Books Of Giants - Alternative View

Books Of Giants - Alternative View
Books Of Giants - Alternative View

Video: Books Of Giants - Alternative View

Video: Books Of Giants - Alternative View
Video: The Book Of Giants Ancient Texts From Before The Flood Full Audiobook 2024, July

Often we see certain things, but we perceive them as ordinary not because of their familiarity, but because of the disconnected apparatus for analyzing what we saw. And if the apparatus nevertheless gives out a signal "There is something in this", then the blinkered views and reason throws it off, bringing it under the diagnosis: "This cannot be." For example, this applies to most UFO sightings. But there are other topics where it is difficult to turn our worldview on this issue.

A little earlier I posted this article: "Stones-investigators".

Many photos are hard to believe, but I do not think that all photos are all photoshop, as many say about photos on the Internet with the skeletons of giants and their parts.

Many photos are hard to believe, but I do not think that all photos are all photoshop, as many say about photos on the Internet with the skeletons of giants and their parts.


I express my gratitude to petgraph for the provided photographs of old books, the size of which does not quite fit modern (and slightly earlier) formats of books and publications.


How can you explain: why did you need to make books of this size? It is difficult to pick them up for one person, it is inconvenient to read them, storage takes up a lot of space. Do you think there is a huge amount of text and information there? Take a look at the font - a person with poor eyesight will also read it! Plus the very process of making such huge publications. It took more material than the regular format.

Promotional video:

Yes, there are large ancient books, but their fonts are comparable to the usual editions of the time:


But few people understand the objective reason for the production of such formats:


There are few of them, but they are.


Maybe these are the remains of the libraries of those residents whom we now call Gods?

Maybe here they are, depicted on statues from Piranesi's prints:


Look, these athletes have horses below the belt! Maybe these are the inhabitants of those monumental buildings that were clearly not built for human growth?

Or here. Statues of the Gods of Egypt carved into the rock, and next to them are depicted knee-deep, apparently, ordinary people:


Or like this:


If these are ancient manuscripts of giants who lived in the past, then one can only guess what kind of knowledge these books contain … And at least those close to the Vatican, for example, have already been studied.