Psychics Mikhail Vinogradov Figured Out The Escaped Murderer - Alternative View

Psychics Mikhail Vinogradov Figured Out The Escaped Murderer - Alternative View
Psychics Mikhail Vinogradov Figured Out The Escaped Murderer - Alternative View

Video: Psychics Mikhail Vinogradov Figured Out The Escaped Murderer - Alternative View

Video: Psychics Mikhail Vinogradov Figured Out The Escaped Murderer - Alternative View
Video: Is the Delphi Murderer going to get away with it?? This video is for adults 18 and older. 2024, October

The offender thought through the robbery to the smallest detail and was ready to kill to get away from retaliation. However, he could not foresee either a lively old woman who "accidentally" stood in his way, nor the ability of psychics to see through space and time …

K. considered himself an experienced and intelligent crime boss. Already having a time behind him, he never learned to earn a living honestly. The only way to ensure a comfortable existence, he still considered robbery. But now he was determined, firstly, to play for high stakes, and secondly, in no case to go to jail again.

K. worked out the plan of the new enterprise extremely carefully and without haste. At first, he chose the target of the attack - a large jewelry store in the center of the capital. Then he began to study the details. For several months, the attacker was monitoring the store. At the same time, of course, he always looked different: he looked like an employee with a tie and a briefcase, then he looked like a worker, then he played a tourist.

Surveillance, dressing up, calculation - all of this was exciting, inspiring. Finally, he figured out everything, calculated up to the minute when the collectors arrive at the salon, when they leave with the proceeds, which side they appear and which route they follow.


To carry out his plans, K. found three assistants. Here he also proved to be a very prudent person. He chose accomplices carefully, from those whom he knew well, but did not personally cooperate before. He never met with everyone together, he kept in touch with only one "trusted" person through whom he directed the preparation of the robbery. The members of the "team" were not newcomers, they knew their business and did not ask unnecessary questions.

Shortly before the X-hour, our citizen K. ordered his companion to rent an apartment and pay for it a month in advance, so as not to arouse suspicion and concern of the owners. There the bandits were going to meet after the implementation of their plan and divide the booty. Finally, it was time to act. The leader prepared detailed instructions for each participant in the operation. He explained how many people work in the store, where the cameras are located, which are best avoided, how to neutralize the only guard. And, of course, he reported the exact time of the robbery.

“You go into the salon when the money is already ready for transfer,” K. instructed his accomplices, “you will have ten minutes to get hold of it. I guarantee about the same amount for a safe exit from the store. I will detain the collectors: I know how to do it. You will have enough time to pick up the bags of money and disappear. Leave in three different ways, then we meet at the apartment. I’ll be there in advance, we’ll divide the proceeds and scatter.

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No sooner said than done. Observing the utmost punctuality, the bandits broke into the salon, guarded only symbolically, knocked out the guard with a blow to the head, scared the sellers and a couple of visitors to death. Soon they safely fled in different directions, carrying away the prey in plastic bags.

The car of the collectors with armed people really delayed that day. On one of the narrow streets, a broken Zhigulyok blocked her way. The driver allegedly ran for help to a nearby house, where he had friends, and the car was parked across the road, blocking the passage. The collectors were not alerted by the incident, since they had not yet brought money.

A few minutes later, the unlucky owner of the car returned, humbly listened to the abuse of the motorists who found themselves in a traffic jam. Then the car was dragged aside, and the collectors, unsuspecting a catch, continued on their way. When they arrived at the salon, there was nothing to take from there. All proceeds and jewelry were stolen.


The leader of the gang was waiting for the performers in the apartment, preparing a festive treat for the "heroes of the day". On the kitchen table was a battery of misted bottles of vodka, generously filled with clonidine, sprats, sausages, cucumbers and other snacks. Soon the happy accomplices came and threw the bags with the stolen goods in the corner. The fact that, in addition to the proceeds, they carried away gold and diamonds from the jewelry store was an unpleasant surprise for K.

For the sake of order, he chided the team, then graciously announced that he would take only his share of the cash, and the rest at their discretion:

- Jewelry can become direct evidence against you. The money was not tagged, I poured it out of cash collection bags and walk, but the products are another matter. Although … there is nothing to do, everyone has their own head on their shoulders. Be more careful, maybe it will work.

Two corpses lay in the kitchen, death found the third accomplice in the corridor, at the front door

He offered to celebrate good luck, share the cash and part with the world. Satisfied accomplices poured bills out of the bags, not counting, and immediately took up the glasses.

- Start without me, guys, you need to urgently make a couple of calls, - said K. and went out into the corridor.

The glasses were full, the first toast was immediately followed by the second. We drank, reached for a snack and … soon fell down dead. Two corpses remained in the kitchen, but one accomplice, on whom the poison had a slightly weaker effect, managed to go out into the corridor, where death found him.

Perhaps he realized what was what and wanted to reach out to the traitor. Didn't happen. After making sure that everything was going according to plan, the organizer of the enterprise used a stranglehold and strangled everyone to be faithful. After that, he took a bag of cash and, having examined the scene with satisfaction, prepared to leave.


K. resolutely opened the front door and … with horror he saw that an elderly neighbor was standing on the threshold.

- Oh, dear, I have something leaking, maybe the pipe is hammered or … - the old woman jabbed, but then she noticed a lifeless body in the corridor and stopped short. And then she raised a terrible screech.

With unexpected agility, she jumped out onto the stairs, the bandit rushed after her. Of course, it was not difficult to catch up with the dangerous witness. With a blow, he knocked her down, but the neighbor turned out to be an awkward ten and knew how to stand up for herself. Although old, my grandmother went through a large and harsh school of life and, despite her venerable age, remained quite strong. She fell, but when the bandit tried to step over her, she managed to grab his leg.

Unable to maintain balance, K. “counted” all the steps of the staircase up to the interfloor flight, where he hit his head with a bang on the heating battery and remained lying until the police arrived.

He came to himself already in handcuffs. Together with money and jewelry, he was taken to the proper place - to prison. The evidence of the crime was clear, and the case was soon brought to trial.


Of course, apart from armed robbery, citizen K. was also accused of killing three people. The picture of the crime was extremely clear: three corpses remained in the apartment, vodka with clonidine, strangleholds, collector's bags and jewelry. Everything denounced the villain and promised him the most severe punishment. And yet he did not lose hope.

In the search for the criminal, the investigation reached a dead end, it remained to pour hope for the help of psychics

The criminal endured his defeat. He sat quietly in the dock, did not answer questions, but did not try to deny what he had done. The lawyer, too, generally had no room for maneuver. There was no reason to delay the proceedings. K. calmly listened to the verdict: twenty years in a maximum security prison.

The escorts took the prisoner down the corridor to the exit and then to the prison car. Suddenly, the perpetrator had terrible vomiting. He was literally twisted in the face of one of the accompanying, another disgusting stream hit the form. Swearing, the servicemen tore off the handcuffs and pushed K. into the toilet, which they were just passing by.

He, without wasting precious time, slammed the door in front of them with lightning speed and then snapped it shut from the inside. While the guards circled around his finger knocked down the door, he managed to jump out of the window (it was on the second floor) and safely hide in an unknown direction. This episode looks unreal, yet this is how it happened. However, experts believe that there is nothing surprising here: a person who owns his body, is appropriately trained, is able to do anything with his body. And K. was undoubtedly a difficult person.

Now there was nothing to do but to declare a particularly dangerous criminal wanted. But he fell through the ground. Days, weeks, months passed - K. did not appear anywhere, and the search for him came to a standstill. In this situation, one thing remained - to rely on the help of clairvoyants, in the literal sense.

And the officers of the Investigative Committee turned to the Center for Legal and Psychological Assistance in Extreme Situations, headed by Mikhail Vinogradov. It is here that the strongest psychics work, who more than once assisted the police in the most difficult investigations.


In the center of Vinogradov, a letter came from the head of the operational-search department, in which he stated a request for help in finding a dangerous criminal who had escaped from custody from the courthouse. All necessary materials and information were attached to the letter. Specialists Irik Sadykov and Irina Litvina got down to business.

They looked at the photo of the criminal, studied the date of birth, the time of the organization of the robbery and the commission of murders, and the escape from custody. Then the psychics began to work with a map of Russia, and finally they managed to find the fugitive in a small town in Siberia. The search results were immediately transferred to the Investigative Committee. And then there is silence. Only a month later a letter came to the center again, this time thanks.

As it turned out, at first the investigating officers did not take the information of psychics on faith. The problem was that all possible connections of the escaped bandit led to the south and west. It was believed that he had no contacts in Siberia. However, after checking all the points where the fugitive could be hiding, and not finding him, the operatives nevertheless decided to check the version of the center's specialists.


As a result, the criminal was found in a small Siberian town where distant relatives lived from the side of his first wife, whom no one ever remembered. The bandit came to them, reasonably believing that no one here would look for him. He got a job in the dirtiest job - either as a cattleman, or as a laborer, lived quietly and unnoticed, waiting for the passions to subside. However, even here he miscalculated. The cunning and, undoubtedly, inventive criminal was taken when he did not expect it at all, and now they were reliably hiding behind bars, having thrown an additional term for escape.

Mikhail VINOGRADOV, forensic psychiatrist, professor of psychiatry, founder and head of the Center for Legal and Psychological Assistance in Extreme Situations:

“In fact,” Mikhail Viktorovich added at the conclusion of this highly instructive story, “in a letter of gratitude to the specialists of the center, the investigators presented another request. They asked psychics to "see" if citizen K., while on the run, had committed other serious crimes, for which he could now have avoided responsibility.

We looked. No, at least he didn't kill anyone else. I was just hiding, working, trying not to attract attention to myself. Of course, this would not last forever. Such criminals will certainly return to the "hunt". But, thank God, in this case justice and law have triumphed.