Globalization And Zionism - Alternative View

Globalization And Zionism - Alternative View
Globalization And Zionism - Alternative View

Video: Globalization And Zionism - Alternative View

Video: Globalization And Zionism - Alternative View
Video: An alternative vision for Israel 2024, September

The process of globalization, that is, the formation of the world ruling socio-political system and elite, has been going on for more than one thousand years. It began during the Empire of Alexander the Great (336–323 BC). Since then, the number of empires has multiplied. The system of empires has steadily evolved from the Ancient society to the Newest and passed, under different names, into the 21st century.

There have been and have passed the empires of the Roman, Carolingian, Holy Roman, Ottoman, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French, British, Russian, German, Chinese and many others. etc. Each of the empires had its own ideological system of justifying power on the basis of national ethno-cultural characteristics.

Each of the nations that stood at the head of the empires was responsible for the civilization that they built. Therefore, each of the empires wore its own national coloring, like civilization as a whole, that is, civilizations were national, and this was normal. Healthy progressive nationalism determined the essence of politics and geopolitics, as well as the ideological foundations of the power of each of the empires separately and for a long period.

This is how the basic law of history was found and consolidated, which consisted in the temporary development of ethnocultural chains and their derivatives. The opposite ideological and political trend - cosmopolitanism - emerged later. It affirmed directly opposite foundations of development than nationalism.

The cosmopolitanism of world citizens and champions of human rights, born under Alexander the Great, developed in parallel with nationalism and initially did not determine either the essence of power or the essence of the politics of each of the empires built on a national basis. Each of the nations that competed with each other in the struggle for world domination and mastery of world wealth did not accept cosmopolitanism as an ideological system of power.

But, with the development of the economy and the monetary system, intensive integration processes took place, which led to the integration of the economy, and then politics. The unifying principle was the Jewish nation with its rabbinate, which played the role of a catalyst for world unification processes that ended the empires and their nations. Conflicts between empires were resolved through wars between nations, at first local, and then world wars, in which one union of nations opposed another.

The catalysts of the processes were supranational and supranational organizations: international Freemasonry and political Zionism, which assumed the function of a cosmopolitan force designed to rebuild the world from a fragmented into a global one. The integration and globalization of humanity did not mean the exclusion of military conflicts. The latter remained, but their polarization was different. On the one hand, there were nationalists, terrorists and anti-globalists, and on the other, cosmopolitans, anti-terrorists and globalists.

A supranational ideology was also found that justifies the Cosmopolitan World Order. It was political Zionism, which grew out of the depths of the Jewish religion and programmed the immediate and final goal of the movement: the construction of the United Jewish State and the World domination of the Jews in all spheres of life. This led to the deformation of the familiar world of people based on national and human values of morality and ethics.

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After the Age of Geographical Discoveries, a long period of economic capital accumulation and partial prosperity of those empires and states, which, having elbowed their neighbors, took, as hosts, places at the table of banquets, began. These powers include, first of all, the British Empire, and in the XX and XXI centuries - the United States of America.

The factors of the development of Space and Time, during the development of the Earth's Resources, contributed to the formation (according to Morozov and Bedritsky) of the following geopolitical zones:

  1. Eurasian with Russia and some countries of Eastern Europe and Asia;
  2. Western European with adjoining North American, Australian with Malaysia and the Pacific Islands;
  3. Chinese;
  4. Indian;
  5. Islamic Afro-Asian;
  6. African;
  7. Latin American, including Mexico and the Caribbean islands, as well as several buffer zones such as Japan, the Union of South Africa, Eastern Europe from the Baltics to Greece.

At the same time, geopolitics has become the worldview of any power, both attacking and defending, and mondialism or the worldview of seizing a part of the world or the whole world by aggressive, sometimes secret dark forces, has become the leading ideology and practice of a number of Western aggressor states, such as the United States and England, where, at present, most of the structures of the World Secret Government.

When capitalism moved from the stage of free competition to the stage of monopoly capital (from the 70s of the 19th century), it became possible to sharply intensify the process of globalization and mondialization and the emergence, in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, of the ideal of the New World Order with the United States at the head …

The emergence of the United States in early August 1917 under President W. Wilson on the arena of big world politics led to the birth of a monster state or a World State without Borders, which autocrats had dreamed of since the time of Alexander the Great.

Thus, Cosmopolitanism, under the guise of democracy and human rights, began to march around the world, hiding a wolf's appearance under sheep's clothing. This was made possible by the merger of industrial and banking capital and elite formations of industrialists, merchants, bankers and politicians, under the auspices of the Star of David.

The presence of the Children of Zion in the elite predetermined the predominant influence of Zionism on absolutely everything in the Western countries.

In economic doctrines, the trend of globalization began to manifest itself already in the 1840s in the theory of F. List "Autarchy of Large Spaces". In political doctrines, the same tendency manifested itself at the end of the nineteenth century. in the activities of the group of politicians "Round Table" S. Rhodes and "The Committee of 300" in Great Britain (Lord A. Milner and GD Mackinder).

Since then, the Invisible Secret Government began to take shape, or, in other words, the World Secret Power, about which T. Roosevelt in 1912 said: “Behind the visible government on the throne sits the Invisible Government, which, in the least does not bear any responsibility.

Before what? We answer: before the seizure of the Earth by new predators, masters and managers of all the planet's riches. This ugly phenomenon, the birth of which we witnessed by the year 2000, has a clear definition, namely: in the depths of a yellow-tinted Democracy, the World Totalitarian Power of World Capital and its servants - super-monopolies - took shape.

The driving forces of the changes coming in the 21st century were the Illuminati of the late 18th century, the theorists and practitioners of the New World Order and the World Secret Government represented by Adam Weishaupt.

The filiation of the system of political ideas in their historical development can be expressed in the form of the following graphical diagram:

  • Judaism - Zionism - Freemasonry - Illuminatiism
  • Freemasonry - Democracy
  • Freemasonry - Communism
  • Freemasonry - Anarchism
  • Freemasonry - Mondialism

This means that today it is necessary to expose and, ultimately, destroy Illuminatiism, as an ideology alien to the people of the Earth, giving rise to modern fascism.

America and Europe cannot do this, since they are thoroughly masonry. Africa is sleeping.

All hope is on Russia and Asia, which, having united, can become a barrier on the path of the ideologists of universal destruction.

It was they, the Zionists and Freemasons, who prepared and conducted the I (1914-1918) and II (1939-1945) world wars, which were designed to destroy or weaken competitors (Germany and Russia / USSR, Japan), as well as lead to power world Freemasonry and political Zionists, hatching plans for world domination.

Zionism has become the shock fifth column of mondialism and is destined for a leading role in the transformation of the world from the National to the Cosmopolitan, i.e., to the Non-National, led by the USA and the Jews - billionaires of the whole world.

Freemasonry is left with the role of catalyst of the process.

Starting from the second half of the 18th century, an elite of the rich and politicians, mainly Jews, gradually emerged in the world, who set out to seize all spheres of political activity and information, sources of raw materials, energy wealth, sales markets, intellectuals and labor that can be used in their interests, more precisely, in the interests of those 500 families of billionaires who today reign supreme.

It was they, the secret dark forces, who managed to carry out the III cold undeclared world war (1946-1991), which ended in the destruction of the USSR superpower and its ruling elite, because degeneration is destruction.

The camp of the countries of people's democracy and socialism also fell. After it, in the same 1991, the IV-th undeclared hot world war, planned by the world secret forces back in 1871 (General A. Pike), began.

It is still going on and is characterized by open local military conflicts of 1992-2002, which mondialism and globalism are waging with invariable success in Rimland, or on the borders of the weak links of the Heartland - Eurasia, in other words, in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and threatens to spread to other countries that “disobey America” and pursue independent national policies. Mondialism does not favor freedom-loving nations.

Therefore, these conflicts are growing and intensifying and threaten, with the help of political resonance waves, to capture more and more countries and regions.

The next aggressors are Eurasia, China, India, the countries of the Islamic world and Africa.

Uncle Sam seeks to crack the nuts of the tellurocracy by hitting the weakest links.

At the same time, American mondial politics and geopolitics are becoming more and more harsh, inhuman, unbridled, sparing neither the elderly, nor children, nor women, if only they can be declared "terrorists".

Methods of aggression are also being renewed with inhuman methods of using criminal weapons without declaring war and with gross violations of international treaties and obligations.

The powerless UN and the leaders of the Russian Federation today follow the lead of the globalists and indulge them in everything.

They no longer hide their anti-people essence and are conducting a tough attack on the vital rights of the Russian people and all other peoples of the Russian Federation in domestic politics.

This is Zion-fascism in action, which became possible on Russian soil, thanks to the well-known traitors Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Gaidar, Chubais, Yeltsin, etc. oligarchs.

Zion-fascism in Russia is a natural consequence of the social betrayal of those in power and the actions of the world's secret forces. The foundations of Zion-fascism were developed in the depths of world Jewry, contrary to the interests of the common Jewish people, who do not want to be a victim of immoral politicians.

Since the time of Abraham and Moses, Zionism has become a formidable weapon against humanity (see the Bible, Torah, Talmud, Shulchan-Aruch; The Great Mirror, Protocols of the Sages of Zion, Catechism of the Jew, and many others etc.). With his help, the Zionists have always tried to seize power and wealth on earth. For this, wars and revolutions were organized.

Hence the conclusion: political Zionism is similar, in its action, to mondialism and globalism. In this case, mondialism and Zionism coincide. The condition of coincidence is the likeness of elites. This happened after the victory of Western democracy and Soviet totalitarianism over German fascism in World War II.

For 40–45 years after that, all the power of the Western world was aimed at three centers, namely:

  1. concentration of power over the world in one hand after the fall of the USSR (1991),
  2. concentration of the world's finances in one hand, that is, in the hands of two or three dozen banks, including the "federal reserve" system,
  3. the concentration of information from the whole world in the hands of several Western media companies, or rather, transnational monopolies that depend on Zion and the World Secret Government.

Today, on the path of the sinister plans of the globalists and mondialists, there are people of good will of an indiscriminate part of humanity, who are still faithful to their many thousand-year experience of development along the ethnic-cultural chain and the foundations of their national freedom.

A necessary condition for victory is the indispensable struggle of peoples against Zion-fascism in all its manifestations, including in the history of each of the peoples.

Lying here is unacceptable, because, on the basis of its true history, each nation builds its own national culture and system of eternal spiritual values, the value of which is inescapable, eternal, as life and the people who created them in the name of freedom, peace and happiness on Earth are eternal!

International conference on global problems of world history.

Yu. K. Begunov
