Hathors - The Civilization Of Venus - Alternative View

Hathors - The Civilization Of Venus - Alternative View
Hathors - The Civilization Of Venus - Alternative View

Video: Hathors - The Civilization Of Venus - Alternative View

Video: Hathors - The Civilization Of Venus - Alternative View
Video: Temple of Hathor & The Keepers of the Pleiadian Kundalini Codes 2024, September

The civilization inhabiting Venus is the most developed in our Solar System and is at the level of the fourth dimension. The energy of Sound, practically not studied and not mastered by earthlings, is one of the main types of energy used in the Hathor Civilization. They worked with the Egyptians for a long time. One of the NASA spacecraft in 1985 discovered on Venus a complex of structures exactly replicating the Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx.

Life on Planet Venus exists on the Ethereal Plane - magical cities, emerald parks, silver rivers and lilac seas, huge buildings in the form of cylinders, balls, cones and tori are connected by bridges and tubes, like a web of cobwebs. Some elliptical houses float above the city like giant balloons.

High-speed elevators with people and food glide to them on transparent tubes. Some pentahedral pyramids are crowned with onion domes. In terms of transportation, the Hathors use air vehicles to transport between one and forty residents. The city glows, shimmers with all 144 colors of the rainbow. Ships and vessels on Venus exist in the most fantastic shapes and configurations, or rather, they are not ships, but the floating houses of the inhabitants of Venus.

Description of Venusians: Eight intelligent civilizations, several races, flourish on Venus. The most advanced of these is the Hathors. Outwardly, the ethereal inhabitants of Venus from the Hathor race are similar to earthlings, only much taller: their height is 5-6 meters for men, women are slightly shorter, 4-5 meters tall. The Hathors are amazingly beautiful in soul and body, there are no deformities among them, they all have the bodies of gods and goddesses, they have angelic beauty, radiating virtue and love, communication is carried out through telepathy.

Particularly prominent among the Hathors are large blue eyes, which are much larger and more expressive than those of earthlings. In addition, there is another significant difference - these are ears. The Hathors' ears are a much finer and more important organ than ours. Outwardly, the ears are large and vaguely resemble the spread fins of fish. The fact is that in the world of the Hathors, sound plays an important role, hence their developed ears, which pick up a much wider range of sound vibrations.

They also have a highly developed sound-producing system of the larynx. With sound (mantra), they build houses, carry heavy things, heal diseases, control vehicles (especially aircraft). The Hathors can chant and chant a mantra continuously for 1.5-2 hours. At the same time, they do not need to take breaks for inhalation, because the Hathors inhale at the same time they make sounds.

Music is widely developed on Venus. On Venus, music is one of the techniques for developing the soul. The population of the Hathors is replenished by the Souls who have completed the course of study on our Planet Earth.

Venus is densely populated, as the average Hathor has a lifespan of 25,000 years. Venusians never show signs of aging and malaise, they do not turn gray, do not wrinkle or get tired. In addition, they can easily change their appearance. As such, the Hathor concept of death does not exist. When Hathor reaches the age of 25 thousand years, he simply takes his body with him and passes with it into the fifth dimension, flies with it to any astral Planet of his choice, but most often to the Sirius system. Of course, there are those among the Venusians who do not have time to complete all the lessons of the Planet in the allotted 25 thousand years.

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Such people of Venus "heal" in one body for more than this period. The "oldies" are looked at with compassion and compassion, similar to the way one looks at the sick or disabled of the mind on Earth. However, no one forcibly urges on or “pulls up” the "oldies" - freedom of choice is valued here above all. But more often the Hathors "leave" Venus earlier or choose an interesting and difficult mission - for example, incarnation among the Kumars on Earth.

Children are the most valuable to the Hathors. They are born in about the same way as on Earth, only much more attention and care is paid to their upbringing. Each child stays in a public school from 5 to 25 years old, receiving basic spiritual knowledge, which, as they grow up, they begin to put into practice.

The land of the Hathors is governed by the Council of Light of Venus. It includes 13 prominent priests - 6 men and 6 women. The thirteenth, permanent member of the Council is the High Priest. In case of equality of votes, He makes the final decision. According to the Law, staff rotation in the Council takes place on a regular basis. New candidates for the Council are selected according to their level of spiritual progress, inner qualities, wisdom and knowledge. The final decision rests with the High Priest. In fact, the democratic system of policies of Ancient Greece is a pale tracing of the electoral system of Venus, and it was brought to Earth by the Kumars.

By the way, Venus is a kind of space portal, reception, "purgatory" of the Solar System, and everyone who comes here from other civilizations, worlds and dimensions must pass through this Planet. This is the way it should be according to the laws of the Cosmos and our Universe.

They are also called Venusians. Almost 0.5% of the current population of the Earth are descendants of those who "entered" from Venus. Although these creatures come from the solar system, many are space travelers who only occasionally incarnate on Venus or Earth. Venus is the planet of a special initiation introduced by the Confederation to prepare souls for higher spiritual truths when they are between earthly incarnations.

Many Souls often travel to Venus between incarnations. Venus is a sixth density world, a world of incredible beauty and artistic achievement. Due to the high vibration, it is invisible to the eye of third and fourth density. Venus is considered the planet of love, named after the goddess of great beauty.

Imagine the most beautiful sunset. Imagine living in a world where the sky always shines with bliss. The colors of yellow, gold, orange, pink and red dazzle the eye. The majestic temples spiral into the sky. The vast gardens are teeming with exotic plant life. Everywhere flows radiant streams of liquid light that feeds all life forms.

Glittering crystal palaces and golden temples await initiates who come to study the secrets of the universe. These images are remembered by few, on Earth they can be seen only on the canvases of artists who are seeing. And everywhere music sounds, coming from a place above time and space, a place long forgotten by Souls tied to the Earth, a place where love reigns. It permeates everything, permanently eliminating division.


Venus is the center of training of gods and goddesses and the apotheosis of life in this solar system.

Venus is a staging area for creatures from across the galaxy. Here they are initiated into spiritual teachings; and many earthly Souls chose Venus as their first life after Ascension. Until you develop into fifth density, you cannot directly see this paradise. For third density, Venus is a hot, poisonous emaciated earth, and this discourages those who would try to take the shortcut to Heaven.

The key to Venus is love. And it is love that will take you there. Many Venusians (in terrestrial bodies) gaze for a long time at the brightest star in the evening or morning sky and wonder where these strange feelings come from. Perhaps you have a long-lost love on Venus.

As you may have guessed, Venusians are tall, slender, feminine, and godlike creatures. They have shiny golden hair and a slender build. They have learned to materialize in third density using holographic projection and have done so many times. They often incarnate or "enter". Their ship is shaped like a metallic plate, although ships can appear in different colors of the rainbow. They know how to travel in time, and many of them came here from the future.

Venusians appeared many times during the atomic bomb tests in the 1940s and 1950s, communicating with George Adamski, George Van Tessel and others. Although these people (now deceased) were heavily discredited by the "whistleblowers," they left behind a lot of documentation, photographs and white papers available if you know where to look.

Article author: ASMAR