The Rules Of Fate - Follow And You Will Be Happy! - Alternative View

The Rules Of Fate - Follow And You Will Be Happy! - Alternative View
The Rules Of Fate - Follow And You Will Be Happy! - Alternative View

Video: The Rules Of Fate - Follow And You Will Be Happy! - Alternative View

Video: The Rules Of Fate - Follow And You Will Be Happy! - Alternative View
Video: Ace of Base - Wheel of Fortune (Official Music Video) 2024, September

There are 25 rules of fate. Who invented them is unknown. But those who got acquainted with them agree in many respects and in the future try to adhere to them. These are not even rules, but a psychotherapeutic technique. Her task is to persuade. This process is long. It requires determination and perseverance. Therefore, the rules should be taken seriously and thoughtfully, and should be read every day. If you read it once and throw it away, there will be no sense. It is best to hang them in the room so that they are constantly visible. Try it, and very soon you will be convinced that life has become much easier for you.

1. The beginning of everything is emptiness, but it must be filled.

2. To achieve the desired, desire alone is not enough - you need to make a decision. Only then will there be opportunities.

3. To change your path, you need to stop, and after that start moving in the other direction.

4. In life you have to pay for everything. But inaction costs the most. Sometimes this becomes obvious only at the end of a life's journey.

5. If a person is always afraid to do something wrong, to make a mistake, then, without even knowing it, he makes the biggest mistake in his life.

6. Like always attracts only like. There is nothing accidental in life. We attract to us not at all those people whom we would like to see near us, but those who are completely similar to us.

7. If you see that the set goal is unattainable, then concentrate on other goals. After reaching them, try to return to achieving the first.

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8. If you don't ask for anything from life, then it won't give anything. If you ask for something vague, then the gift will have the same character. You must always clearly articulate desires.

9. There is no absolute pleasure in life. It is always limited by our perception of the world.

10. Do you strive for change? Then forget about passivity. It is thanks to her that the chance that fate provides is missed. Plan your route and destination. But to get to it, you need to hit the road.

11. Life always forces us to solve those problems that a person avoids solving. It is impossible to hide from them, because, without solving some problem now, it will have to be solved at another stage of life. But you will have to pay much more for the solution.

12. There is always a choice in life. Sometimes it is lack of choice. There are many opportunities in the world. But, gaining one thing, you always lose something else. Therefore, losses are inevitable. But they can always be viewed as a new acquisition.

13. The new always means the destruction of the old. But it is necessary not only to destroy, but also to clear the place. And this requires strength, time and knowledge. After all, you need to know what to build and how. If there is no such knowledge, then it is better not to destroy. Otherwise something terrible can be built.

14. A person is trying to change his life, but old stereotypes and habits interfere with him. They always try to return him to his usual pastime. Therefore, change is always very slow and requires a lot of mental investment.

15. Any of us attracts to himself exactly what he loves, expects or fears the most, since this is what the consciousness focuses on. Fate never gives too much. She is generous, but only within the limits of what she wants. Expand the frames and get more.

16. All life is solid opposites. Someone we love, and someone we hate. We are friends with someone, but we compete with someone. We gain and we lose, we meet and we part. A person strives for stability and at the same time experiences dissatisfaction with the measured course of life. It is impossible to understand something without knowing its opposite.

17. People strive for harmony. But in order to achieve it, you need harmony within yourself. This is the acceptance of one's strengths and weaknesses, the awareness of one's imperfection and inner peace. It is necessary that the mind, actions and feelings act in concert.

18. One must understand that the world is not at all created for pleasure alone. Very often it does not meet our expectations and ideas about it. But one should always strive to do good. One who is not capable of this will never be able to appreciate the good received from others.

19. A person is always annoyed in people by what sits in him. Other people can become mirrors for us. You just need to look closely at them. Then we can get to know ourselves better.

20. If you are seized with a strong desire to possess something, it means that you do not recognize your abilities and merits. Take a closer look at yourself, maybe you have much more than you want.

21. It is very difficult to resist negative thoughts. They make you suffer, suffer, worry. From this negative swarm, isolate one thought and suppress it. Then you will break the malicious chain, and it will no longer annoy you so much.

22. Accept yourself as you are. Then anxieties, worries, complexes will disappear, and you can start a full life.

23. The world around us is absolutely neutral. We ourselves make it good or bad. Try to perceive reality positively, and then it will become happy and joyful.

24. Never treat the opinion of others as the ultimate truth. You can't be good for everyone. There will always be ill-wishers. Don't let them get the best of you.

25. We all come into this world from nowhere and go nowhere. So maybe the meaning of our existence is life itself in all its manifestations?

Simple rules aren't they? But nevertheless, they have a very beneficial effect on the perception of the world. It is not difficult to observe them, but they bring invaluable benefits!
