A Strange Object On The Asteroid Eros - Alternative View

A Strange Object On The Asteroid Eros - Alternative View
A Strange Object On The Asteroid Eros - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Object On The Asteroid Eros - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Object On The Asteroid Eros - Alternative View
Video: A Strange Object Is Circling Earth Like a Second Moon 2024, July

An extremely unusual object is easy to spot in NASA's June 10, 2000 image of the asteroid Eros. It is clearly man-made, not a natural formation, it resembles a certain mechanism, maybe it is a robot, but whose?

Ufologist Scott Waring, who published a photo on his website, is sure that the mechanism looks like a radar station that records everything in its path and which was installed by aliens.


The asteroid Eros is a very small object (but very large for an asteroid), its diameter is only 16.84 km. It walks in its orbit, regularly crossing the orbit of Mars and getting closer to Earth. There are calculations that suggest that in the distant future, Eros may collide with the Earth.

It is believed that the impact potential of Eros in the event of its fall to Earth will be greater than the potential of the asteroid that formed the Chicxulub crater, causing the KT extinction, which resulted in the extinction of dinosaurs on Earth.