Women's Revenge: How Is It Different From Men's? - Alternative View

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Women's Revenge: How Is It Different From Men's? - Alternative View
Women's Revenge: How Is It Different From Men's? - Alternative View

Video: Women's Revenge: How Is It Different From Men's? - Alternative View

Video: Women's Revenge: How Is It Different From Men's? - Alternative View
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American psychologists from Harvard University have found that women's revenge is fundamentally different from men's.

A man can destroy everything in his path at the moment of resentment and rage, without thinking about the consequences. In most cases, a representative of the strong half of humanity will be satisfied with the most banal physical trial: he can simply "clean up the face" of the offender and calm down on this. It's different for women.

The psychology of female revenge

Ladies approach revenge with invention and subtle calculation. It is unlikely that in the heat of a quarrel, a wife will smash antique vases or beat the sets presented for a wedding. She will choose cheaper and heavier items for inflicting injuries, or even just harbor resentment for the time being. A woman is capable of hatching insidious plans for months and even years and "stabbing in the back" at the most inopportune moment for her opponent. At the same time, revenge will be not only unexpected, but also sophisticated.

Psychologists explain this feature by a number of mental differences between fragile young ladies and strong men. The latter, thanks to their strength, are more confident in themselves. Men are not afraid to directly express everything they think about the abuser. They are internally ready for a collision and even a fight, so they prefer to understand right away.

Women are physically weaker and much more careful. They are not ready to "fight" openly, because they realize the vulnerability of their position. Much more acceptable option ladies consider "delayed" revenge. A woman usually chooses the moment when the abuser is most vulnerable, and inflicts a crushing blow on him morally, materially and physically.

Women are dangerous not only for their cunning, but also for their rancor. Do not think that the lady has forgotten the offense. The latter will live in it until the enemy's blood is shed. And the more this trend is supported by the cultural traditions of the country, the more sophisticated and cruel women's revenge becomes. Eastern ladies (Persia, Turkey, peoples of the Caucasus), brought up on the principles of honor and blood feud, are rightfully considered the most vindictive. But the Slavs are sometimes in no way inferior in this matter to their eastern sisters.

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Women's revenge in history

One of the most striking examples of the vengefulness of a Slavic woman is the well-known story of Princess Olga of Kiev. For the murder of her husband, the woman buried one delegation of the Drevlyans alive, and then burned the second. At the same time, Olga at first kindly received these people and even heated the bathhouse for them according to an old Russian custom. The visit of the Drevlyans ended with their martyrdom. So "hospitably" she met matchmakers from the tribe, who did not want to pay tribute and destroyed her beloved husband. Finally, the vengeful princess burned the whole city.

The Vietnamese Chung sisters, who lived in the 1st century, became famous for even more cruel revenge. Vietnam, then under the heel of imperial China, suffered greatly from the constant plunder of the conquerors. One of their victims was the daughters of the Vietnamese general Chung, whose names were Chuck and Ni. The husband of one of the sisters dared to openly oppose the Chinese, for which he was killed. His wife was raped.

The Chinese at that time treated women as inferior creatures. For the Vietnamese, ladies were respected members of society with a heightened sense of their own dignity. The insulted Chung united with her sister, gathered an 80-thousand-strong army and raised a bloody uprising. As a result, 36 Vietnamese provinces were cleared of the Chinese, and the Chung sisters declared themselves queens.

The Frenchwoman Jeanne de Clisson (nee de Belleville) also distinguished herself with legendary revenge even for the bloody XIV century. Her second husband, Olivier IV de Clisson, was a respected nobleman at the court of Philip VI and one of his military leaders. After Olivier shamefully surrendered the city of Vannes to the British, the French king ordered him to be executed. Jeanne immediately conceived a plan of revenge.

She bought 3 ships and founded a real pirate fleet. Her ships, painted black and crowned with scarlet sails, terrorized the French Royal Navy for many years. Jeanne settled in the English Channel and sank all the oncoming ships there. The bloodthirsty pirate ordered to cut out the entire crew and passengers. Only one crew member could return to earth to convey “fiery greetings” to the king from Jeanne. So thousands of innocent people paid for the death of one man.