An Oval UFO Appeared Over Connecticut - Alternative View

An Oval UFO Appeared Over Connecticut - Alternative View
An Oval UFO Appeared Over Connecticut - Alternative View

Video: An Oval UFO Appeared Over Connecticut - Alternative View

Video: An Oval UFO Appeared Over Connecticut - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

UFOs over the United States are quite common. So this time, the message about the visit of potential alien guests came from the state of Connecticut. It happened on July 2 at about 11 pm.

An eyewitness says that he fishes every night from April to January, and therefore, if something happens in the sky, he sees it - neither the full moon, nor the meteor shower, nor pyrotechnics evade attention. This time, he noticed an oval-shaped object slowly flying in the sky.

The UFO flew slowly, made no sounds and was white. The witness admitted the possibility that it was a searchlight, but then realized that the light would be reflected from the clouds. There was nothing like it here. The man has been watching the sky for 25 years and is sure that he has never seen anything like it before.

Now he is interested in the question of whether anyone else has seen the object. Based on the stories of two people, a more detailed picture could be drawn. But so far no such stories have been received. Consequently, the object seen over the state of Connecticut is still a mystery. As well as so many cases before.

Aliens are clearly in no hurry to show themselves. It can be assumed that they have a reason for this, in which they do not intend to initiate people.

Semenenko Kirill