Are The Frequent Storms In The Black Sea Dangerous? - Alternative View

Are The Frequent Storms In The Black Sea Dangerous? - Alternative View
Are The Frequent Storms In The Black Sea Dangerous? - Alternative View

Video: Are The Frequent Storms In The Black Sea Dangerous? - Alternative View

Video: Are The Frequent Storms In The Black Sea Dangerous? - Alternative View

Scientists of the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Shirshov analyzed data on storms that occurred in the Black Sea over the past four decades. As a result, it was concluded that over time, the unrest is becoming more frequent.

The research was carried out by a scientific team headed by the head of the laboratory of geology and lithodynamics of the Institute of Oceanology R. Kosyan. Its results were published on the pages of Oceanology.

Scientists have analyzed a large amount of data on wind waves in the Azov and Black Seas, from 1979 to the present day. As a result of mathematical modeling, it was found that over the past quarter century, the average annual activity of the Black Sea waves has increased by 10-15 percent. This indicator increased due to the appearance of moderate storms. The theoretical calculations were later confirmed by practical measurements off the coast of Gelendzhik.

In addition, scientists were able to prove that the height of the waves in the Black Sea can reach even greater values than was commonly believed until now - in other words, waves can rise not 15, but 20 meters during the period of strong storms.

According to Russian scientists, the study provides an opportunity to establish the relationship between human activities, storms and the destruction of the coastal strip of the sea. Thanks to the research of ocean scientists, it was possible to stop some of the potentially dangerous projects on the Black Sea coast, which could theoretically disrupt the ecosystems of the Black Sea beaches. Among other things, projects such as sand mining from underwater slopes and the destruction of sand dunes for subsequent recreational construction have been suspended.