Civilization-moles - Alternative View

Civilization-moles - Alternative View
Civilization-moles - Alternative View

Video: Civilization-moles - Alternative View

Video: Civilization-moles - Alternative View
Video: How to Peacefully Annex the World Without War in Civ 6 2024, October

It is difficult to find a nation that does not have legends or legends about some creatures living in dark dungeons. They say that they originated from dwarfs, so familiar from fairy tales and for some reason disappeared from the surface of our earth. They possessed a huge stock of knowledge and crafts, and, for some unknown reason, they were unfriendly, rather hostile to us, people.

This gives the right to think that, after all, the fairy tales described a fairly real, and, presumably, the currently existing underground world.

One could, of course, write off this statement to our wild imagination, if not for the hundreds of eyewitness accounts who unequivocally claimed that they visited unknown underground cities, while even communicating with local inhabitants, got acquainted with various wonders of technology, which not only provided these inhabitants have a comfortable existence in the bowels of our planet, but they also gave them the opportunity, you will not believe: to control the consciousness of earthlings!

Jan Paenk, a Polish researcher, competently declares that a huge ramified network of tunnels leading to any country has been laid in the bowels of our planet. These underground passages are literally burned out in an impenetrable earthly stronghold, and their walls are a frozen alloy of rocks.

Similar tunnels have been found in South Australia and Ecuador, and in New Zealand and the United States. According to Paenk, these underground paths carry saucers flying from one end of the planet to the other. He even managed to find a certain miner in New Zealand, who reported that while driving in the drifts, the miners stumbled upon two of these tunnels, but someone from above ordered them to be urgently concreted.

Back in April 1942, under the patronage of Himmler and Goering, the Nazis began to look for an entrance to a certain underground civilization, presumably located in the Baltic Sea near the island of Rugen. A powerful expedition of the most advanced Nazi minds, led by Professor Heinz Fischer, went there. The Fuehrer was convinced that certain areas of this land consisted of absolute voids, inside which the overdeveloped peoples of antiquity had long lived.

In 1977, satellite photographs were published in some American magazines showing a dark spot of regular shapes, very similar to a giant hole, and precisely in the place where the North Pole is located. Similar photographs were obtained from the same satellite in 1982. Isn't this the entrance to the notorious underworld?

More recent data from scientists indicate a certain underground activity: American locators located at Cape Canaveral detected very strange signals coming from deep in the earth. At the same time, experts are confident that these signals are sent by intelligent beings, obviously, someone wants to establish contact with us, officials from NASA say.

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The first such signals were recorded several years ago and are repeated with a frequency of almost every two to three months. At the same time, the callsigns of these unknown creatures are encoded in the most complex mathematical combinations, and so far scientists have not been able to fully decipher them. And what has already been able to decode, for obvious reasons, ordered not to disclose, although NASA explains this by the fact that they can be interpreted in different ways.

Specialists today still cannot reliably determine the location of a civilization from the underground, but it is already absolutely clear that the inhabitants of the underground know much more about us, the inhabitants of the aboveground, than we do about them. At the same time, experts believe that the confirmation of the existence of another civilization living on our planet is the most significant discovery in the twenty-first century.

Suppose that many millions of years ago there was a high-tech unknown civilization in the Universe, during which there was either a collision with a large meteorite, or some other natural cataclysm that changed the climate of our planet. And what would this civilization do then? Most likely, she would have tried to simply survive, but if the surface of our planet was unsuitable for life, and flight to another planet was impossible or inaccessible, only the dungeon remained.

Then a reasonable question arises: what then happened to this developed civilization, and why did these underground inhabitants never come to the surface after the climate change? It is likely that they simply could not do it, because the constant stay in a different climate and different gravity, the lack of sunlight may well become the reason for the impossibility of moving up.

Considering that all this lasted for millennia, it is quite possible to assume that this underground civilization has evolved very strongly, perhaps it developed a complete rejection of certain climatic conditions, for example, sunlight. It is possible that the latter simply burns the inhabitants of the dungeon, and all this is not so fantastic as it seems to us at first glance. Another aspect for survival could be the adaptation of food, because it is not so easy to have "vegetarian" food in the underworld, and depends on the level of the civilization itself, therefore, it is quite possible that this civilization simply switched to protein, animal food. At the same time, some of the above parameters should definitely have influenced the lifestyle and mentality of any civilization. Or maybe the monsters, which are so much talked about today, are just them - the inhabitants of the underworld?

There are especially many legends about the underworld under Tibet and the Himalayas. Here in the mountains there are also tunnels that go far into the ground. The "initiate" can easily travel along them to the center of our planet, where he will meet representatives of this ancient civilization of the underground.

In Russia, the existence of a system of tunnels is described in the book by speleologist, researcher P. Miroshnichenko "The Legend of the LSP". In it, on the map of the former USSR, the lines of global tunnels are drawn, going from the Crimea through the entire Caucasus to the already famous Medveditskaya ridge. Along this route, ufologists, speleologists, researchers discovered very interesting fragments of tunnels or mysterious and bottomless wells.

This ridge has been studied by expeditions for a long time, and researchers even managed to find the stories of many local residents and, using accurate equipment, prove the reality of the dungeons.

The latitudinal tunnel stretching from the Crimea to the east in the Ural Mountains area intersects with another tunnel stretched to the east, along which one can hear amazing stories about strange "divine people" who at the beginning of the last century still went out to the local residents. These "diva people" live in our Ural mountains, and they come to us through the caves. They are short, beautiful, have pleasant voices, but only a select few can hear them.

The beginning of the Ural legends was laid by the first Russian settlers and explorers, who heard voices coming from below, the sounds of metal strikes. They said that this is how the "chud" extracts precious stones, as well as ores and metals. The riches, as if collected by this "chud" over many centuries, do not let the seekers of treasures sleep, but all their attempts to penetrate the underground secrets ended in failure. Many treasure hunters never returned, disappearing forever in an underground, intricate labyrinth of caves. And although the storerooms with jewelry and gold were never found, ancient mines with real masterpieces of metallurgical production were found in the depths of the mountains. So it turns out that these are not fairy tales, and there was a "chud". It was, but it was lost: its traces from the Perm, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Kurgan regions led directly to Altai,however, there they were completely lost.

The existence of underground empires is discussed not only in Russia: authoritative archaeologists from Peru do not doubt the reality of this statement, believing that they extend under all seas and all continents. And above the entrances to this grand underground empire, other civilizations in various parts of the planet erected ancient buildings: for example, in Peru, this is the city of Cuzco.

Of course, not everyone shares the opinion of Peruvian scientists. But nevertheless, many facts speak in favor of the existence of the underworld, directly or indirectly proving its real existence. And the 1970s turned out to be the most fruitful years for such things.

Here are some examples. In England, while digging an underground tunnel, miners heard the sounds of some working mechanisms that came from somewhere below. The miners broke through and found a staircase to an underground well behind it. At the same time, the sound from the working equipment only intensified, and therefore the workers, frightened, fled. And, having returned with help after a while, they did not find a passage into the well, much less a ladder.

In the United States, anthropologist McKenna and his colleagues investigated a cave in Idaho, which was notorious among the local population. The natives assumed that it was there that the entrance to … hell was located, and scientists trying to study this phenomenon delved into the underground and clearly heard screams, groans from below, and then completely discovered numerous human skeletons. Exploration of the cave was terminated due to the constantly increasing sulfurous smell.

A very deep, almost bottomless mine with a diameter of one and a half meters was accidentally discovered under the city of Gelendzhik on the Black Sea coast. It had strikingly smooth edges. Many experts unanimously say that it was created using a technology unknown to people, and has existed for more than one century.

Speaking about the underground civilization, in no case should we discount the tales and legends that are being told today. For example, modern Indians from the highlands of California all the time tell how tall and golden-haired people often come to them from Mount Shasta. They say that once these people came down to earth from heaven, but they did not manage to adapt to living on the earth's surface, and therefore now live in a secret town located inside an extinct volcano. One gets to this city only through mountain caves.

Andrew Thomas, the famous author of the sensational book about Shambhala, absolutely agrees with the Indians on this matter. The researcher suggests that there are underground passages in Mount Shasta towards New Mexico and then to South America.

Speleologists, who are sure that many deep caves around the world are inhabited by troglodytes, talk about another underground people. It is rumored that these cave dwellers from time to time appear in front of people and help only those who treat them with respect, while severely punishing those who desecrate their caves.

Believe it or not all these stories is a personal matter. And although every sane person will answer "no", not everything is so simple. Let's try to think logically: how real is life for a person underground and can there be a civilization or even an unknown culture next to us, more precisely, under us, while managing to reduce contacts with terrestrial, our, humanity to an absolute minimum. Is it possible for this civilization to remain unnoticed?

By and large, any person can live safely underground, if there were means. To do this, it is quite enough to remember the house or bunker, the construction of which was carried out by the artist Tom Cruise some time ago. The megastar planned to hide in this underground dwelling from some aliens, which, as he believed, would soon attack our planet.

In less well-known, however, no less solid bunkers, some “chosen ones” are preparing to wait out even the nuclear winter in the event of an atomic war, and the post-radiation period is a period during which more than one generation will get on their feet.

But all this can be called a whim, a whim, a whim, but underground inhabitants from other civilizations can also exist, or maybe they are the reason for the disappearance of people we so often hear about. Maybe it is the underground civilizations that govern many processes on our planet, because having such high technologies, thanks to which they live underground for so long, it costs them nothing to influence our existence.

May be…