Entrance To The Sublunary Alien Base - Alternative View

Entrance To The Sublunary Alien Base - Alternative View
Entrance To The Sublunary Alien Base - Alternative View

Video: Entrance To The Sublunary Alien Base - Alternative View

Video: Entrance To The Sublunary Alien Base - Alternative View
Video: Elite: Dangerous - Massive Alien Base Discovered 2024, July

The famous UFO hunter Tyler Glockner, on his YouTube channel, spoke about a recent study carried out by a group of scientists, during which images of mysterious structures located on the lunar surface were studied.

In a report published in the Journal of Space Exploration, it is said that image processing proved the artificial nature of the origin of structures found on the far side of the moon in a crater called Paracelsus C.

The authors of the study presented an analysis of images that were obtained from the Apollo 15 and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft. At first glance, these structures seem to be parts of a wall or tower, however, by comparing many images with each other, experts were able to provide a more expanded description of the objects.

According to their findings, the structures are two walls framing the entrance to the underground tunnel. 3D imaging technology also helped determine that the soil around both objects has a heterogeneous structure - "it was as if it had been dug up by an unknown mechanism." It is quite obvious that both structures are strikingly different from the surrounding space, which allows us to draw a conclusion about the artificial nature of their origin.