The Ghosts Of The Watertown Tanker - Alternative View

The Ghosts Of The Watertown Tanker - Alternative View
The Ghosts Of The Watertown Tanker - Alternative View

Video: The Ghosts Of The Watertown Tanker - Alternative View

Video: The Ghosts Of The Watertown Tanker - Alternative View
Video: The Frightening True Story of the S.S. Watertown Ghosts | Real Mysteries #3 2024, October

In the early winter of 1924, an American liquid cargo ship named Watertown sailed from a Californian port. The ship followed to New Orleans, its route ran through the Panama Canal. However, there was an accident during the voyage, two sailors died as a result of oil vapor poisoning. In accordance with the prevailing tradition, they were buried at sea off the coast of Mexico.

A few days later, at sunset, one of the tanker's sailors noticed two human heads bobbing on the waves. An eyewitness recognized them as two dead sailors. The heads appeared the next evening.

Almost the entire crew of the cargo ship, both individually and together, repeatedly noticed these dead sailors. They arose approximately three meters from each other, keeping a distance of no more than 13 meters from the side. The ghosts seemed to be floating on the waves. These heads were much larger than the heads of living people. The ghosts appeared for ten seconds, and then seemed to dissolve in the air, and appeared again. After the ship reached the Atlantic, the ghosts stopped appearing.

As soon as the ship docked in the port of New Orleans, and the tanker's crew went ashore, the captain officially notified the management of the shipping company about the incident. However, none of the tanker's commanding officers took a camera with them to have at least some evidence. It was for this that the captain of the cargo ship purchased a camera before sailing back. After the heads of the ghosts began to appear again, Captain Tracy took several pictures. Then he hid a camera and film in the safe. Later, an employee of a photo studio in New York, who printed the photographs, did not see anything strange in 5 out of 6 photographs. However, in one shot, the heads of the ghosts were clearly visible. The search agency where the team members turned to establish the validity of the negative,did not reveal any traces of intentional fraud. Over the next voyages, ghosts began to appear less and less, and then disappeared altogether.