There Is Someone Else On The Moon .. - Alternative View

There Is Someone Else On The Moon .. - Alternative View
There Is Someone Else On The Moon .. - Alternative View

Video: There Is Someone Else On The Moon .. - Alternative View

Video: There Is Someone Else On The Moon .. - Alternative View
Video: Hear Buzz Aldrin tell the story of the first Moon landing 2024, September

There is someone else on the moon, and the excessive activity of this someone frightens the governments of many countries …

Many mysterious phenomena recorded on the surface of the Earth's satellite suggest the incredible: the Moon is an artificially created space base.

In 1968, NASA (US Aerospace Agency) published a catalog of lunar anomalies containing 579 observations carried out over several

centuries. Back in the 18th century, astronomer William Herschel first drew the attention of scientists to the lights, lines and geometric shapes on the lunar surface. Since then, anomalous phenomena on its surface have been constantly observed.

Already in our time, for more than 10 years, systematically observing the Moon with an 800-fold telescope, the Japanese Yatsuo Mitsushima has repeatedly filmed the flights of dark objects over different parts of the Moon with a video camera. The materials he received are sensational: the diameter of objects is on average about 20 kilometers, and the speed of movement is about 200 kilometers per second …

In preparation for the landing of a man on the moon, a detailed study of its surface was carried out by photographing with the help of spacecraft.

NASA specialists have received more than 140 thousand photographs. Most of them are of excellent quality, and the optical resolution of the equipment made it possible to detect on the Moon something for which we were completely unprepared.

That is why the conversations of astronauts from the orbit of the moon were often so emotional. Many newspapers quoted Aldrin Houston as saying:

Promotional video:

"What is it? What the hell is it? I would like to know what is it? There are great objects here! Huge! Large spaceships. They stand behind the crater, on the opposite side."

This message in an open channel until the moment of switching to a coded one was never refuted by NASA.

George Leonard's book "There Is Someone Else On Our Moon" is dedicated to sensational discoveries on the Moon, which, after long censorship

procrastination was finally published and contained information previously unknown to the general public.

Analyzing the images transmitted by Ranger-7 after its safe landing near the crater and taken by astronauts from low orbit when flying around the Moon, the author, like NASA specialists, came to an unambiguous conclusion: there are numerous mechanisms and structures on the lunar surface.

According to J. Leonard, most of these huge mechanisms have been destroyed, but others are clearly still working. Some objects change their shape, disappear or reappear on the slopes or the bottom of a crater. Most activity is observed on the visible side of the moon.

So, in the area of the King crater, there is a large number of mechanical devices, named by the author "X-Drones", since they resemble the letter "X" in shape. These "excavators", a mile and a half in size, excavate the slopes of the crater, breaking off the rocky soil and throwing it into a jet to the surface.

J. Leonard believes that a pipeline about three miles long has been laid from the ridge of King Crater, the ends of which are covered with identical caps. Similar

the structures were discovered by the Japanese explorer Mitsui and are described in the book "Exploration of the Moon".

J. Leonard's book contains many impressive descriptions of various mechanisms that rise above the surface of the Moon and track the movement of the Sun.

“Seven miles from Bulliald, Ranger 7 took unique photographs. A large metal object, partly shaded, has a rounded shape with a cylinder and a turret on top. The cylinder shows holes at an equal distance from each other. Mist or steam comes out of the turret. Identification marks are being seen at the facilities."

Is lunar technological activity related to UFOs? An analysis of NASA photographs and some statements by astronauts give an affirmative answer to this question.

J. Leonard quotes astronaut Gordon (Apollo 15): “When we passed 30-40 feet, a mass of objects flew nearby - so white and sparkling, they obviously had an engine”.

American astronauts had code words for Houston in case they found something unusual on or near the Moon, for example: "Anibel" means a sparkling fire on or near the Moon, "Barbara" - a structure, "Saint Nicholas" - UFO …

Anibel was observed by astronauts in the Sea of Crises. Two and three-storey rectangular structures were also discovered here, with the upper floor being a similar rectangle, but smaller. Occasionally, at the base of the lower rectangle, large round holes could be seen, arranged in a row at the same distance from each other.

At the bottom of the Copernicus crater there is a structure in the form of a triangle placed on the base. On its lateral surface, you can distinguish signs that resemble numbers and geometric shapes. As for the signs, judging by the photographs, on the surface of the Moon, signs can be found glowing (possibly in the reflected light of the Sun), for example, in the form of blue crosses, installed vertically in the ground.

Usually one and the same sign is installed in those places where mechanisms are located, united by some one technological function. So, near the craters in which the "X-Drones" work, blue crosses are installed. Arrow signs are visible elsewhere.

J. Leonard believes that King's crater and its surroundings can be something like a base of another civilization, since it is there that platforms are located, rising above the surface by 0.5 miles. Many are 6 to 10 miles across. It is difficult for us on Earth to imagine structures of this size.

It is impossible not to mention the very controversial assumption of J. Leonard: “Large areas of the surface are covered with remnants of something that resembles a camouflage mesh of cables intersecting at right angles. Maybe the surface of the moon was once disguised with dust, pebbles, rubble and artificial craters to resemble an ordinary planet? Now we see the remnants of disguise after the cataclysm on the moon."

It is the cataclysm that the researcher explains such a large destruction of mechanisms, pipelines and structures. This is largely supported by NASA photographs. Systems of pipes have been discovered, laid on the surface and descending the slope of the crater to go deep into the moon. However, many pipelines have been destroyed.

What is the opinion of the official US science about the sensational discoveries on the moon?

Here is what J. Leonard writes about this: “The US Academy is an advisor to the government and dissects information in its interests. She collects facts, but is very weak in analysis and revolutionary hypotheses."

The main conclusions of J. Leonard are as follows. The essence of the activity of aliens on the Moon is the extraction of the necessary elements from the rocks of the lunar crust. The moon once underwent a fantastic catastrophe and was sent here for a lengthy recovery process.

Structures, mechanisms and, probably, systems under the lunar surface are being restored. However, it becomes increasingly difficult for aliens to hide their activities after probing the Moon and landing people on its surface.

In August 1995, the International Program for the global observation of anomalous phenomena on the Moon was announced. Observatories from many countries, including the United States, took part in the implementation of the program, using the unique Hubble telescope operating in the orbit of the Earth satellite.

Nobel laureate Francis Crick, who discovered the DNA code, said in an interview with the Italian magazine Espresso:

“It is possible that“they”wanted to turn the Earth into something like a reservation or a natural intergalactic park, where living species that did not reach perfection in the process of evolution and remained much behind others, but can still be useful as reserves genes or just as natural attractions."

The English ufologist A. Shatolwood expressed himself more definitely in his book "Flying Saucers": "I think that they gave rise to the life cycle, and then told us:" Go and multiply. " And they left, according to the Bible, "like angels in chariots of fire." It was safe for them to visit us openly in biblical times, but as we progressed and became warlike, they began to keep their distance and observe us from afar, continuing to show great interest in our affairs, often interfering with them at will. " …

We can only guess how far this intervention has gone and what their ultimate goals are …