Evil Is Always There. Unclean Power Pursues Everyone - Alternative View

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Evil Is Always There. Unclean Power Pursues Everyone - Alternative View
Evil Is Always There. Unclean Power Pursues Everyone - Alternative View

Video: Evil Is Always There. Unclean Power Pursues Everyone - Alternative View

Video: Evil Is Always There. Unclean Power Pursues Everyone - Alternative View
Video: 7 Signs You’re Dealing With an Evil Person 2024, September

My name is Alexey, and today I want to tell a story about how my life was broken. It was October 1996. Then I was in my fourth year of art school. As usual, on Friday I went to a nightclub with my friends. What to hide, but he drank too much, drank heavily. I don't know how it happened, but I was returning home on foot. A nasty autumn rain was falling, the streets were completely empty. Suddenly, I saw a human figure walking towards me. When the figure came closer, I realized that this was not a person. I could not even determine what gender this creature was, it is simply impossible to describe this terrible face in simple language. I was not scared, seeing alcohol gave me courage and indifference. We stood and looked at each other for a few seconds. Then it said: “You will have everything in this life, absolutely everything. A happy and rich life awaits you. But if you tell someone about today's meeting, I will kill you! After that, everything floated before my eyes …

In the morning, not at lunchtime, I woke up with a terrible headache. I mistook the meeting with the monster for a nightmare. However, if it was a dream, it turned out to be too realistic. I could not forget the meeting with an incomprehensible entity, neither in a day, nor in a week, nor in a year. Who is it, the demon, or maybe the Devil himself?

Two years have passed. I graduated from college. And one Friday, in my favorite nightclub, I met Anastasia, who became my wife exactly a year later. Nastya was more than a wife for me. She was my friend, like-minded person and even my personal manager. Yes, I painted pictures, and Anastasia found buyers and clients for me. Business was going great, business was improving, each new client was richer and more generous than the last.

But I could not forget the meeting with the monster in my dream. Sometimes I painted him in my paintings. Nastya has repeatedly asked me who it is and why I draw such horrors. And I answered that I had such a violent fantasy and wanted to try my hand at horror style. I well remembered that it was forbidden to tell anyone about that meeting. Even if it was a dream, some small part of the brain told me that that meeting took place in reality. Yes, and that dream turned out to be prophetic, after all, I became a happy person: an intelligent and beautiful wife and a job that brings pleasure and good money.

As time went. I had two beautiful daughters growing up. Things were going just fine, I became a fairly famous artist and often traveled around the country with my exhibitions. That evening, I was at home myself, painted in my studio, the plot of the picture is a night meeting with a monster, I still thought then that almost twenty years had passed, and I couldn't forget everything. Or maybe it wasn't a dream at all? Nastya returned late and for some reason not in the mood. She walked into my studio and looked at the picture I was drawing.

- Are you painting this madness again? What is the picture, the fifteenth? You see, this is not your style, you have not sold a single such picture? Why are you wasting your time? These pictures are scary, children are scared to look at them! - My wife began to scold me.

- I just like to draw this, I enjoy it. - I answered calmly.

- You know, Lesha. This is a very strange pleasure! One and a half dozen of the same paintings, also disgusting. The monster you're painting is eating into consciousness. Sometimes I dream about it, I'm scared, my daughters are scared. I am even more afraid for you, I am afraid that you will fall into a fool. Therefore, tomorrow morning we go to a psychologist, or … to the registry office!

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I didn't want to go, neither to a psychologist, nor to a registry office, all the more so. “Twenty years have passed, but I, like a little child, believe in a monster that I dreamed about on a drunken head,” I thought. He looked at Nastya's upset face and told her about that meeting.

My wife looked at me, her face turned pale, and her eyes sparkled. She started screaming, yelling: “Why did you say that? You promised to never tell anyone about that meeting. You got everything I promised you and could not keep such a petty promise? There was a mirror in the studio, which reflected not Nastya, but the same monster. I got up, jumped through the open window and ran …

Now I am hiding with my friend and writing this. I know that today or tomorrow it will kill me. And I'm not afraid of death. I have lived almost all my adult life either with a demon or with some other hellish creature.

Specialist comment

Much is possible in our life. The forces of evil often arrange tests for people and select the strongest and most persistent. If Alexei kept silent and showed his resilience, then they would begin to use him for some purpose. Perhaps it would be some kind of ritual murder or other types of service to the forces of evil. In any case, the happiness and wealth that dark forces give, sometime have to work out.