Do Not Pick Things Up From The Ground - Alternative View

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Do Not Pick Things Up From The Ground - Alternative View
Do Not Pick Things Up From The Ground - Alternative View

Video: Do Not Pick Things Up From The Ground - Alternative View

Video: Do Not Pick Things Up From The Ground - Alternative View
Video: If You See This Jumping Worm, Kill It 2024, September

Aleksey Kopylov from Moscow once recklessly violated the popular wisdom - not to pick up anything from the ground and certainly not to drag the find into the house. Because of this, his entire family suffered.

“Recently I was driving to the dacha,” Aleksey said, “and on the way from the station I found a mask. Not even a mask - just some kind of narrow-eyed mug carved on the board. I liked her for something, and I picked her up. He brought it home, scraped it off - it was all smeared with some kind of wax, twisted the hole and hung it on the wall.

From that day on, everything went awry for him. It started small: Alexei hammers a nail - he gets on the finger, he cuts the wood - he will hit the hand with a saw … Then - more: the switch in the country house "short-circuited", the wiring flashed. We managed to put it out. The ceiling beam cracked - well, they noticed it in time.

His father's blood pressure rose sharply - he was sent to the hospital. The wife has severe headaches every morning. At night, the child began to wake up crying. The dog howled constantly. Out of the blue, the dog started epilepsy.

“Once a friend came to see me,” Alexei continued, “he saw a mask and said:“Why did you bring this freak into the house? Mug, look how spiteful! And then it dawned on me: indeed, all the troubles began on the day when I brought this mask home! He grabbed it and threw it into the barn. And believe me - on the same day everything stopped! The only thing - the dog could not be cured.

This terrible story was commented on by Tatyana Govorova, who calls herself a master of household magic:

- In general, the mask, as such, takes place in some northern, northeastern and African cults. However, judging by the photo, the victim got into ordinary consumer goods. And by the nature of the action, this is a classic "spoilage". With the help of such techniques, an unscrupulous sorcerer removes trouble or illness from the client, not worrying that all the troubles will fall on the one who picks up the "referred" thing.

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Another option is directed "rel": the magician charges some object with black energy - a fountain pen, wallet or watch - and throws this thing on the path of the victim's possible path. I can say that Alexei and his family were still lucky: there was a dog in the house. After all, animals take on the overwhelming share of negative energy. In this situation, the dog actually gave his life for the well-being, and maybe for the life of the owners.

10 things that absolutely must not be lifted from the ground

Money and coins

They are considered energy talismans, and they are the favorite material of those who are ready to help get rid of financial trouble for a symbolic amount. With the help of a coin, monetary failures are transferred from one person to another.



Any lost jewelry carries a symbol of unhappiness. Although special significance in this matter is given to rings. It is believed that this particular piece of jewelry has the strongest energy connection with the owner. Damage, unhappy love and even the crown of celibacy can be conveyed through the ring. It is not even recommended to try on jewelry of loved ones, not to mention those that you picked up on the street.

Piercing objects

But all kinds of pins and needles (especially those found on the doorstep of your house) contain a huge amount of negative energy. They are often the "conductors" of everything bad in the hands of various magicians and sorcerers, say esotericists.


It is the bracelets made of threads and beads that carry negative energy. Such "decoration" is often a powerful amulet and is often done with your own hands. Such bracelets are rarely lost by accident, they usually break or fly off the hands due to an excess of negativity. Those who have picked up such a "jewel" are likely to face a long and wide black stripe.


As a rule, today no one picks up such things, but combs, like personal mirrors and bracelets, have a close connection with their owner, his thoughts, emotions and the past. Previously, they were often used as magical attributes, the power of which was very difficult to overestimate.


Pectoral crosses, which are designed to protect their owner from everything negative, on the contrary, when lost, become a powerful energy weapon. Such a find can change the fate of the new owner, or, in other words, you will share all the sins and evil with the past owner of the pectoral cross.


Our ancestors have long believed that mirrors harbor magical powers. They even believed that the mirror surface conceals the past of its owner, including all the negative and bad things that happened to its owner.


A watch is a very heavy object in every sense of the word: it cannot be given as a gift, cannot be picked up or worn. Especially if you got this watch after the death of a relative. Wristwatches are also not worth picking up.


The scariest thing is homemade toys and dolls, the so-called motankas. Such dolls will bring a huge setback to the new owner, because a reduced image of a person in the form of a doll is made in order to harm the one who takes the toy home.


Of course, everyone can lose the keys to an apartment, office, car or any other, but the keys we are talking about are different from those with which an apartment is usually opened. He will lie alone in a pond (puddle) and wait for someone to pick him up and open, so to speak, a box with misfortunes.

Take care of yourself and beware of the things you don't need.