Magic Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Magic Of The Third Reich - Alternative View
Magic Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Video: Magic Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Video: Magic Of The Third Reich - Alternative View
Video: Hitler's Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich 2024, September

Quite a lot is known about the inextricable ties that existed between the Third Reich and the mystical teachings, as well as about the influence of certain higher powers on all the activities of Hitler and his entourage. Until now, no one can give an answer how a country with a population of less than seventy million, in a few months, subjugated the whole of Europe?

The ideology of fascism was undoubtedly created under the influence of numerous secret societies that arose in Europe long before the emergence of the fascist state. The work of these societies especially intensified after the end of the First World War, from which Germany came out pretty shabby. So, for the German man in the street, the work of the "Thule" society was presented as the study of German culture from ancient times. But in fact …

Even then, the leadership of the mystical order was developing a theory of fascism, and most importantly, was looking for a suitable candidate for the role of leader. Adolf Hitler was ideal for this role: he loved to dominate the crowd, was influenced by mystical teachings, a drug addict with experience. It is only necessary to put the idea of world domination in his head - and the leader is ready. In 1918, corporal Hitler was accepted into its ranks by the Thule society. And soon the aspiring occultist made a dizzying career in society.

But the goals of the secret society went even further than the conquest of the whole world. They wanted to subjugate the world on a metaphysical (otherworldly) level. Soon more classified structures were created in Germany - the Lodge of Light and the Ahnenerbe. The latter became the basis for the main research work on the search for ancient knowledge that would help to achieve the main tasks. "Ahnenerbe" developed methods of controlling human consciousness, geneticists conducted numerous experiments to create a superman. Many methods have been developed through the administration of trance mediums under the influence of drugs.

The Germans were happy with the result of the work: they managed to get unique secret information from the Higher Forces. Perhaps thanks to precisely this information, the Germans were able to create "flying discs", which in their characteristics were much superior to the aircraft that existed at that time.

Another rumor confirmed the collaboration of the Nazis with mystical forces: the Germans created a "time machine" with which they could travel to the distant past and receive unique information about the magical methods used by the famous civilization of the Atlanteans, who were considered the ancestors of the Aryans. The fascists showed particular interest in the Atlantean technique, which was not only amazing, but also controlled by some unknown force. After the war, a film was found showing tests of a "flying saucer" and manned missiles, as well as a document instructing Otto Skorzeny to form a squad of five hundred pilots who could become pilots of these aircraft. It is currently known about the possibility of converting gravitational energy into electrical energy. But the Germans, already during the war years,used these converters on submarines and installed in numerous underground bases.

Employees of "Ahnenerbe" hunted for secret knowledge all over the world. They did not pass by their attention and Antarctica. According to ancient manuscripts, Antarctica was not always covered with ice. Moreover, it was believed that the legendary Atlantis was located there. The fascists' interest in this lifeless, cold region of the earth was colossal. Permanent expeditions, flights of pilots of the Antarctic territory, with the installation of pennants with a swastika, were only the beginning of work on the appropriation of new territories. Then German submarines began to visit Antarctica. After the war, on the territory of Antarctica, a whole system of passages with numerous caves, created by the Nazis, was found. These passages were only part of a secret and fortified Nazi station. In Antarctica, the Germans planned to produce and test "flying discs". There are also documents confirmingthat the Nazis transported several thousand slaves to Antarctica to do dirty work, picking them up from prisoners of concentration camps. Teams of scientists also worked there and were taken there with their families. And as the preservation of the gene pool of the nation, children from the detachments of the Hitler Youth followed.

In addition, the Germans formed a submarine detachment, calling it the "Fuehrer's Convoy". These submarines transported to Antarctica containers with especially valuable cargo, a lot of food and groups of people. It is precisely known about one of the submarines: it delivered Hitler's personal belongings to the continent, some relics of the Nazis, as well as passengers whose faces were hidden behind surgical bandages.

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After one of the boats was taken prisoner, and information about the base became publicly available, the Americans ordered Admiral Byrd to destroy the Arctic base.

To deal with the German base in Antarctica, the Americans sent a military squadron to its shores, announcing to everyone that this was an ordinary research expedition. The operation was called High Jump. The fact that the Americans took this campaign seriously is evidenced by the fact that the armada consisted of 13 ships, planes and several helicopters, a six-month supply of food for 4 thousand people.

Within a month, the expedition carried out the assigned tasks, but suddenly all work was urgently curtailed, and the armada left Antarctica. Only after a while did information appear that the expedition met fierce resistance from the enemy. As a result of the confrontation, there were heavy losses on the American side in technology and among people. The surviving members of the expedition talked about the attacks of "flying discs", about the incredible mental disorders of the crews, about unnatural atmospheric phenomena.

Admiral Byrd spoke of a strange incident that happened during his Arctic expedition. One day, a strange disk forced his plane to land. A tall blond man came out of an incomprehensible flying vehicle to the admiral and asked to convey a message to the American government on the non-use of nuclear weapons. In addition, there is a version that, subsequently, between the Nazis entrenched in Antarctica and the United States, agreements were concluded on the exchange of new technologies for the supply of food and raw materials.

It is said that today, under the ice of Antarctica, there is a whole city inhabited by two million Germans. The main areas of their activity are developments in the field of genetic engineering, as well as the exploration of outer space. There is probably evidence. So, quite often UFOs are directed exactly towards Antarctica and there they disappear from the radar screens. And in the earth's orbit, several satellites are recorded, the belonging of which is unknown.

Another interesting point. People who allegedly visited the aliens claim that the humanoids obeyed people in military German uniforms of the Second World War, and the conversation between people was in German. It is said that before the explosion of the Twin Towers on 9/11, there was a UFO above them.

Can this be considered evidence of the interference of the Antarctic German colony in human affairs? Time will tell.