Why Can't You Keep The Book Open? - Alternative View

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Why Can't You Keep The Book Open? - Alternative View
Why Can't You Keep The Book Open? - Alternative View

Video: Why Can't You Keep The Book Open? - Alternative View

Video: Why Can't You Keep The Book Open? - Alternative View
Video: Святая, что хоронит россиян 2024, September

You will be surprised, but this acrylic insert "BOOK on BOOK", from the Japanese design studio "TENT", is designed to protect books from sloppy readers. They thought for a long time and did this.

It is argued that having on hand, or rather on the pages of a book, you can not only enjoy tea and food, but also the pages of your book will be protected from spontaneous overturning from wind and drafts.

Designers primarily recommend this device for students preparing for exams. The only potential problem with BOOK on BOOK is the need to lift the acrylic insert every time the page needs to be turned. Yeah. This is actually the main jamb:-) Plus, it is not suitable for all books in size and binding.

Or maybe this is so that you can leave the book open?

It was supposed that if you leave it open, then the devils began to read the text. They got into the words of the text, and mixed everything up. This assumption is hard to believe. But it was believed that after that a person lost his memory, he forgot what exactly this text was about. All assumptions were based on the wisdom of the people.

Maybe this warning frightened people so that they treat the book with care. Any sign of the people is wise. It does not arise out of nowhere. The old people, for example, said that whoever leaves it open will lose his memory. You won't remember anything you read.

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Or maybe they just tried to save them, knowing that in the sunlight the letters on the pages burned out and lost their color. The text became paler. Indeed, books cannot bear the rays of the sun. Especially if they go directly to the text. Because the constituent books, paper, paints fade, then turn yellow. The page loses moisture, becomes dry and brittle.

One of the replies to otvet.mail.ru:

This is superstition! my grandmother told me so: do not leave the book open when you are reading and suddenly you need to be distracted for a while, move away … otherwise you will lose your memory! since I was a very obedient girl as a child, I always closed the book (and still do this!), and remember the place where my reading stopped. Then, when I reopened the book from memory, it took 1-2 minutes more time than if I did with the bookmarks, but I remembered literally the phrase, the text of the one where I stopped! and the memory was thus trained, and the contents of the book were better remembered! Even after 15-20 years I can remember the content of many books I have read!

The library evokes warm memories for every person who has used it. For each student, the library was a special place where he ran during recess to change the book.

It wasn't just books. And all the periodicals, newspapers, textbooks. There were rules on the walls. Now they will seem naive, because now every kid, either at home or in kindergarten, has firmly learned how to handle books, how to love them.

Unfortunately, the time when the handbook was of great value is over. Now everything you want can be read in an e-book and on other media. Previously, adults collected home libraries, each of which was in short supply. It was still necessary to be able to acquire it.

It so happened that queues were built into bookstores. The books were given according to the records, distributed in the production, all the same they were not enough. Now such copies can be seen in second-hand bookshops or only at the “flea market”. And then, only in big cities.

People knew how to protect them. Therefore, many specimens, even very ancient ones, have survived to our times. Previously, a book could be an expensive gift. And every person treasured it. Now the book is not appreciated in every family. Especially where parents do not earn much. There are cartoons on TV, all sorts of games - they serve as entertainment for the child. Is this correct?

Sergei Kapitsa used to say something like this: some time will pass. The country will not see such a person who wants to pick up a book. But this will be a completely different country, which is easy to rule. He said this in 2009, the speech was published in the media. Unfortunately, his warnings come true. In some apartments, paper books are completely absent.