The Worst Natural Disasters In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

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The Worst Natural Disasters In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View
The Worst Natural Disasters In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: The Worst Natural Disasters In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: The Worst Natural Disasters In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View
Video: Worst Natural Disasters in Human History 2024, September

The war takes away tens of thousands of human lives, but even the most bloody cannot compare with the elements: the planet does not spare us - and does not even pay attention to the number of victims suffered from cyclones, floods and other terrible disasters.

Which is worse - a tornado or a fire? What are the chances of surviving a volcanic eruption? And what about an avalanche? Unfortunately, the answer in both cases is minimal. We have collected 10 of the most terrible natural disasters in the entire history of mankind: apparently, nature begins to punish us for the imprudent destruction of the planet.

The eruption of the Mont Pele volcano. 1902 year

On May 8, 1902, the Mont Pele volcano, which had been peacefully dormant for decades, unexpectedly exploded. This catastrophe simply cannot be called an eruption: lava flows and pieces of rock literally destroyed the main port of Martinique, Saint-Pierre. As many as 36,000 people died in just a few minutes.


Flooding in China. 1931 year

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The beginning of the 31st year was a terrible test for the entire people of China. A series of terrible floods, which modern historians call the largest natural disaster in the history of mankind, claimed nearly 4 million lives.


Fire in Kursha-2. 1936 year

The summer of 1936 was very hot. A fire that started near the village was blown up by the wind. The fire moved towards the people. At night, a train approached the village, work began to save the logging. Already at the very end, when the danger was very high, the train moved away - the villagers were sitting on logs. When the train approached the canal, the wooden bridge was already on fire. A train loaded with logs took over from him. People were burning alive. About 1200 people died in one night.


Avalanche of Huascarana. 1970 year

An earthquake off the coast of Peru has destabilized the northern slope of the stately two-humped Huascaran Mountain. An avalanche of ice and rock rushed down at 180 miles per hour. The town of Jungau, located on the spur of Huascaran, has already encountered 80 million cubic meters of mud, ice and snow. None of the 25,000 inhabitants of the village survived.


Cyclone Bhola. 1970 year

This tropical cyclone is recognized as one of the deadliest natural disasters in the world today. The storm tide that hit the islands of the Ganges delta claimed the lives of half a million people. Once again, think about this number: 500,000 people died in just one day.


Storm in Iran. 1972 year

The terrible snow storm lasted for a whole week: the rural areas of Iran were completely covered with a three-meter layer of snow. Some villages were literally buried under avalanches. Subsequently, authorities counted as many as 4,000 dead.


Tanshan earthquake. 1976 year

This natural disaster took place in the Chinese city of Tangshan. At about four o'clock in the morning, at a depth of 22 kilometers, a strong earthquake happened. The city was destroyed to the ground, none of the 655,000 people survived.


Tornado in Daulatpur. 1989 year

A deadly tornado, the radius of which exceeded 1.5 kilometers, was noticed by observers on the morning of April 26. A little later, this giant struck Bangladesh. The power of the tornado was enough to easily lift entire houses into the air. People were literally torn apart: in just a day, about one and a half thousand people died, another 12 thousand were in the hospital.


European heat. 2003 year

The heat wave that broke out in the summer of 2003 claimed the lives of 70,000 people. According to the authorities, the local health care system was simply not designed for such an incredible burden. It is noteworthy that forecasters claim that a similar heat attack will recur approximately every thirteen years.


Tsunami in the Indian Ocean. 2004 year

An underwater earthquake on December 26, 2004 caused an incredible tsunami. The earthquake itself was recognized as the third highest in history in general. A tsunami with waves exceeding 15 meters hit the shores of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and killed more than 250,000 people.