Ghosts Visible And Invisible - Alternative View

Ghosts Visible And Invisible - Alternative View
Ghosts Visible And Invisible - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Visible And Invisible - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Visible And Invisible - Alternative View
Video: The Science of Ghosts | Earth Lab 2024, September

Ghosts … Spirits … People believe in the existence of a large number of such creatures that wander at night. Since ancient times, these essences excite the human imagination. In various magical rituals and legends, in stories and historical monuments, a variety of undead appears every now and then. But are they really there? Or is it just a figment of a sick imagination? And is it really possible to return from the afterlife in the form of a ghost?

In the understanding of an ordinary person, a ghost is the soul of a deceased person, which did not rest, but remained in the world of the living and wanders around the earth.

It should also be noted that among the huge number of anomalous phenomena, ghosts and ghosts cause almost the greatest interest, and all because the problem of life after death worries so many.

People believe that even after death, the dead can remain in the world of the living in the form of ethereal spirits. This idea has its origins in antiquity. Many found consolation in her, because sometimes it is very difficult to accept the death of a loved one and therefore I really want to believe that even after death a loved one can help, prompt, warn of danger, support. Some people begin to believe in ghosts based on their own experiences, others after they experience something inexplicable.

Ghosts can be visible in the form of clots of energy or translucent figures, as well as invisible when a person does not see anything unusual, but at the same time hears knocking, rustling, footsteps. The most serious manifestation of an invisible ghost is a poltergeist, which is capable of setting fire to and moving objects, and exerting a physical effect on a person.

Very often ghosts appear in videos and photographs, although at the moment when the shooting is being done, the person does not notice anything unusual. This can be explained by the fact that video and photographic equipment is more sensitive to light than the human eye and can perceive a wider light spectrum.

At the same time, according to some psychics, they see and feel ghosts even in places where they cannot be captured on film. Of course, in some cases psychics are trying to make money in this way, because it is impossible to check their words. But sometimes, in the places indicated by them, the outlines of human figures or glowing mysterious substances appear on the films.

People have met with ghosts throughout human history. A kind of proof of this can be the presence in many religions around the world of special rituals of burying the dead for the repose of their souls.

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Those souls who did not rest, according to many religions, are doomed to eternal wanderings as vampires or ghosts. According to some beliefs, the souls of the dead in some cases remain on the earth, because during their lifetime people did not have time to complete all their affairs, especially if they were significant for a person. In addition, the souls of those who suddenly passed away (often after an accident or murder), when a person simply does not have time to realize his own death, cannot rest in peace.

There is also evidence that people, in addition to human ghosts, sometimes encounter trains, houses, ships, airplanes, and even ghost towns. Sometimes these meetings happen once, sometimes they are repeated periodically. According to some ufologists, this kind of meeting can be explained by the fact that in some places on the earth anomalous electromagnetic activity is periodically manifested, as a result of which scenes from parallel time can be seen in a certain space. For example, in history there are cases when a ghost train arrived at a certain station strictly on schedule. And when a person was found who decided to get on this train, both the person himself and the vehicle simply disappeared.

Sometimes ghosts are mistakenly referred to as humanoid translucent creatures, which from time to time are shown to people. But in reality, they have absolutely nothing to do with ghosts.

Poltergeist, that is, an invisible ghost, is quite rare as a manifestation of the soul of the dead. It is often perceived as a manifestation of evil forces. And there is an explanation for that. According to experts, very rarely the souls of the dead are able to gain strength sufficient to influence the world of the living, to provoke a fire or move objects. Usually, everything is limited to rustles, steps, soft knocks, and light touches. As for the poltergeist as a manifestation of evil forces, it can have a strong physical effect on a person, up to serious injuries, quite often leave inscriptions and scratches on walls and objects, can move large heavy objects, cause extensive fires, and also close and hold doors. …

At the same time, despite the very numerous evidence of the existence of ghosts, which are captured in videos and photographs, there is no official confirmation of the existence of ghosts. Most of the evidence of this kind is attributed either to a film defect or to natural phenomena. And most often, such evidence is considered fabricated.

Be that as it may, but so far not a single scientist has confirmed the authenticity of photo and video evidence, because he fears for his reputation in the scientific world.

At the same time, at the moment around the world, more than ten thousand people are busy looking for ghosts and their supposed habitats. As researcher Sharon Hill notes, in the United States alone, more than two thousand teams of amateurs are engaged in searches for ghosts, who have themselves nothing more than ghost hunters.

According to them, there is enough work for such groups, since guests from the other world for many millennia, just like in our time, are involved in many dark stories. This even led to the creation of a special genre, the so-called "ghost stories".

As mentioned above, the study of ghosts is very problematic, since this phenomenon does not even have a generally accepted definition. After all, some scientists are sure that ghosts are the souls of the deceased, who for some reason could not leave the real world, while others, on the contrary, argue that ghosts are some telepathic entities that are projected into the real world by the human imagination.

Those who believe in the existence of ghosts say that, in addition to poltergeists, there are intelligent spirits and human shadows.

It is quite obvious that such a categorization has no scientific basis. And you can think of a dozen more varieties of ghosts, and indeed as many as the human imagination will last.

In general, the idea of the existence of ghosts is very ambiguous and has a large number of contradictions. For example, scientists cannot come to an unambiguous decision whether ghosts are material or disembodied. From the point of view of logic, only one of these options is possible - either they are able to pass through solid objects (that is, they are incorporeal), or they can move objects and slam doors (in this case, they are material).

And one more thing: if ghosts are the souls of dead people, then why do they appear in clothes? And how then to explain the appearance of ghost trains and other non-material things?

Ghostbusters have many methods of searching for ghosts in their arsenal, and some of them are quite doubtful. Most claim to be guided by science in their quest, using a variety of detectors, infrared cameras and sensitive microphones. But when checked, none of these high-tech devices could detect a single ghost.

There is another theory - the existence of ghosts cannot be proven only because people have not yet come up with equipment that would allow them to come into contact with these entities. However, this version also has some contradictions from the point of view of logic. If ghosts really exist, but it is not possible to establish contact with them, then how then to explain the numerous photo and video materials? It turns out that all of them are nothing more than meaningless fakes.

Some people are trying to find evidence for the existence of ghosts using modern physics. So, for example, A. Einstein put forward the theory that if energy cannot be created and destroyed, and if energy only changes its shape, then where does the energy of the human body go after its death? Maybe she's transforming into a ghost? This version looks very logical, but only for those people who are not iconic with the basics of physics. And the answer to this question is very simple: after death, the energy of a person is sent to the surrounding world, just like the energy of all other living beings. It manifests itself as heat and is absorbed by plants and animals. Agree, nothing mystical …

Thus, while science is powerless to confirm or deny the existence of ghosts with certainty. Therefore, everyone decides for himself whether to believe in them or perceive them, nothing else but science fiction …
