The Power Of Our Desires - Alternative View

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The Power Of Our Desires - Alternative View
The Power Of Our Desires - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of Our Desires - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of Our Desires - Alternative View
Video: Your Intuition Toolkit | 3 Daily Improvements | Daphne Simons | Love 2024, September

Any of our wishes, even the most formal ones - such as “good luck, health and well-being”, have every chance to become reality. The main thing is to clearly formulate your thought and put some sincere emotions into the words.

Every day we, without noticing it ourselves, wish something to someone. A neighbor who happened to meet - not to get sick, a friend's son - a successful session, a husband - a good day. By inertia, out of habit, we shoot arrows of our good and completely sincere wishes.

And if not entirely sincere, then certainly not spiteful, rather polite and indifferent. It is even difficult to imagine how many such targeted messages are rushing in the air. It is even more difficult to believe that these wishes come true: the patient recovers, the lazy one successfully passes the session, and the one waiting for a difficult day receives an unplanned holiday.


It is believed that unkind wishes come true most often. Open any forum on the Internet with just two words: wishes come true. The search engine will return hundreds of real cases, and 99% of them will be "bad" stories. "My husband went to another, I wished that illness, and she fell ill." “I was fired from my job, I stopped at the door and said into the void:“Burn everything with a blue flame.” Six months later, a fire broke out there."

“My husband went fishing with friends, but promised to visit my mother with me. Well, I was upset and after him said: "So that you roll over on the road!" My husband came back a few hours later and said that the car had turned over. " There are thousands of similar stories, they are completely true, and their authors (the authors, as a rule) are not wizards or witches. These are ordinary aunts, just angry, driven to despair. They become witches for thousandths of a second when they shoot these wishing arrows and they reach their goal.

And then the magic ends, and they again turn into the most ordinary women who sit in front of televisions and go to clairvoyants and fortune-tellers to find out their fate. Any person is capable of such instant witchcraft. The arrows of hatred that we sometimes shoot fill the air, and if they could be seen, the world would be shaken.

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But not all of them reach the goal. There are people whose "armor" you cannot break through, and any wishes issued to them are returned back to the offender. These are, as a rule, whole individuals with powerful energetic potential - spiritual gurus and mentors.

And the most vulnerable are those who do not expect meanness from us. Those who are currently crushed, confused, unsure of themselves, who feel guilty. Magicians and psychics who know a lot about witchcraft recommend that such citizens immediately send back unkind wishes with the words: "Take what you gave me."


Everything seems to be clear with the evil messages, but what about the good ones? Do they come true, and why is there not a single line about such cases in the Internet forums? Probably because kindness itself disposes to softness and laziness, which means that the speed of the sending is several times lower than that of evil arrows.

We cannot, having gathered into a fist all our frantic love for some individual, passionately say: "So that you won a million in the lottery today!" And if we can, then it is possible that he really will win, but we must be moved by something other than love. For example, despair, when a loved one is in debt as in silks, collectors pursue him, and life hangs in the balance.

And a passionate desire for wealth for him may materialize, albeit not in mountains of gold, but in something else that will save him and the situation in which he found himself. But again, not kindness and care will reach the goal, but something more powerful, only covered with love. The power of emotion is what drives the arrow to reach its goal.


The category of the most useless kind wishes is congratulatory poems written by nameless authors on request or by the relatives themselves, exhausted by the search for rhyme, and not by the essence and purpose. For example, these are: Congratulations on your legal marriage, we wish you great happiness.

We speak now seriously: let millions of scarlet roses Lie on all the long path that you are about to go through. And let the fire of great love burn without extinguishing! Live up to a hundred years! Love to you yes Council! This artless wedding rhyme, if you think about it, is rather strange.

Indeed, in order for a wish to come true, it is necessary to formulate it clearly and without allegories, at least as the professionals of the transcendental world advise. In this case, it is rather difficult to imagine the millions of scarlet roses that will interfere under your feet throughout your life. And the "fire of great love" smells of smoke.

This wish can be interpreted exactly the opposite, claiming that the congratulatory wishes the newlyweds obstacles on the path of life and ashes. Most likely, the one who created these rhymes did not think about anything bad, if he thought at all.

But if these lines at the wedding are read by someone who is offended by the young, who does not wish them happiness and will be glad of their troubles, then the ingenuous lines can materialize, find life and cause a lot of trouble to those to whom they are dedicated. All the more so if the person reading them mentally imagines a road strewn with thorns from roses, and newlyweds burning in a big fire.


“The more relatives a child has, the happier he is” - this opinion exists, is very popular and seems to be beyond doubt. And if you think about it, what is the connection between relatives and happiness? The answer is simple. If the baby gets sick, then his relatives, of whom there are many, will sincerely and very emotionally worry about him, and they will send these saving arrows-wishes with passion in this case.

The child will recover in 90 cases out of 100. Because it is the wish for health that comes from parents and close relatives that has a powerful force. This is exactly what a mother and father always dream of giving to their child, even if they themselves do not shine with good health. This parental dream, and a passionate dream, has a strong foundation of sincerity.

But there is another opinion. Psychologist Anatoly Nekrasov is sure that you need to wish for others only what you own, or at least what you have a clear idea of. An abstract wish for happiness is from the unknown. Because each of us has a different idea of happiness. For some, this is a rich house and a large family, for others, they are happy at the sight of a sausage counter or a comfortable sofa, on which one can collapse after working with a television remote control and not rise until the morning.

“I wish you happiness, dear,” one friend says sincerely and with tears. It would seem, what's wrong with that? But these words can slightly disrupt the smooth flow of a friend's life, arrange a failure of the life program. For the one who wishes for happiness, at this moment one picture is built in her head, for example, a future husband and children, and for another, a completely different one, for example, success in her career, travel abroad.

As a result, the person who was wished happiness breaks down important meetings, starts having problems at work, difficulties with paperwork. After all, the happiness that was wished for her is not at all in professional achievements.


Other wishes are also insidious - such as “good luck in all endeavors,” “success on the personal front,” “so that any wishes come true,” and so on in the same spirit. Except for the situation when the person who wishes is super successful and successful in everything. Its powerful charge can migrate into the information field of the person being congratulated, and then it will certainly be the best gift. But, alas, the lucky ones are not so generous even with sincere wishes, so it's better not to risk it. People with strong energy can ruin the life of a weaker one, even if they love him sincerely and selflessly.

The golden commandment to "give no advice" has the same roots. If you act in any situation as you see fit, and the results are pleasing, then the other person, seemingly doing the same thing, may fail completely. And wishes are a much stronger thing than advice.

Recommendations can be ignored, but when ideas are passionately put into your head under the guise of wishes, it is difficult to remain indifferent. "I wish you to get rid of this awful man - your husband as soon as possible!" Or: "I wish you to reconsider your gentle attitude towards your son and start making a man out of him." This is already a message that can bring a lot of grief to the one who is so tenderly taken care of. Words are not wind, and the brain is not sand. That is why you need to think carefully before scattering wishes.


So, in order for wishes to come true and not harm, formulate them very clearly and wish only what you yourself have. Only then does the wish have every chance of reaching the addressee. It is not necessary to be the owner of factories, newspapers, ships, it is enough to be able to do something well and wish the same to a person. If he needs it, of course. However, sometimes we ourselves do not know what we want, and it only gets worse from other people's wishes. Here's a typical example. There were two friends. In one life everything was orderly and calm, the other was in complete chaos.

And the roles of both were clearly distributed: the "restless" complained about life all the time, the "stable" felt sorry for her. And so many times she wished her "consistency" with feeling and passion that her friend's life really began to level out. A year later, she regretted something else: “I am in the same fluidity and orderliness as millions of others. Everything is planned in advance, no adjustments.

Work, home, weekends and again work, home … And so I want at least some changes, at least some movement! These thoughts were spinning constantly, and everything returned to normal. She soon again became as restless and disorderly as before, her life did not go well, she did not smell of stability, she again complained, but … was happy. Because she lived her own life, and not a wish imposed on her.


It turns out, no matter how much we love our girlfriends, no matter how much we want a better life for them, we should not impose our desires on them. Another thing is our own children, those who are dear to us and for whom the heart really hurts. In this case, it is not at all necessary to wait for the birthday or New Year in order to wish the son or daughter to be more diligent, tolerant, kinder. You can mentally wish him at least every day to acquire a set of such qualities useful for life. But only if you yourself have them.

One woman's daughter grew up too lazy, she did not want to study, did not want to work. When her mother tried to talk to her, she was irritated, insolent and locked herself in the room. Then, being left alone, my mother recalled the image of her daughter and put her life experience, her hard work into her.

The image, as usual for non-material entities, was silent, and the daughter, as it turned out later, experienced bouts of anxiety and nervousness at such moments. But in the end, my mother's efforts were not in vain, the child gradually began to take an interest in studies, and then made a good career. Did secret wishes help or did your daughter just mature? Who knows …

As for the rest of the sweet wishes, which have already become so ingrained in our everyday life that they have become habitual, for example, "have a nice day" or "good health" - this is nothing more than formal politeness and a tribute to education. And beautiful Georgian toasts, full of allegories and ambiguities, are just works of art that evoke delight, affection, gratitude in our hearts, and therefore positive emotions.