Disappearances In Sicily - Alternative View

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Disappearances In Sicily - Alternative View
Disappearances In Sicily - Alternative View

Video: Disappearances In Sicily - Alternative View

Video: Disappearances In Sicily - Alternative View
Video: VIKINGS and the Sicilian MAFIA 2024, September

The devil's trap is one of the anomalous places in Italy. According to one of the existing legends, in the city of Tacona on the island of Sicily, there is one very mysterious and dangerous place, where in the middle of the 18th century a person was observed disappearing in front of witnesses

A respectable and respectable man named Alberto Gordoni lived in the city. One warm, clear morning on May 3, 1753, he was strolling through the courtyard of his estate. At the same time, Alberto's wife, his friend Count Zenetti and several other people were in the yard.

Suddenly the artisan, having reached a certain place in the courtyard, completely unexpectedly disappeared out of the blue right in front of the astonished audience. The people who watched all this were simply stunned. The wife fainted from horror. Struck by what they saw, the witnesses dug up the entire courtyard and the place where Gordoni evaporated, but it was not possible to establish any reasons for this incident. At the place of disappearance, they did not find any pits or wells, but even the slightest depressions. The place was absolutely level. In a word, it remained a complete mystery for everyone where Alberto had gone.

22 years have passed since the events described. And suddenly, one fine day, the missing artisan reappeared in the same place from which he disappeared. It just appeared out of nowhere. Like a mirage. The people around rushed to ask Alberto where he was, but the man answered all the questions that he did not disappear anywhere, so he was naturally placed in an insane asylum, where the craftsman spent seven whole years. And seven years later, one of the doctors of the insane asylum, a certain Mario, decided to talk to him on the topic of disappearance.

Gordoni allegedly told him the story of how twenty-nine years ago he suddenly found himself in some kind of tunnel, which brought him into a white and dim light. Before him was some kind of incomprehensible small picture, covered with various dots and stars, each pulsing in its own way. In the place where Alberto got there, there were no things, only strange devices.

The man also met an unknown hairy creature there, which informed him that he was in a crevice of time and space, from which it was very difficult to return back. While awaiting his return home, the artisan learned from a certain woman about the holes opening in the dark; about some white drops and thoughts moving in space at the speed of light; about souls without a body and about soulless bodies; about flying cities with young and immortal inhabitants. And then he was returned home.

But Gordoni, both then, 22 years ago, and now, seven years after his return, was clearly convinced that he had not been absent for long, maybe several hours. The doctor believed Alberto's story, and decided to return with him to the scene in order to properly examine him. When they found themselves in the yard of the craftsman's house and approached the described place, something terrible happened again. Gordoni took one step and disappeared again just like the first time, but now forever. After this incident, Dr. Mario, believing in the machinations of the devil, ordered to build a wall around this place and called it the Devil's Trap. Since then, this name has remained with this place.

What is this phenomenon? What is the mystery of the disappearance?

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Here for hypotheses, explanations and assumptions just expanse. And for both scientific and mystical. Among them are the theory of the existence of parallel worlds, and the theory of stall and time lapses, and the hypothesis of space-time anomalies of the zone, and the assumption of the existence of black holes in the chronal field, and even the mystical hypothesis of the transition to the higher astral plane of the Universe. Most of them begin with the statement that this can never be, then move on to the assumption that there is still something in all this, and end with the statement that everyone already knows this.

There are a lot of such places on our planet, they are all considered anomalous zones. In such zones, some anomalies of space and time declare themselves. They are characterized by the fact that a person who has got into such a zone seems to slip out of the usual flow of time. He does not feel how time passes, time slows down for him. At such a moment, a person believes that several moments have passed, but for those around him, several hours have already passed.

Even in the ancient tales of fairies and alphas, phenomena were described when people, enchanted by the dancing of fairies, believed that literally five minutes had passed, but in fact several months or years passed! There is some truth in every fairy tale. This means that since ancient times, people knew about the existence of anomalous places.

Another example of this phenomenon. One person at home had some enchanted place in which everything that fell on him regularly disappeared. Once he bent over this place and around him some kind of foggy, luminous dense cloud began to form. Only a friend, who was not far from him and noticed this cloud, took this person out of the unsafe area. The amazing thing was that the person himself did not even notice any fog around him and did not feel any changes.

All anomalous zones of this type are characterized by some similar paradoxes. The first is that disappearances take place in full view of witnesses. Some disappeared people do not notice this at all, while others, on the contrary, think that they wander for an infinitely long time (according to their feelings) in search of their fellow travelers.

The second paradox is that a person walking at a normal speed and getting into such a zone sometimes covers very small, at first glance, distances in a few hours, and overcomes large kilometers in a few minutes.

And, finally, the third paradox is that some people who fell into the trap of the devil and returned back say that they have been either in a different time (past or future), or elsewhere on the planet (in the desert; in the forest, on the seashore).

Some hypotheses claim that we are deeply mistaken if we believe that time is constant everywhere. In some anomalous places, its course is disrupted. The clock in these places always goes wrong in our understanding, they usually lag behind. Such places are considered time lapses. What are these places? This is the place where the Tunguska meteorite fell, and the places where the landings of unidentified flying objects were observed, and the Devil's belt with the Bermuda Triangle and the Devil's Sea, and nuclear test sites.

Another theory says that there is no law of conservation of time. And our idea that the passage of time is only straightforward is a delusion. Proponents of this theory argue that, primitively speaking, time seems to wind up on something, like threads on a spool. And thus, the parallel existence of the past, present and future is possible. Time is superimposed on each other in layers. But sometimes a short circuit occurs between such layers or breakdowns occur. Such closures cause the appearance of so-called temporary black holes in chronal fields.

These black holes are like the funnels of a tornado. They move according to laws we do not understand and drag in various objects, animals and even people, like air or water hurricanes. The theory of black wandering holes also explains the mysteries of the Yeti, Loch Ness and other monsters, which were allegedly "sucked in" by the hurricane of time in their prehistoric era, and "spit out" in our era. And in our time, such black holes become cracks, into which modern people sometimes fall, and then find themselves in a foreign time.

Well, and a very mystical hypothesis explains disappearances, like the disappearance of Alberto Gordoni, by movements between the astral levels of the Universe. According to this hypothesis, there is a lower astral level on Earth, and the disappeared person was transferred to some higher astral level in the Universe. And accordingly, the speed of the passage of time at this level is higher than at our low level.

There are many other explanations for such phenomena.

Everything that happens in such devil's traps usually happens quite suddenly. And no one knows the exact answer to the question of what is really going on there. Therefore, only one advice can be given - try not to go to those places that are famous for their abnormality.