Practice - Sensation Of "I Am" - The Shift Of Consciousness Into The Past And Future - Alternative View

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Practice - Sensation Of "I Am" - The Shift Of Consciousness Into The Past And Future - Alternative View
Practice - Sensation Of "I Am" - The Shift Of Consciousness Into The Past And Future - Alternative View

Video: Practice - Sensation Of "I Am" - The Shift Of Consciousness Into The Past And Future - Alternative View

Video: Practice - Sensation Of
Video: Shifting Consciousness Live Podcast 2024, September

Achievement of the basic feeling "I am"

Choose a time and place when and where no one will disturb you for at least an hour. Sit or lie down in the most comfortable position for you.

Close your eyes, relax, check properly if there is any excess tension anywhere in the body.

You have already realized that your thoughts are not you. If you turn off all thoughts, will you disappear, cease to exist? Of course not.

Let's try. Just take all thoughts out of your perception. The easiest way to achieve this is by focusing on an image.

Imagine yourself, for example, in a spring forest. You don't think about anything, you just enjoy nature, carefully examine the freshly sprouted blades of grass, inhale the scent of sticky leaves on the trees, listen to the birdsong. No thoughts. Only feelings remained. And the feelings are very pleasant. Well, enjoy it, don't think about anything. Enjoy as much as you like. Please note: even removing all thoughts, you still do not lose sensation:

it's me.

Enjoyed? Now remove the picture of the spring forest, as if erasing it from an imaginary screen. Return to reality, but without opening your eyes and not giving free rein to your thoughts. You have just experienced the most positive emotions. Now you have to separate them from yourself, remove them - just as you removed thoughts. Just get rid of them.

Promotional video:

Imagine that you are bringing the feelings you have experienced to the surface of your being; they become something like a dry husk on the surface of the bulb. Now throw off this husk, just let it go, don't hold on to it. It will fly off, and only the purified core will remain - your true self.

A unique feeling, isn't it? Inner emptiness and complete peace, detachment, purity, liberation - and at the same time a clear sensation:

"I am!" But the “I” itself has become, as it were, expanded, it seems that it is ready to fill the whole world with itself.

This is the sensation that is closest to the sensation of the soul.

This is the basic feeling that you need to remember.

Without losing it, let's move on.

Now notice that the sensation you have achieved is not something still, petrified, and frozen. There are no feelings, no thoughts, but still there is life. Moreover, upon closer inspection, it turns out that there is far from emptiness.

The feeling “I am” is like a cast, a snapshot of your entire being, an instant print of what you are and where you are.

Now try to determine where, in fact, this sensation is located in your body. As a rule, it occurs somewhere in the center of the head.

Conscious displacement of the feeling "I am"

Don't lose the basic feel. Consciousness with us is still thrown aside, like a husk - do not let it back in. But let him become a dumb observer. Let it stand to one side and calmly look silently.

Now your task is to learn how to shift the feeling of "I am". We have already found that it is concentrated in the center of the head, but at the same time it is not at all petrified and motionless. Try to slowly and gradually move this sensation - from the center of the head, move it vertically upwards by twenty centimeters.

Happened? Feel how the sensations have changed. It is as if you have departed from yourself, you are simultaneously in your body and outside it.

And now attention: this is the very state in which a creative person is at the moment of inspiration. What happens at this moment? Consciousness, freed from thoughts and feelings, is suddenly filled with images that seem to come from outside, and not from their own head.

When shifting upward and slightly backward, visual images usually arise, which is used by painters, graphic artists, sculptors and architects (of course, such a shift, unlike you and me, occurs unconsciously for them). When shifting upward with a deviation to the left of about thirty degrees, verbal images appear, often poetic. When moving up, to the right and forward - images of movement, which is important for dancers, choreographers, filmmakers.

Of course, from the first time all these images will not just fall on you and you will not grab a pen, brush or chisel on the move. One has to get used to these sensations, they must be consciously cultivated and trained. But, of course, you can feel some glimpses of images and a state similar to inspiration from the very first time.

Now try to shift the feeling "I am" in the opposite direction - from the center of the head downward. If you move it down and back and place it behind your back, don't be surprised, you will fall into your past. Memories of extraordinary brightness can flood over you. At the same time, there is a very clear understanding of one's life path, an awareness of one's place in space and time of life.

Now go back to your normal state - place the sensation of "I am" in the center of your head and let your usual thoughts and feelings return. Open your eyes.

Look closely at your hands, feet. Everything is in place? That's great. Look around, look at the situation in the room, realize: you are here, on the spot, in a familiar environment, at a given moment in time and at a given point in space. You are still the same person - but enriched with new experiences.

Congratulations, you just did a great job and made another quantum leap in your development. You have just learned to consciously shift your consciousness - you have learned to move it across the matrix of your soul.

Displacement of consciousness into the past and future

Now you are faced with the same task: to enter the reference state, and, of course, you will cope with this task without difficulty. But before you do that, I will add an additional condition to this easy task for you. In this case, having entered the reference state, you should be imbued with a clear feeling that you are entering one of the moments of your past. That is, this reference state, which you are entering now, is connected with some situation in the past and has a direct relationship to the past and only to the past.

This will not be difficult at all. After all, as you remember, when we learned to enter the reference state, we just remembered some moment of our past, which corresponded to this very reference state. Remember when we said that at least one such moment was necessarily in the life of every person, even the most unhappy one? Here we are with you and then returned to this happy past. Let's do it again.

Just first you need to tune in to work in the same way as you did in the previous step - make yourself comfortable, relax, close your eyes, turn off your phone and make sure that no one touches you.

So what did you have there, in a reference state? This is a return to the state that you already had and which you can remember (that is, it really was, there are not so many people in it, you have a good mood and well-being in it, and it is not associated with any negative premonitions). The reference state is different for everyone and only his own. For example, a reference landscape - sea, sun, beach. Reference emotions and sensations are joy, warmth, a feeling of health, vigor, strength.

The reference intention is the anticipation of swimming in the warm sea. However, everyone had their own, this is everyone's personal business: for some, the reference state is associated with a picnic in the spring forest, and for someone, perhaps, with a trip to the store to buy a new fur coat. The main thing is that at that moment I bury you in all respects. So return to that happy moment, without losing the feeling that you are returning to the past. Just do not give in to nostalgia under any circumstances, otherwise you will unwittingly drag this state into the present, because you want it to happen again now. Just remember it calmly and with joy.

So you have shifted to a beautiful moment in your past. Now, without leaving the past and from the reference state, clear your consciousness from extraneous "husks" of thoughts and feelings, as you did just now, passing step 16. You have achieved the feeling "I am". Now, keeping this state of mind, slowly shift the feeling "I am" up and place it directly above the head.

Remember: you are in the past. And now, having placed the feeling of “I am” over your head, concentrate: what are these scraps of thoughts, images, pictures flashed before your inner gaze? Something painfully familiar, isn't it? Let me tell you a secret: you see and feel nothing more than images that are relevant to your present day. Some scraps of phrases, faces, pictures …

All this straight from the present. But you see these scraps as if from the side, as if a little in the fog. Why? Everything is very simple. You see the present, but you are looking at it from afar - namely, from your past!

Now return the feeling of "I am" to its place, to the center of the head, while continuing to remain in your past reference state. Repeat the exercise again to make sure the sensations are true. Move the basic sensation up again, look again from the past to the present …

Now let's complicate the task. Return the center of consciousness “I am” to the center of the head again, while continuing to maintain the reference state of your past. Now your task is to slowly bring this sensation from the past to the present. To do this, you can imagine that you are walking along the corridor of time from the moment where you were in the reference state, towards the present moment. And on the walls of this corridor you see changing pictures, situations, interiors and landscapes, faces - all those pictures of life that you have gone through since your reference state.

Walk slowly and feel how your inner state changes. Indeed, during this period of time, your worldview somehow changed, you experienced some feelings, some desires disappeared, while others appeared, you received some new knowledge, and the old ones forgot, - but you never know what else happened in your life. However, in no case you need to strain, trying to remember everything and relive everything.

Slowly and relaxedly moving along the "corridor of time", you will, as it were, observe the changes that have occurred to you along the way, you will clearly and clearly feel how events, faces, phrases, moods, feelings pop up in your brain by themselves - everything that accompanied this segment of your life. Perhaps some revelation will visit you - you will suddenly see the past with new eyes, some hidden meaning and significance will open to you. You will understand the meaning of the events that have happened to you, you will see the true path that your soul goes through, and, perhaps, even your role and purpose in this incarnation.

If such discoveries do not happen immediately - do not be discouraged, in any case they will happen when the time comes. The main thing is that you are on the right track. In the meantime, be grateful for what you will be given to understand now, even if it seems like a trifle to you. There are no trifles for the energy-informational field - any knowledge that will open to you is equally important and significant.

Come gradually into the present moment. Pay attention: the feeling "I am" by itself shifted back to the center of the head, although you did nothing specifically for this, but just slowly moved from the past to the present.

Now that you are back in the present, we can figure out what happened.

First, you looked from your past to the present. Then you moved from the past to the present, looking at your life path with new eyes.

Do you know that you deserve the most sincere greetings? You have now achieved what seems like a fantasy to the average person. You have touched the true meaning of the events taking place with you. And besides, you started to train the foresight mechanism.

Yes, yes, do not be surprised: after all, the present, if you look at it from the past, relative to this past is nothing more than the future. Being in the reference state, you shifted your consciousness into the future along the soul matrix. But since you removed it from the past, then this future turned out to be the present, fragments of which you were able to catch.

Do you understand the mechanism of foresight now? Previously, this gift was extremely rare, was available only to oracles and soothsayers who were worshiped and revered by thousands and thousands of people. Today our world has qualitatively changed, and evolution requires from each person those abilities that were previously the privilege of units. That is why the energy-informational field allows humanity today to obtain knowledge that allows them to develop these abilities. A man of a new evolutionary stage needs to be both a seer and a soothsayer - the one who lags behind in development and does not master the mechanism of foresight, like many other qualities necessary for a man of the future, simply will not survive in the third millennium.

It is for this purpose that these books are written - not just to entertain the reader with new information, but to give him new knowledge and practical skills, to help him master the qualities necessary for a person of the third millennium - and ultimately, to help himself and his descendants survive, and make their life according to -really a full-fledged and worthy person.

But let's continue. So, you have grasped the essence of the foresight mechanism. Having learned to look from the past into the present, you will now easily learn to look from the present into the future. The principle is exactly the same.

Close your eyes, relax. Cleanse your true self from the layers of thoughts and feelings. Come to a state of complete rest.

Now slowly shift the sense of "I am" vertically upward. In the head, freed from the layers of consciousness, some blurred images, pictures, maybe snatches of conversations, will inevitably appear. These are glimpses of the future. Of course, you will not see a holistic and coherent picture. You will see only individual scattered fragments, pieces of a mosaic, from which you can then, if you wish, use your imagination to complete the picture. However, remember that no one is safe from mistakes in the interpretation of the fragments seen, so be careful with predictions of the future, especially at first. But creativity … Creativity is a premonition of the future.

Return the sense of true self to the center of the head, and then repeat the experience of looking into the future several times until this feeling becomes completely clear and familiar to you. Just remember to return completely to the present every time.

