Behind The Scenes Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View

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Behind The Scenes Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View
Behind The Scenes Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View

Video: Behind The Scenes Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View

Video: Behind The Scenes Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View
Video: The Story Behind The 'Mission Briefing' Scene | Ep7 | Making Apocalypse Now 2024, September

“You don't know how you know this, you just know. It is not arrogance that says "I know everything and others do not"; and you don't ask someone to believe you. It is a state outside the bounds of mind, thoughts, or emotions. This knowledge just comes from somewhere deep inside. When I have this knowledge, even my body vibrates in a certain way. (…)

This knowledge has never let me down, and has proven invaluable in paving the way through misinformation (thoughts that seemed to be true, but were not) and misinformation (deliberately transmitted in order to lead me astray) that came from everywhere during my quest for the truth about what is really going on behind the veil of public statements and television news."

David Icke, an English public figure and publicist, is a very famous person. His books, articles and lectures are well known to those who are worried about the questions: "Who are we?", "Why did this world become like this?"

Ancient roots

Not so long ago, people who believed in a global conspiracy of certain forces who wanted to completely rule the world were considered paranoid, they were laughed at. Now, more and more often in the press, and more - in Internet discussions on forums and blogs, this topic pops up and it no longer causes anyone to laugh. Who are these forces and what are they trying to achieve? And, most importantly and most importantly, how to resist them?

A lot has been written about the activities of secret societies such as the Illuminati, the Bilderberg Club, the Committee of 300, etc., including on the pages of our newspaper. About Masonic symbols on the coats of arms and flags of states, on banknotes (including our 500 hryvnia) and in city planning - too. Therefore, today we will touch on a few other issues.

Let's start from afar. According to Hayk, who conducted a thorough study of materials and documents, the roots of the above organizations go back to ancient times - to Babylon, and their origins lie even earlier - in Lemuria (Mu), Atlantis and other protocivilizations. Once it was a single state, covering different ends of the Earth, but later, due to global catastrophes, it fell apart into separate parts, which became the heirs of ancient knowledge. That is why we can observe similar legends and even architectural structures (such as pyramids or dolmens) at different ends of the Earth. But the bulk of the knowledge, apparently, settled in Babylon, and, passed down from generation to generation to groups of initiates, has come down to our time, still remaining far from being available to everyone.

Promotional video:

This could be called a fantasy, if not for one "but". For what reason, most of the archaeological finds are hushed up, which can somehow shake the picture of the past that is offered to us in history textbooks? It would seem, what difference does it make what kind of knowledge and technology existed in ancient times, and will the world change if people learn that the pyramids were built not with the help of primitive levers and slave power, but with the use of much more perfect devices? But, apparently, there is something that you and I should not learn about under any circumstances!

Reptile conspiracy

Only a few dare to speak openly about the fact that the world is actually ruled by a small group of people, but many feel this on themselves, although, alas, their number is constantly decreasing.

Take a look around - what happened to the world? Why have literally over the past fifty years the poles of morality have changed places? Why is white called black and black white?

David Icke offers a very original version of the answer to these questions. He says that in addition to a certain group of people who now form an unspoken world government (we will talk about them a little later), people are manipulated by entities from another world or dimension, which is very close to ours in the frequency spectrum.

“You can compare this situation with two radio stations, the frequencies of which are so close on the scale that they affect each other. These entities can take various forms, but the main one is inherently reptile. In over 40 countries, I have spoken to hundreds of people who have seen these creatures from another dimension and have most often described them as reptiles. In past books, I have emphasized that there are a huge number of folklore sources and historical records around the world about the same reptilian entities that people talk about today. Credo Mutwa, the shaman of the Zulu, or Sansuy, calls them Chita Uri - "children of the Snake" or "children of the Python" and tells a lot about them in the film "Plan of the Reptiles" from the series "The Bridge of Love".

All ancient and modern stories mention the ability of these entities to "change shape" from human to reptile. It sounds incredible to most people, but when you realize the illusory nature of the "body", it will become much easier for you to understand why the shape change is possible. The body is not "solid", but simply appears so in front of the five senses, as we will see later. The body is a vibrating energy field, and the change of shape does not take place from one “dense” variety to another, from human to reptile; it is switching between fields of vibrating energy. Reptiles from another dimension "wear" a human body like a spacesuit and manipulate people under the cover of a frequency veil. This veil is what we call the electromagnetic spectrum, and the human eye, even in it, can "see" only a small range …

When we come across families of the Illuminati, for example, with the British royal family or the Bush family, we are dealing with their appearance that our five senses can perceive - human. But behind this mask is a reptile that vibrates at a different frequency and controls the mental processes and actions of the human "component". In a nutshell, the human body is "owned" by a reptile, which is able to hide from our eyes, and people have no idea who and what actually controls."

Sounds fantastic, doesn't it? And, nevertheless, there are a great many confirmations of this theory and, as mentioned above, they go back to deep antiquity. In all cultures, there are legends about intelligent snakes, lizards or dragons in contact with humans. Only some peoples worshiped them (like, for example, the Chinese, who still worship dragons), while others considered them a product of evil (remember the biblical Serpent-tempter as the root cause of all the troubles of humanity). According to Sumerian legends, the Anunnaki - reptilian "gods" from other worlds (dimensions) once descended to earth, interbred with people, and these hybrids became the ancestors of the royal families of many countries around the world.

Today we can see the descendants of these mixed marriages on the thrones of Europe and in the presidential chair, including in the United States (that all the presidents of the United States are the offspring of the royal family of Great Britain was also written by the American publicist, former leader of the British special services John Coleman in his the acclaimed book "The Committee of 300"). It is enough to trace their genealogy in detail.

But it turns out, according to David Icke, to become a "reptile", you don't even have to be a descendant of kings.

Having access to DNA databases of almost all mankind (medicine comes to the rescue here), the secret government tracks “its own” and actively promotes their advancement on the career ladder, helping them to occupy high leadership positions. And other people can only wonder why some unremarkable lawyer (economist, psychologist, writer, director, etc.) suddenly became popular, famous and made a rapid career?

In the brain of every person there is an ancient zone, the so-called reptilian brain, which is responsible for such character traits as composure, ruthlessness, possessiveness and hierarchy. And by encouraging these qualities in people who have a genetic addiction to them, such individuals make an excellent support for world government. Not for nothing, everyone who has made their way to the heights of wealth and power speaks of the breakdown of character, through which they had to go (that is, they have to step over concepts such as morality, conscience, compassion, altruism).

Objectives and methods

“In the 90s of the last century, thanks to invisible help and synchronous 'coincidences', I began to understand and publicize in 'earthly ways' information about a world conspiracy to establish control over people. The plot was run by a network of secret societies and kindred families known as the Illuminati. These are families that control governments, the banking system, multinational corporations, oil and pharmaceutical cartels, the world's media, intelligence, police, and even what is taught in schools and universities. All of these, and many more, aspects of society are ultimately controlled by the same Illuminati families who pursue the same goal: to establish world tyranny. Their goal is a centralized fascist state led by a world government, central bank, monetary system and army,which will enslave the population with built-in microchips, united into a global computer network and controlled by it. Everyone laughed when I first described this plan, but now only those who are not familiar with it or those who do not believe in such a thing are grinning …”(David Icke).

As mentioned above, in the books of David Icke it is said that reptilian entities are at a different vibration frequency, and for many reasons it is very beneficial for them that people remain locked in a prison of primitive five senses. First, it makes it easier for them to hide from sight and make people believe that they themselves are just the fruit of someone's unhealthy fantasy. Secondly, people living only by the interests of the body are themselves at low vibrations, that is, they create a favorable environment for these entities. And thirdly, people are very easy to control, playing on their base instincts. Thus, the ultimate goal is a global totalitarian regime, power concentrated in the hands of a handful of people possessed by these entities,and about a billion slaves (a lot of efforts are now being thrown to reduce the population of the Earth - this is the use of climate weapons, and chemical, as well as modified products, and "vaccination" that greatly weaken the immune system, and even artificially created natural disasters).

The question arises: why have the actions of these entities through their subordinate personalities become so active lately? David Icke says that they are more than anything in the world afraid of the spiritual development of people, they are afraid that they will be able to go beyond the five senses, they will understand that all of them, all of us are a single consciousness - in a word, all that humanity, there has been a trend in recent times. And spiritual people are inaccessible to them and it is impossible to control them, because they have no levers of pressure, no fear, but there is something that these entities are so afraid of - love.

What are their methods? Many authors, including David Icke and the aforementioned John Coleman, clearly identify them in their books and lectures.

The main and main direction of their activity is to lock people in the material world, perceived by the primitive five senses, and tune them to low vibrations. All means have now been devoted to this. With the help of the media, as well as pseudo-art, exclusively carnal pleasures are promoted. Fornication is being introduced under the guise of freedom and "sex education," and pornography has become widely available. The entire world industry is aimed at improving material comfort, and virtues such as love, honor, patriotism, loyalty are declared anachronisms. Small doses of drugs are added to "baby" drinks such as Coca-Cola.

At the same time, a situation of uncertainty is constantly maintained in the world, people are kept in confusion and fear of the future. For some, this is material instability, for others, various rumors are launched about “doomsday”, “problem 2000”, imaginary epidemics and so on.

The activities of the sciences generated by the world government are also aimed at manipulating people and their enslavement - first of all, it is economics and psychology (the latter inspires people that what was considered to be vices and sins throughout history, in fact, are natural needs).

People are made as manageable as possible: material wealth is a convenient tool of pressure. He deprived the person of the comfort to which he was accustomed - and he is already ready for much to return everything as it was.

"… We should not underestimate the impact on the collective psyche of fear and the desire of people to receive from the authorities" protection "from this fear."

In the aftermath of 9/11, the surveillance scale was dramatically increased in order to “protect” (control) people. While walking around the city, video cameras will take turns watching you. Go to the store and you will see the same thing, just like in airports, train stations and even, as I recently became convinced, in some taxis. A taxi ride under the supervision of a recording camera vividly shows where we are, no matter where we are going. If you have a mobile phone, your location can be determined to within a few feet, and the same can be done using microchips in cars. Your credit card records every purchase and the place where you made it; and the existence of interconnected databases means that any government agency, and many others outside of government,can learn everything about your life, down to intimate details."

An example of mass manipulation of consciousness can be called the September 11 catastrophe in New York mentioned in the quote. It was made according to the scheme called "problem-reaction-solution" by David Icke, and its ultimate goal was the war in Iraq to seize control over the world's oil reserves (and, perhaps, some ancient knowledge - it is no coincidence that ancient Babylon was located on the territory of modern Iraq) … The problem was artificially created: buildings were blown up (nowadays few people believe that the authors of the terrorist attack were Arab suicide bombers). It was followed by a reaction - the country was stirred up by a wave of popular hatred towards the Muslim world. As a result, a decision was made (with the active support of the American people!) - the war in Iraq.

However, this scheme was worked out during the time of the Crusades …

What's next?

True art, glorifying beauty and awakening their best qualities in people, is now declared a relic of the past, and it has been replaced by modernism since the beginning of the last century - an ugly distortion of the natural, and then the so-called pop culture, at the lowest level that promotes all the same carnal needs of the body.

The popular term "tolerance", which is intended to express tolerance for other beliefs, in fact, was a definition for the infringement of the rights of people with undistorted morality: that is, you can arrange gay pride parades, but if someone tried to publicly speak out in defense of normal, heterosexual, relationship, he would be immediately accused of offending sexual minorities.

People are being brainwashed with the help of everything: television and print publications, food and various psycho-trainings, sects and network marketing.

To establish the total power of the secret government, complete globalization is required - the creation of a single army, a single economic system, a single religion (by the way, according to Christian prophecies, this “single church” will be headed by the Antichrist, which will be the Apocalypse, and not the planet Nibiru or the “greenhouse effect ). And big steps have already been taken in this direction. This is the creation of the EU, and the common European currency, the euro, and numerous attempts to unite religions (by the way, Mikhail Gorbachev did a lot in this direction in his time).

In addition, all people must be under the watchful eye of the system. To do this, the TIN (individual tax number), electronic passports, bank credit cards were introduced, and in the near future - the implantation of microchips ("RFID-chips") under the skin of the hand or forehead ("… an inscription will be put on their right hand or on their and that no one will be allowed to buy or sell, except for the one who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name … "Revelation of John the Theologian, chapter 13, verses 16-18).

Hayk in his lectures "Going Beyond" and "The Road to Freedom" says that health care is also at the service of a secret government obsessed with reptilian entities. It diligently pursues alternative types of medicine (folk, oriental, etc.), covering the whole world and leaving people no choice. By the way, the emblem of medicine is very curious - a snake (reptile!) Wrapping around a cup, and the cup, as you know, is a symbol of grief, death and sacrifice (it is not for nothing that the cup symbol is often used in gravestones and memorials). Somehow you don't want to trust your life and health to an organization with such an emblem, right?

One involuntarily recalls the famous Doctrine of Alan Dulles, director of the CIA, drawn up back in 1945 (by the way, it is very indicative - recently a rumor has been launched that this is a fake). It was a plan for the moral collapse of Russia, now applied to the rest of the world:

“We will throw everything we have, all the gold, all material power and resources, to fool and fool people.

The human brain, the consciousness of people are capable of change. Having sowed chaos in Russia, we will imperceptibly replace their values with false ones and make them believe in these false values … We will find our like-minded people, our assistants and allies in Russia itself. Episode after episode, the tragedy of the death of the most recalcitrant people on earth, the final irreversible extinction of their self-consciousness, will be played out, grandiose in scale …

From literature and art, we, for example, will gradually erase their social essence, alienate artists, discourage them from engaging in depicting, investigating (researching), perhaps, those processes that are taking place in the depths of the masses.

Literature, theaters, cinema, the press - everything will depict and glorify the most base human feelings, we will in every possible way support and raise the so-called artists who will plant and hammer into the human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in short, all immorality.

In government, we will create chaos and confusion, imperceptibly, but actively and constantly we will promote the tyranny of officials, bribe-takers, unscrupulousness, bureaucracy and red tape we will elevate to virtue. We will ridicule honesty and decency - they will not be needed by anyone, they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shameless betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples, above all enmity and hatred of the Russian people - we will deftly and imperceptibly cultivate all this, all this will bloom in double color …

And only a few, very few will guess or even understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turn them into a laughing stock, find a way to slander them and declare them the waste of society …

We will shake, in this way, generation after generation … We will fight for people from childhood, adolescence, we will always place our main stake on young people, we will corrupt, corrupt, corrupt them."

Indeed, people, cultures, peoples who now dare to go against the system, who know how to see the truth and do not lend themselves to being brainwashed, are now ridiculed, entangled in a web of lies and slander.

What to do?

David Icke, John Coleman, and other authors also write about a lot, they do not have only one thing - ways to resist everything described above (which is why their books are published). And here we already need to argue with you, to look for a way out ourselves.

What is the group of people claiming to be the world government afraid of, what are the entities that govern them afraid of? And they are afraid that they will not be able to retain their power over us, that they will not be able to instill in people fear and dependence on material wealth. That is why, having made a coup in Russia in 1917, these people (Freemasons, Illumitans, the "Committee of 300" - call them what you want), first of all destroyed the Orthodox Church. They did the same with all other religions, declaring them "obscurantism", "prison for the soul", "relic of the past."

On August 15, 1871, at the Charleston headquarters of Freemasonry, at the "Supreme Council of the World" of the "Eleven Greatest Lamps" led by the "Patriarch", on the basis of the Masonic "revelation" - the book "Upward" - a deliberate, documented plan of religions: Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. (It is significant that of these six religions, only the Orthodox faith, subject to its correct confession, was deemed unsuitable for imperceptible "processing" into Luciferianism).

Instead of religions, people are offered pseudo-spiritual teachings and sects that promote the same bodily pleasures, but in a more veiled form. Such teachings promise different things to people: wealth, peace of mind, bodily health, the solution of some life problems, but nowhere is it said about the salvation of the soul, or about compassion, or about love for God.

Psychology has become another substitution of religion, and, in particular, such concepts that exist in all religions as sin and repentance, and now so popular visits to psychoanalysts have become a parody of Christian confession.

The religions themselves are now trying to substitute numerous sects or paraphernalia (decorations in the form of religious symbols - crosses, crescents, yin-yang signs, etc.), making people forget that true faith is not in a bright wrapper, but in the heart.

Sincerely, a believer with all his soul, a spiritual person is not subject to fear, and therefore cannot be manipulated. In addition, spirituality gives people a moral core; such people do not succumb to the propaganda of perverted values.

So, the main ways of dealing with the impending Apocalypse are our faith, this is the ability to distinguish the present from what they are trying to impose on us and, most importantly, is the ability to look at the world with OWN eyes. And then we will not be afraid of anything.