UFO Attack: Aliens Preparing Invasion? - Alternative View

UFO Attack: Aliens Preparing Invasion? - Alternative View
UFO Attack: Aliens Preparing Invasion? - Alternative View

Video: UFO Attack: Aliens Preparing Invasion? - Alternative View

Video: UFO Attack: Aliens Preparing Invasion? - Alternative View
Video: US Military Plan to Defeat an Alien Invasion 2024, September

The land is open to alien invasion. This sensational conclusion was reached by Nick Pope, a former state adviser and project manager for UFO research at the UK Department of Defense.

Since the Department of Defense's UFO Research Department was closed, he said, no one has been monitoring unexplained phenomena. All detected mysterious objects that differ from the usual plane are simply ignored. Now the Ministry of Defense will have to respond to a message about the appearance of a UFO with a standard letter with a recommendation "not to worry."

Nick Pope, who led the UFO project from 1991 to 1994, reported that a number of traces of aliens had been identified in the UK. He warned fellow citizens that misinterpreting data on alien activity could have dire consequences. Pope noted that although the aliens have not yet shown their hostility in any way, the Earth is not immune to attack.

Meanwhile, ufologists know facts indicating that unidentified flying objects sometimes behave aggressively towards people and possess weapons that are superior to modern earthly models.

For the first time, they learned about armed UFOs in June 1944. Then an unidentified flying object appeared at the location of the 38th US Navy Task Force. US naval personnel took the UFO visit as an enemy attack. By order of the commander of the formation, two fighters were raised to intercept the object. When attempting to attack an unfamiliar object, both aircraft failed their engines, and the machines made an emergency landing on the water. The pilots were picked up by the destroyer Aaron Bard. And the "flying saucer" maneuvered over the ships for a few more minutes, after which, instantly soaring into the sky, it disappeared from sight.

In March 1967, two Cuban MiG-21 fighters were sent to intercept an unknown object flying towards the island at an altitude of 10 kilometers. Approaching the UFO at 5 km, the pilot of the lead aircraft reported to the command post that the object looks like a large metal sphere without protruding parts. An order was given from the ground to shoot him down. But immediately the lead fighter's radar and missiles went out of order, and a few seconds later it exploded without flame or smoke. The second fighter did not tempt fate and returned safely to the airfield.

On June 9, 1974, over Tokyo, a UFO attacked the plane itself and shot it down. It all started with the appearance of a disc-shaped object about 10 meters in diameter above the city. A Japanese two-seater Phantom fighter was raised to intercept it. But suddenly the UFO rushed towards the plane sent against it. To avoid a collision, the pilot turned to the side. Then the object made a sharp turn and again rushed to the "Phantom", which, after maneuvering, retreated. But the UFO persistently continued its hunt for the plane. For a long time, the object literally hovered around the Phantom and eventually crashed into the fighter. Both pilots managed to eject, but only one of them managed to escape. However, no UFO wreckage, even the smallest, was found.

In May 1969, a UFO that looked like a huge orange appeared over Hanoi and was soon fired upon by several artillery battalions. All the missiles fired exploded before reaching the target. On the other hand, one of the anti-aircraft missile systems was destroyed by the beam of an unidentified flying object, and its entire combat crew died.

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In November 1974, over one of the NATO bases on the island of Sardinia, an anti-aircraft missile was launched at a disk-shaped object with a dome on top hovering over the sea. At the same time, a movie camera located on the missile launch control installation clearly recorded that as the rocket approached the UFO, a laser-like beam escaped from it, destroying the rocket. Films of this unusual episode were shown several times on Italian television in the fall of 1976.

In 2002, in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, several people were strangely killed and maimed. The villagers blamed the UFO for this. They talked about the nocturnal visits of the spheres that gave off red and blue lights. As a result, seven people died from unexplained injuries, while many others were burned. Ramiy Pal said that his friend Raghurai Pal died recently in the city of Shanva. “His belly was ripped open,” he said he was attacked by a UFO at night, the villager said. Many other people were scratched mercilessly while they slept. In Darra village, 53-year-old Kalawati said she was attacked by a UFO and showed bubbles on her blackened forearms. “It was like a big soccer ball with sparkling lights, I can't sleep in pain,” she said.

Most recently, UFOs were seen in the sky in the area of operation of the Air Force Combat Operations Center, which is based at the Sokol airfield in the vicinity of Lipetsk. Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Litvin was on a routine training flight. “There was no interference,” the pilot says. - The devices worked fine. The airplane of the conditional enemy was below me, I was preparing to attack it, came in from the direction of the sun … Suddenly, on the sight screen, I saw six greenish-blue balls. They were of different sizes. Ahead - the largest, the rest followed the decreasing one”.

Litvin saw a green beam hitting him directly from the head ball, so bright that it dazzled his eyes. The pilot managed to lower the helmet's light filter and duck. The beam slid across the cockpit canopy. Lytvyn turned the plane aside. I looked at the sight screen again: the balls were gone. The MiG objective control device, which was controlled by Vladimir Litvin, filmed strange balls. The personnel were examined by experts and recognized as genuine. Failed to identify objects.

Konstantin Dyatlov