Mysterious Easter Island - Alternative View

Mysterious Easter Island - Alternative View
Mysterious Easter Island - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Easter Island - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Easter Island - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Finally Discovered the Truth About Easter Island 2024, September

Easter Island has always been a mystery to explorers. Even today they strive to unravel its secrets. One of them remains stone statues, which, according to legend, were erected by local residents as a sign of respect and reverence for the Gods.

Easter Island sculptures are very similar to Inca occult artifacts. But between these two civilizations there are thousands of miles, which man could not overcome on his own in those days. Based on the scientific conclusions of archaeologists, all the sculptures on the island were created at about the same time. But there are hundreds of them on the island. Each of them weighs five hundred tons. Sculptures are located throughout the island. They create so-called purgatory, occult places of worship of local peoples' gods.

Even at the very beginning of the acquaintance of civilized society with Easter Island, it was rather strange to see such massive stone sculptures on this island. Note that mankind learned about Easter in the Middle Ages, when Europe was developing culturally, and America was conducting a stormy scientific activity. What was the strangeness? At that time, a non-civilized tribe lived on the island, which gave importance only to the ancient rituals of calling the Gods and carnal pleasures. Writing and everyday life, and even more so construction, were developed at a minimum level. According to the conclusions of scientists, local residents could not have been the creators of these masterpieces of civilization. The thing is that in the parts of the island where the sculptures are installed, there is no natural material, which is stone, for their creation. They were hewn out of stone in the depths of the island and moved to the desired location.

But how to move a sculpture weighing five hundred tons without special equipment?

In the middle of the last century, several scientists asked this question and tried to clearly answer it. To do this, the local residents were instructed to carve a similar sculpture out of stone and use ropes to move it to the specified place.

It took the locals five days to create a prototype, a smaller copy of the sculpture. When the sculpture was ready, it was lifted with the help of cables and gradually moved to the place indicated by scientists. We moved the sculpture using smooth swinging movements. Millimeter by millimeter, the sculpture moved in the right direction.

After this experiment, scientists became firmly convinced that the locals could not in any way carve out such a number of sculptures on their own, and even more so - install them in different parts of the island. Most scientists agreed that these stone sculptures are the creation of beings higher in intelligence and power.

In some scriptures of local peoples, it is indicated that the sculptures arrived at the place of their installation by air, or they themselves moved in the right direction by land. But this seemed impossible to scientists, since the sculptures had no legs. Then it was decided to dig one of them, and at this moment the amazement of the scientists knew no bounds. It turns out that Easter Island sculptures have legs.

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The scientific world is divided in opinion regarding the possibility of independent movement of sculptures on land. Some scientists argued that if you mix the sculptures as in an experiment, shaking them little by little, it seems that they are slowly moving forward, sometimes with one leg, then with the other. That is why in the ancient scriptures it can be indicated that they themselves moved on land.

Another part of scientists came to the conclusion, having studied more thoroughly the religious records of local residents, that they believed in the supernatural power of their priests. As stated in the scriptures, the priests went inland and returned from there, directing sculptures through the air. The locals believed in the superpowers of their priests, as well as in the fact that the sculptures were sent from above by the Gods, and that they are their creations and need to be worshiped.

Based on this, we can conclude that not just people lived among the local population, but perhaps not people at all. Scientists have not found a single mention of the creation of sculptures on Easter Island by man.

The scientific world began to explore the territory of the island, trying to find answers to their questions. Nothing was found on land, but under water. Jacques Yves Cousteau discovered the remains of a sunken city in the underwater surroundings of Easter Island. It happened in the seventies of the last century, but as soon as the local authorities learned about the find, scientists were forbidden to further explore the water area of the island. After this incident, the water area is closed for research. It is still closed today.

What is it about the underwater kingdom near the island trying to hide the local authorities? Today, the scientific world puts forward only hypotheses about this. One of them is the presence of the underground part of the island in the water surface.

Many scientists are inclined to believe that those underwater objects that Cousteau discovered are an underwater base of alien guests. If we rely on this theory, then it turns out that the local residents thousands of years ago came into contact with aliens, who spread their base not on the surface of the island, but on the seabed.

Aliens appeared before the locals in the guise of priests, after which they returned to their base and created these stone sculptures. After that, using telekinesis, or an unknown technology, they moved the sculptures around the island.

But where did the alien guests go afterwards? What is the meaning of these sculptures for them? What do they mean and what information do they carry for the inhabitants of the planet?

All these questions remain mysteries to this day. Sculptures on Easter Island are of great interest to the scientific world, like the Sphinx, pyramids, and many other ancient artifacts. But so far humanity does not have the opportunity to unravel all the secrets and riddles. Today, most of the questions that scientists have are overgrown with conjectures and hypotheses, until progress towards truth is observed. Perhaps, when the local authorities allow scientists to study the underwater part of the island, new interesting facts will be revealed that will give answers to the questions that have arisen. And perhaps it is too early for humanity to know the answers, perhaps it is unsafe for its further existence.