged the imp by the shoulders, giggled distinctly, and his lips again spread in a devilish grin.

“We really liked your place,” he squeaked in a treble. - We will come here again. Wait.

In the next moment, both hairy creatures disappeared.

After some time, one of my close friends came to visit me in the evening. She lived on the other side of the city - very far away, and therefore I left her to spend the night with us. Exactly at midnight, she alarmed my husband and I with heart-rending screams. We rushed to her, began to ask: what, they say, is the matter? We see that the woman is not herself, she is pounding in natural hysteria. Through her tears, she stammered, saying that she had not yet managed to fall asleep, when out of nowhere appeared before her three stunted creatures, overgrown with thick black hair. When my friend screamed in horror, the creatures disappeared, again sinking into who knows where …

One evening in August 1990, I was lying on the couch, but still awake. The light in the room was off. The husband and son were at that moment in the next room. Suddenly a heavy slab, absolutely invisible, fell on me from above. It seemed like another moment, and she would break through my chest, crush me into a cake.

And next to the couch there was a sconce-lamp hanging on the wall. Under it dangled a string, which had to be pulled to turn on or off the lamp. Half-smothered by an invisible stove, I nevertheless managed to somehow reach the lace with my hand. I pulled at him. The light flashed. And what was trying to crush me, immediately flew away somewhere … In the following nights I was afraid to sleep in the dark. So she slept with a lamp on the wall.

And nothing else pressed.

But a man's voice began to call me by name. I got scared, jumped up from the couch - no one was in the room! And the voice every now and then called out: "Tanya!.. Tanya!.." And at the same time a sound was heard, similar to the loud, uniform ticking of a large wall clock. Meanwhile, there are no such clocks in our house.

In response to these endless, soul-exhausting calls "Tanya!.. Tanya!.." I once threw myself up on the bed and saw a cup and a saucer under it, standing on the lower unglazed shelf of the sideboard, swaying evenly. They waddle from side to side in time with the mysterious loud ticking. A flat plate lay on the shelf next to them. Suddenly the plate shook, twitched, turned over by itself and froze, standing on its edge. And then she began to roll back and forth on the shelf, like a wheel.

I rushed to the sideboard, grabbed the plate, pressed it to my chest … I do not know what to do … I sat on the ottoman and sat there until dawn with a plate under my arm.

On those terrible days, when someone called my name at night, my eight-year-old son often complained about the noise that prevented him from sleeping. All night long, something went under his bed, stirred and puffed …

Tired of all this so that at least shout in your voice!

All our relatives, friends and all colleagues - both mine and my husband's - knew from our words about the nightmares happening in our country. One of her husband's colleagues said:

- There is a popular belief: if a brownie is furious in a house, it means that he is hungry and needs to be fed.

Stupid idea, isn't it?

If you are a brownie and live under the same roof with us, then here is a refrigerator for you, dear, and here is a kitchen cabinet, where there are bags of cereals on the shelves and a bag of potatoes lies below. Open the fridge, get into the closet, feed on your health …

But what can't you do when the situation is desperate? In the evening, I put a cup of water and a saucer with two gingerbread in the place in the sideboard where the plate rose by itself on the edge. Imagine my surprise when in the morning I found both the cup and saucer empty. The next evening, I again prepared exactly the same dinner for the brownie. By morning, the water from the cup and the gingerbread from the saucer disappeared. And a blissful silence fell in the apartment.

Every evening in the following days I continued to prepare the same simple food for my "tenant". Judging by the fact that she did not know how and where she evaporated in the middle of the night, the feeding was to the taste of the housekeeper.

Ten days passed. And then one morning I found the water and the gingerbread untouched. Aha! Our ugliness ate and got drunk, therefore. My husband and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Since then, nothing unusual has happened in our house.