How Did The Giants - Alternative View

How Did The Giants - Alternative View
How Did The Giants - Alternative View

Video: How Did The Giants - Alternative View

Video: How Did The Giants - Alternative View
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In the north of India, in a desert area ("empty quarter"), the remains of human beings were found about 7 meters tall. The excavations are being conducted by a team of the Indian Geographical Society with the help of the Indian Army.

People of gigantic stature are mentioned in the ancient Indian Vedas; in Russian folk literature; in the myths and legends of Ancient Greece, which says that Zeus, in the fight against his opponents in the region of the Polar Urals, Yamal and Taimyr, attracted giants and many-armed people to his side. At the end of this struggle (Titanomachy), the giants were sent back to the underworld.

In the Black Sea region, Odysseus also met with giants (cyclops).

The legends of the North Caucasian Karachai-Circassian people say that in the not too distant past their ancestors fought with giants who had great strength. The burials of the dead giants should be at the source of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River (North Caucasus). It is possible that giants can still live here in the undergrounds, as well as in the Ural-Taimyr region.

In the 20th century in the center of Moscow, archaeologists discovered the yard of an ancient shoemaker with the remains of gigantic worn-out shoes. It turns out that in the European part of Russia there were people of great stature like the giants of the Urals (up to 4 m).

A number of famous travelers of the planet who visited Tibet report that they saw from afar large people of both sexes. Tibetan lamas confirm the existence of such people with white, black and other skin colors.

According to space legends, people up to 7 m high on Earth appeared about 65 thousand years ago in the central part of Antarctica on a spaceship-ark. Having created dwellings underground, they began to develop the surface of the planet, moving to other continents.

47 thousand years ago, the surface of the Earth was subjected to "purification by fire", which destroyed all flora and fauna. People who had not taken refuge in the dungeons were also killed. It took a long period for the vegetation to reappear.

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About 40 thousand years ago, a new kind of giants up to 4 meters high flew to Antarctica on an ark.

About 20 thousand years on Earth there was a new cleaning of its surface by a grandiose flood.

14 thousand years ago in the Antarctic region on a flying ark, a third species of large people (giants) up to 3 meters tall arrives. Having created underground dwellings, they began to migrate around the planet. These giants were the bodyguards of the legendary Queen of Sheba 3 thousand years ago when they met King Solomon.

Due to periodically appearing catastrophes on Earth (floods, purification by fire, epidemics, etc.), giants of all kinds have mostly survived in underground habitats with conditioned air, artificial lighting and everything necessary for life. Their abodes are found on all continents.

Ancient Indian mythology reports that the deity Brahma created people of phenomenal size, which did not exist before. They were tall, very strong and fair. They were faced with the task of putting things in order between people on Earth, who were constantly at war with each other. Subsequently, the giants, having seized power over people, entered into some kind of conflict with the gods, violating the commandment. For this, the giants were sent to underground dwellings (in "Tartarus"). This is not the same thing as the "kingdom of the dead." It is possible that some of them ended up in the "kingdom of the dead."