A Land Without People - Alternative View

A Land Without People - Alternative View
A Land Without People - Alternative View

Video: A Land Without People - Alternative View

Video: A Land Without People - Alternative View
Video: (1 of 2) History of the Palestinians: A Land Without a People 2024, July

Basically, this idea is developed by science fiction writers, it is enough to recall the story on a similar topic by the American writer Ray Bradbury "Vacation". And what will happen in reality if people suddenly disappear on Earth?

Scientists have long since simulated this picture on a computer. In this case, the world will gradually begin to return to its primitive state. Within a few hours, the lights in the cities will go out, pets will either die or be forced to leave their camps in order to start adapting to a new life. Soon, the population of any living creature that depends on people, be it cows or even cockroaches, will sharply decline, and lice, for example, will die out altogether …


In about a month, all nuclear power plants will explode, which will lead to a planetary catastrophe, but this will more likely affect the humanized flora and fauna than wildlife - it will survive in any case, and the trees will again become the masters of the world.

In a year, satellites will begin to fall from space, and in a couple of decades all cities will turn into picturesque jungles or hide under layers of sand.


In a hundred years, the populations of the animals needed for the planet, which are now on the verge of extinction, will be restored, possibly new species will appear. After three or four centuries, all concrete and metal buildings and structures will crumble and collapse to the ground, cities will be captured by vegetation, all human handicrafts will gradually turn out to be buried in earth and sand, and therefore will quickly begin to disappear, processed by various bacteria. And only plastic will remain in the soil and at the bottom of the oceans for centuries and millennia …

In ten thousand years, there will be no trace of human civilization. True, such grandiose structures, which were obviously not even built by people, such as Mount Rushmore, the Chinese Wall, the Egyptian pyramids, the Sphinx, and so on, will remain for hundreds of millennia and will be silent witnesses of the civilization that once existed on this planet. Although, perhaps, all these structures will bury the sands, leaving not even a trace of a person on Earth. And Harmony will triumph on the planet!

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